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Everything posted by Heberth

  1. Version Beta 1.2


    This is a "What-if" Chinese stealth jet, based on some images found at internet. it was supposed to be extremely Agile, have super-cruise and be stealth enough to face the Raptor. (Note: If you are going to use this in WOx series, or SF2 series under patch Jan 2011, use the .lod's. and ini's in the folder: "to work on Wox games") PS: any bug, PM me. And thanks to JonathanRL, who found the bug. Thank you so much! ---------------------------------------------This file is a Beta! it's nof finished yet--------------------------------------------------- Enjoy!!!!!!!
  2. View File [Fictional] Chengdu J-14 Stealth Fighter This is a "What-if" Chinese stealth jet, based on some images found at internet. it was supposed to be extremely Agile, have super-cruise and be stealth enough to face the Raptor. (Note: If you are going to use this in WOx series, or SF2 series under patch Jan 2011, use the .lod's. and ini's in the folder: "to work on Wox games") PS: any bug, PM me. And thanks to JonathanRL, who found the bug. Thank you so much! ---------------------------------------------This file is a Beta! it's nof finished yet--------------------------------------------------- Enjoy!!!!!!! Submitter Heberth Submitted 02/29/2012 Category What If Hangar  
  3. Hello. It's been a while huh... sorry for not finishing this one. It's a gorgeous aircraft, and for a long time i thought that i had lost the files... until i opened a few old folders on a dark corner of my Dropbox and, surprise! ooks like i did uploaded them! For those who want to continue from where i left, here's the max file, probably full of rookie mistakes and missing textures. I can look for those files later, PM me or reply here and i'll try to get them. Thank you https://www.dropbox.com/s/j99ae82aclz07n6/F-22 WIP 48-1.max?dl=0
  4. Mirage IIIBE

  5. Mirage M5CODM

  6. SF2_F-22A_New_Avionics_10

  7. F-5E Early Versions Pack

  8. SF Su-51

  9. Mirage F-1C_73

  10. Mirage F-1C_RWR

  11. Mirage F1C-200

  12. F-4EJ skin pack

  13. Kaw Yak-9P

  14. Vulcan B2


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