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Since the Exp Pack 2

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Props are doing this...... been trying to fix it for hours, any ideas on what to do to solve it?


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Have you tried using prop TGA files from stock aircraft (assuming they are still working) ? If that doesn't fix it, I would bet a change in the 3d model is necessary. I know others have found this problem and were working on it, too. Don't know what their final results are.

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This was briefly discussed over on the ThirdWire forums. I believe the problem has to do with the prop TGAs not being "double-sided." No idea what the solution would be other than to make new prop TGAs.


Eric Howes

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Well this sucks, because those nice A-26's for the Korean mod are affected by this.

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an it ain't just the Invaders....


our Skyraiders and Corsair's too


oddly, Russo's Jug is working fine! On the player aircraft; my wingman seems to have an "issue"


Hopefuly,we can figure this out ... or there goes all the WW2 mods right in the s**tter....



kevin stein


ps: oh, and did I also mention, all the smokestack effects no longer work too.

Edited by Wrench

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I'm starting to thing the Ex Pack 2 may not be worth it with the effect it seems to have on some of the add on aircraft/effects :(

Edited by dtmdragon

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I'm starting to thing the Ex Pack 2 may not be worth it with the effect it seems to have on some of the add on aircraft/effects :(




But seriously, it'll all get upgraded to the new standards in no time (well, maybe "two weeks"). This happens every time there's a major update (or any update) and it's all gravy once all the mods are brought up to date. If not, we'd all still be play and modding at the pre '06 SFP1 level!

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Exactly right.


Considering that TK himself has said as of right now, there will be no mission editor other than what was provided for Exp 2, unless you want to get left behind...


Besides, for the KAW mod, all the prop driven aircraft so far in development still have MAX files available, so fixing them to bring them up to Exp 2 standard isn't hard.



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There's new file aircraftshaders.ini in ObjectData001.cat. Currently listing one shader for canopy, try applying the same shader to PROPDISC.TGA

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I'm starting to thing the Ex Pack 2 may not be worth it with the effect it seems to have on some of the add on aircraft/effects :(


Between TK and the boffins here it will all get sorted.


Out of the box Expansion Pack 2 is outstanding!

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Don´t know what you guys have.

It is sad, that the Props are going crazy after Exp. 2.

But hey, everybody knows that those things can happen with your

mods after a patch.

I´m pretty sure that there will be a easy fix for this!

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Ok spent a while on this .... some aircraft seem ok, other not so.


Below is the same AD-3 as above, but with a different prop tga, renamed to replace the original (although it too, needs a new slow prop node, as when the engine is shut down -control/I- the prop stops as a blurred disc)


NOTE === This will NOT fix every aircraft with the problem (like the new Invader)


extract ObjectData014, and copy/paste the 2 P-51 prop tgas into the various and sundry skin folders. Those 2 are:





backup the orignal prop tgas by reanaming them something easy remember (ori-name.tga, or xname.tga).


RENAME the P-51 prop tgas to match; ie: PropDisc, PropDisc01, etc. Go in game and test -- each one!


REMEMBER!! for multiple skined aircraft, you must put the new tgas into EVERY skin folder (and the canopy tga, if used, also)


A great number of these older birds will most likely need some data ini tweeking (TMF Corsairs, Pasko's Yaks fer example and so forth) to perhaps adjust the prop speed statements. YOu should not be able to count/see the blades when the engine is running!!!


A great deal MORE testing will be required to rectifiy this issue



kevin stein

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Huum.... so did this have something to do with the TGA channels? Maybe opening the stock Mustang TGAs and see if something is different maybe will help us to find the solution. Or, as Stary wrote maybe seen where to apply the new shader to affect transparent meshes.


Just my 2 cents as I still don't have the expansion but planning to upgrade soon.



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the C-160D Transal works fine as well as the Razbam bird´s




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Turning your Shadows to low seems to fix it, of course you loose most of your Shadows then...

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(...)Or, as Stary wrote maybe seen where to apply the new shader to affect transparent meshes (...)



aircraftshaders.ini in ObjectData001.cat, is listing one shader for canopy:





try adding entry for propdisc.tga and propdisc1.tga with the same shader as for canopy:







I'm at work so can't verify this, but I think there were some similar issues with canopies in the past (after WOI release? mostly regarding shadows)

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Well at least we know its just a tweak of something since some work and some don't.

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CP wrote on the 3W board:


It seems that the expansion pack has changed how it handles the prop texture tga's.


In the past we have set the material in 3DS Max with the prop texture map opacity set at 98 per the original exporter document.

It now requieres a much lower level, something like 75.


You can have the same effect by reducing the tga opacity level (which is now 100 with our tga's) to 75


Both methods have been tested with our T-28C Gen 2 package.


Of course the tga transparency is much easier to implement and does not require a new LOD



Now, the only question I have, is how to do that without creating a new alpha channel???



kevin stein

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CP wrote on the 3W board:




Now, the only question I have, is how to do that without creating a new alpha channel???



kevin stein


I can do that with PS7 and not mess with the alpha channel at all. Remember the unpatched version of that automatically makes the alpha channel for you. Just reduce the opacity and hit save. Ill try it to night.

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Great! I'd start with TMF's Corsairs (and your Invader!)


Aircraft that aren't showing this issue:




Pasko's Yaks 3/3RD/9 to a much lesser degree ... they're still round, but very dark when viewed from the back/front, and the prop tga seems concave/convex .. like 2 parenthessis back to back --> ()

Buny's old AT-6s


Haven't tested any ww2 DAT birds or Wolf257s stuff at all in SF2


The old props, even those that work are showing a VERY heavy shadow ... maybe tweeking that ini as well?? And where does one put the AIRCRAFTSHADERS.INI? Root of Objects?? (although, fixed tgas will probabloy take care of it)



kevin stein

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Still think it might need an LOD fix. So far testing isnt going well.

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I haven't installed the expansion pack yet, does this issue come up on my C-130's, C-123's and PC-9/T-6?


I only ask because with refernce to what CP wrote on the Thirdwire board, I always use a transparency of 10% in 3dsmax when I make my models.



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maybe tweeking that ini as well?? And where does one put the AIRCRAFTSHADERS.INI? Root of Objects?? (although, fixed tgas will probabloy take care of it)


Root of Objects,


I tried also disabling terrainshadereffect.fx from terrain_data.ini, because in my case the effect seems to show only in the particular clipping range of terrain mesh when viewed on high altitude, but it still is there from time to time

(tested on your Korea3 with A-26B-a)


notice how the full square of tga shows at particular range of background terrain aswell as close range Intruder mesh -is it somehow related with scene clipping?



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As a side note, does anyone else notice that the TGA/mesh combo is casting a shadow on the "unfixed" props? I wonder if this change was made so that the canopy would cast a shadow. I would like to know more about the changes that were made and if they are something that will be "fixed" or left alone. I'd hate to rework my mods to take advantage of this only to find out that TK reverts back.


Like Dels, I don't plan on installing Exp2 right away. I wonder if the O-1 prop is broken????

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IL-10 starts fine but goes square when action gets heavy, ie in flak or over enemy tanks. gonna try the P-51 fix on it and Tempests/Typhoon after dinner

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