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  1. I have a bit more information somewhere, I think based on U.S. tests, but might take awhile to find it. From memory, I think the type had lots of trans sonic issues but as Gepard mentioned, could be very good in the subsonic area with probably 7+ sustained G capability at combat weights. Pakistan seemed very pleased with their Chinese versions. This is one of the ThirdWire FM's I would like to take a closer look at but don't have enough info to do anything with it at this point.
  2. 7 was a good one. Windows 10 has been a mixed bag for me. I've been quite successful getting some old games to run but Microsoft has been very annoying trying to flog their products and the Dell G5 rig I bought is a bit of a shit box. Check some YouTube reviews! Fortunately, after removing some bloatware the performance has improved considerably.
  3. Here's a link to an F-16 mod that "somewhat" models the automatic G-Limiter on the F-16. It just dumps lift at a bit over 9G's so you can piss away all your speed if you're on the limiter for too long. https://combatace.com/forums/topic/94348-sf2-f-16a/?tab=comments#comment-763194
  4. ...........toes......knees......nose......in my day.
  5. ....................and check Gepards tutorial in the Knowledge Base.
  6. My new computer has an integrated sound card, as did the previous. The first computer I ran SF on I bought the cheap sound card that fixed the SF com stutter. It is a very annoying problem but, like I said, no obvious fix that I'm aware of. It might be game related or maybe just an odd bottleneck on some computers.
  7. I have had this problem off and on over the years so you're not the only one. Unfortunately, I don't know the cause but have fixed it in the past using different approaches. A dedicated but cheap sound card worked once for me. Another time I think a ram increase helped if I remember correctly. With my latest computer, only one year old, the curse returned. [ When Red Crown talks, the whole world stops. What a Princess!] This time around I had to install SF2 on the SSD instead of the standard drive. I should have got a much larger SSD but it's only big enough for the OS and a few smaller games.
  8. I have the same issue with those cranes as well. They appear in the "TARGET" editor but not in game and I don't have a clue why.
  9. The timed fuse flak is more or less useless in it's stock form. If you placed 1000 flak guns around Berlin or where ever it might be useful but that's not really practical so about the only option is to use an unrealistic warhead weight, as demonstrated. That's the approach used in the SF-2V expansion. At one time there was a way to increase the flak effectiveness my networking the guns and it did work for me in SF-1 but doesn't seem to help much, if at all, in SF-2.
  10. Here's an updated landing gear section for the TU-160. I got the main gear oleo's working in the proper direction and also got the main wheels rotating as well as some other edit's. Don't forget, this plane was posted as a beta/wip so you will probably find all kinds of issues and the FM is VERY undeveloped. // Landing Gears --------------------------------------------------------- [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=10.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=2.5 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=gear_frnt ShockNodeName=Front_Shock ShockTravelAxis=Z-AXIS ShockStroke=0.6 SpringFactor=4.5 DampingFactor=4.0 WheelNodeName=tire_front RotationAxis=X-Axis ReverseWheelRotation=FALSE RollingRadius=0.425 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=Castor_Front Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=50.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.01 MaxDeploySpeed=129.48 [LeftMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=13.0 DragArea=5.0 AnimationID=1 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=Gear_left ShockNodeName=shock_l ShockTravelAxis=Y-AXIS ShockStroke=0.8 SpringFactor=7.5 DampingFactor=6.0 WheelNodeName001=Wheel_L1 WheelNodeName002=Wheel_L2 WheelNodeName003=Wheel_L3 WheelNodeName004=Wheel_L4 RotationAxis=X-Axis RollingRadius=0.608 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.01 MaxDeploySpeed=129.48 [RightMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=13.0 DragArea=5.0 AnimationID=1 HideGearNode=FALSE ModelNodeName=Gear_Right ShockNodeName=Shock_r ShockTravelAxis=Y-AXIS ShockStroke=0.8 SpringFactor=7.5 DampingFactor=6.0 WheelNodeName001=Wheel_R1 WheelNodeName002=Wheel_R2 WheelNodeName003=Wheel_R3 WheelNodeName004=Wheel_R4 RotationAxis=X-Axis RollingRadius=0.608 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.01 MaxDeploySpeed=129.48
  11. I think I understand. Crawford, you noticed the issue when checking over the TU-160 in Mue's Lod viewer, correct? All 3 gear shocks are set on Animation ID-7 but as you noticed, the nose shock travel is incorrect. The TU-160 in game doesn't have that problem because the animation ID-7 is not being used. The shocks are set independently using the node name and travel axis approach. After some testing "in game" I noticed issues with the main gear shock travel axis so will try and fix that by adjusting the ShockTravelAxis=XXX. Will pass along the changes.
  12. Posted on the Tu-160 download thread as well. Getting proper up/down motion on my version, beta 0.91 [NoseGear] ShockNodeName=Front_Shock ShockTravelAxis=Z-AXIS
  13. That's odd. It works fine on my old beta test version. Do you have these nose gear entries with this version? [NoseGear] ShockNodeName=Front_Shock ShockTravelAxis=Z-AXIS
  14. There is a "game issue" regarding the take off behavior. I've concluded there is an invisible vertical waypoint that the AI aircraft target after take off. This causes the steep low speed AI climb outs you see after take off. Also, there are things going on with the aircraft weight when under AI / autopilot control. If IIRC, the weight of the external loadout is ignored. Having said that, there could be an FM issue as well. What airplane are you having issues with?

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