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    August Calendar Is Available
    By Dave,
    Got a special treat for you. We've got an exclusive pic from our own, Jeff "ST0RM" Stoermer. So enjoy it for the rest of the month, as we've got more to come.    

    Site Logo Contest
    By Fates,
    We at CombatAce.com are looking for a logo design to brand the website. The logo must be flexible enough to be made into CombatACE or CombatACE.com. Size and Color are up to the designer. Any background used in the logo should be interchangable to a different theme, ie. Naval Sims, Flight Sims, Tactical Sims, etc... We are simply looking to see what you can imagine as our minds have emptied all their imaginative juices at the moment.   You may submit as many entries as you wish.   The contest will run thru July 15, 2005 GMT.   Prize? Well we thought that someone might enjoy a new Saitek Gamers Keyboard for their effort.       The logo may be used in part or in whole. We are merely looking for ideas, and what better group of people to ask then those that come here all the time. The image(s) should be uploaded directly to this forums and should be no larger then 800x600. This does not mean that the actual logo could not be bigger, just that it helps in the ease of viewing all the logo designs. I know that there are some talented graphics people out there, but there are also many out there that may have an idea of what they would like, but struggle putting it into a paint program.. Don't be afraid. It's the idea that we seek. So, even though you may not be a graphical guru, simply cut and past a few things together and let us see what your idea is. We will judge the image based on your concept of what you would like to see, and not for it's technical correctness. One more thing.....no more than a six pack can be consumed during design without the presence of the CombatACE staff..... j/k. Good Luck Everyone!   Cheers - Fates

    Dangerous Waters Contest
    By Fates,
    Hey Guys,   Battlefront.com has provided us with a free copy of Sonalyst Combat Simulations latest Naval Sim: Dangerous Waters to be given away in a random contest. The contest is open to all members at CombatAce.com. Simply post in this thread, let everyone know your here, maybe even post why you'd like to experience this wonderful sim. The contest will run for 1 week, when I will randomly choose a number and that poster will win. The contest will end at 11:59:59 EST on 4/15/05, and I will announce the Winner on Saturday.   Good luck everyone, and don't forget to check out BattleFront.com for all the great new and future releases.   Fates       Rules: Contest Begins with the next poster. Contest Ends at 11:59:59 EST on 4/15/05 1 post per member, duplicate posts will be removed. CombatAce Staff not eligible A random number will be drawn and matched to a post number The thread will be locked at the contests end.

    New Forum Skin
    By Fates,
    There's a new forum skin that Erik and I have been working on tonite. It's still a diamond in the rough, but I thought some of you might want to give it a go.   You can choose it at the bottom left of your screen...it's called Oliver's Army.   CHeers!   Fates

    Biohazcentrals Bright Future
    By Fates,
    Well guys! I'm sure by now that everyone has heard the news that Biohazcentral.com will remain open as well as get a swift kick towards the future. Many of you may be wondering exactly what direction this kick will be in. We've been speaking continuously with the new developers, and I would like to answer a few of those questions publicly so everyone knows what the future has in store for you.   Biohazcentral.com will remain in tact as it has always been. The Downloads have been turned back on, and feel free to enjoy them. The new biohazcentral.com owners aren't looking to tear apart the great community here, instead they're looking to continue its successes and to provide it's next stage of development and growth. Biohazcentral.com will eventually point directly to Combatace.com. The CombatAce.com site will be the affective move of the Biohaz site, all the hard work, the community, the boards, files, etc will exist on the Combatace.com site, we won't loose any of it. Biohazcentral.com is the key building block that we will shape and define Combatace.com on. The new site will be designed to be the premiere combat mod headquarters, full of new features and abilities, and a new opportunity to define its place on the net. Developing the backbone to make this the number one combat modders site will be the fun.   The new owners here are each dedicated to the community in one aspect or another, and together they’re going to be an unstoppable team. We're each looking forward to this new horizon and we hope you take the opportunity to get to know them and join in the fun. We will be combining all our talents and efforts into a new site that will come out of the box ready to take on the challenges. The fundamental purpose of this will be to unite the talents of the community, and to maximize the resources and assets of the sites into a professional home we're all going to be proud of.   We can look at it like this; we're taking a bunch of terrific stand-alone shops and bringing them together into a mall atmosphere. In this way we'll attract more visitors, have more opportunities to get our products to those visitors, and in general benefit from our collective strengths instead of the individual ones. It's going to be a first class show, and we're continuing to get more and more sites involved in the idea. Biohaz, it's community, and its staff should take great pride in the fact that the building block for all of it is right here.   This has always been an underlying direction that we wanted to go with Biohazcentral.com. We have tried to support the community with whatever it was they felt they needed support for. I’m glad to have been a part of that, as well as continue to support CombatAce.com in its growth. I know that this community will support the next phase as well. So if there are any ideas, directions, or changes that you as the community would like to see or have questions about, please feel free to ask us. We are here to stay and support you any way we can.   Thanks,   Fates and the rest of the Biohaz Staff

    Forums Maintenance/Cleanup
    By MadJeff,
    In case you didn't notice or was wondering where some forums went, I've been doing some cleanup/streamlining of forums today. A lot of the older/stagnant forums were closed and forum posts merged into the sections General discussion. In some other cases I integrated like forums into one, such as the Pacific Fighters/IL-2 forums and the WoV/Project-1 General discussion forums. Hopefully this will go a long ways towards streamlining things.   I have also seperated the File Announcemt forums into a forum under the associated sim's Forum Category, such as LOMAC and Strike Fighters. All new file announcement messages will be posted in those forums from this point forward.   If you have any questions/comments, please feel free to PM me. :)

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