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Crawford last won the day on December 31 2019

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About Crawford

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    Ukraine 🇺🇦

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  1. Su-24 Ukrainian digital skin

    Identification marks are not true. For unknown reasons, you depicted roundels on the tail instead of "tridents".
  2. Skin for Airco DH-4s

    Really cool "dirty" skin. Thanks.
  3. FW-190D

  4. TA-50 (SU-57)

    Oh, those Russians.
  5. Skinpack for Sopwith Sop1A2 stock aircraft

    Fine work
  6. Don't pull my leg. Everything can be. I have my own "Knowledge Base", consisting of text files under names recognizable to me, and usually the authors of the saved quotes are not indicated there. Sometimes these files come in handy as answers to "frequently asked questions" Anyway, all credit to you, of course. I don’t need other people’s laurels, because my own laurels will last me for the rest of my life. So you took offense anyway?
  7. Hi Chugster, have now double-checked the Options.ini file that resides in the main user directory for SF2 and there are two entries, at the bottom - that are maybe worth tinkering with so that they point to another drive. Default values there are: [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=C:\Users\Yourusername\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Editors=StrikeFighters2 [ScreenShots] Directory=C:\Users\Yourusername\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\ScreenShots Format=JPG Might be worth setting the directory for those two entries from "C:\" to "D:\," or really any drive that you commonly use. Then save the Options.ini file - and have the user directory "StrikeFighters2" folder in the correct directory/path. Load up SF2 to test, and if all of your mods./aircraft are visible in the in-sim. menu, this indicates that the new drive path works.
  8. FW-190F

    It's very very nice aircraft ! Thank you torno !
  9. Well, I do not know ... I have this glitch manifests itself, even when the shadow settings are set to Unlimited. Perhaps the problem in my ancient system? ... if this nuisance exists only with me, it does not matter. It's time to update the video card. In general, I apologize for a false alarm. P.S. Once again, sorry for the annoying misunderstanding! This is entirely my oversight, even the system has nothing to do with it. The fact is that when I played with the skin, adding stickers, I needed to start the game quickly. Therefore, I tested a Bayraktar in FE2. This module loads much faster. But the FE2 engine is somewhat weaker than the SF2 series, which has more recent updates. I just forgot about it. Now that I've placed the Bayraktar in SF2 everything works great and there are no shadow issues.
  10. Another good shots, which shows that stencils (obviously, stickers) on the aileron really have, as well as on tail rudders. The factory shield on the ending of the wing is also visible.
  11. Turkish Bayraktar TB2 UCAV

    The detail is amazing! If I'm not mistaken, this is the first aircraft made by GKABS (before that, he made ground equipment and anti-aircraft). And this first experience turned out to be very high.
  12. This picture shows that warning stencils are also on the rudders, fuselage (left side) and wings. Presumably - on the ailerons. It can be seen that identification marks are also used on the wings.
  13. I'm looking forward to it. If this helps to speed up the development of the Bayraktar update, I will add that in the existing download the files GK-BAYRAKTAR-TB2.LOD and GK-BAYRAKTAR-TB2_LOD2.LOD are the same (in theory, _LOD2 should weigh less) In the folder with the drone there are two different TGAs for the propeller (TB_SlowPropSpin and TB2_FastPropSpin ), but the LOD uses only one .
  14. From a different angle National insignia on the fin The shape of the shield in its lower part is different from the State Emblem, but on many aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force the State Emblem is depicted. This is Ukraine, baby
  15. Well, I downloaded this drone and tried it in the game. What can I say? This is truly a fantastic model! Thank you GCABS for a great job! But, of course, there are small differences from the prototype. As you can see, there are a little more stencils on the skin (alas, I don’t know what is written there, but at this scale it is permissible to simply imitate). And in the Ukrainian version, the upper red stencil on the beams in Ukrainian: And in the Ukrainian version, the upper red stencil on the beams in Ukrainian: НЕБЕЗПЕЧНО ПРОПЕЛЕР DANGER PROPELLER Interestingly, there are Bayraktars with a three-bladed propeller.

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