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  2. Hello everyone! Hhere is report on US Air Force Phantom';s optical sights: Here is ae from F-4C / D / E flight manual, starting with F-4C: Thihs is where I realize that F-4C uses the same fixed optical sight (modified A-1 with 60 / 40 / 20 MILs) as F-4B and J (early series). Next, here is information about AN/ASG-22 (LCOSS, which stands for Lead Computing Optical Sight System) used by F-4D: Just like I do with all optical sights, by using math and pixels to craft the optical sight with specific MILs carefully. However, there is one biggest question I had about the LCOSS: Colors of optical sights. By using the comon sense, following the evolutions of the USAF post car optical sights, and finding some of the pictures. When watching the videos on DCS F-4E Phantom II, something seem off; Why is optical red that is difficult to read durin the day with hbright sky? It led m eto the colusion that the dark red is very likely to be used for nighht mission, making it easy on eye for night operation. And it would make sense to have brighter optical sight durin gthe day. And from the flight manuals, military aircraft commonly have the options to adjust the brightness and possibly the colors of optical sights. Here is what I find: Since SF2 does not allow us to adjust the brightness and colors of the optical sights, so I made three different versions of AN/ASG-22 LCOSS in different colors: Next, here is the information about AN/ASG-26, used by F-4E: Three versions of AN/ASG-26 in different colros are created too: The next steps for me after implementin gthem in to SF2 is to work on the radar texture in1024 x 1024, it will be a great and fun projects! Eagle114th
  3. Thanks! I wanted to do an RAF pre-war aircraft similar to the Gloster Gauntlet on the cover of this book;
  4. Hello everyone! I have been very busy on this very interesting projects which kept me from updating the projects for a while. I have been working on F-4 Phantom II series avionics projects. Spent a lot of times searching for fligh tmanusla nd docunments, and searching for the information on the opticals sighs and radar information. I have a lot of supports from our fellow modders and community! This projects requires a lot of time due to the great complexicity of the Phantom avionics. Therefore, I am focused on one aspect of aavionics a time before doing the next. Right now i am focused on doing optical sights for both US Navy / Marine Corps and US Air Force Phantoms. Here is information about the optical sights used by F-4B / J / N: ately the A-1C is created in 25 and 50 MIls for F_86 series, so I amusing that to implement the fixed A-1 sight for early F-4B and J. Next information about the next optical sights used by later version of F-4B and J, along with F-4N: Here is new sigh recenlty created, direclty based on A-1 optical sight: NOTE: Both A-1 (50 MILs) and modifeid A-1 (with 60 / 40 / 20 MILs) are fixed sight. They are not computing lead gyro sights. Next, I am surprised about how advacned this next optical sgiht used by later version of F-4J, which were used by UK's Phantom FG MK I and GFR MK II, it is known as SOS, which stands for "Served Optical Sight": Please note that the cross and dot symbol is moving computing lead sight and it also act as guide for rocket and bombs for air to ground mode. the 4 lines acta s level / horizontal line while the 70 MIL circle is fixed. SOS is intergrated with AWG-10B FCS / MCS. I have a lot of works to do implementing the SOS sights. Based on the research and studiyng the production list of Phantoms, with an educated guess and what makes snese, it seem tthat F-4J start using SOS around 1970 or so, with AWG-10B FCS / MCS. The next post will cover US Air Force Phantoms. Eagled114thh
  5. Today
  6. Nice work on the skin! the results are pretty credible.
  7. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    The 18th of our umpteen installment series... The war is heating up out there!
  8. Yesterday
  9. EF2000 Typhoon Add-on

    excellent work , Where is the soundlist data ?
  10. No, I wasn't expecting DCS level graphics, I was just kinda hoping since people have already been able to customize the LoD distance quality you could do the same with the draw distance.
  11. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

    What's the point? It can't be downloaded. We don't have the ability to subscribe and download the file due to banking sanctions😔. Even though I've been waiting for years for the completion and release of the Sukhoi Fitter.
  12. Armstrong Whitworth Elswick Mk.II - No.74 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1937 Skin Credit: Charles
  13. Draw distance had a huge discussion some years ago (I'd suggest doing a search in both the SF1 and SF2 forums). But none of that is usable anymore, and SF2 has things 'locked down' (iirc) to a certain distance. So, no I don't believe it can be changed anymore. Also, don't forget, we're acutally using a 1990 based engine, so don't expect DCS level graphics
  14. The answer is NO. There are No animations, for player flyable aircraft set at the factory for use by the player. Oddly, OTH, if you make the B57/Canberras, Beagle, B-52 flyable, you can open and close the bombay. But, again, all animations MUST be added to you control ini, and always need to be cross checked via the aircraft data ini
  15. If I'm honest it's been a while since I've checked the stock aircraft, but if you download a CAT extractor tool (either mue's, the official TW one or something similar) you will be able to extract an aircraft's *_data.ini file and have a check how the animations are set up... either automatic or manual control. official Thirdwire SF2 tools: https://thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm Mue's toolbox:
  16. You're asking the wrong guy, but if somebody had access to the files and could modify them... I think it's possible. Frankly as I said, nobody has modded the horizon distance, and never mentioned an intent to do so. So the answer is just you need to modify the code as a "safe" answer for your question. Unfortunately it's hard to get (impossible I would say as an opinion) to get a hold of TK and maybe fix that issue. Other than that what I've said is basically what I know, which isn't that much. But as you mentioned it could be a hard limit that the game has, given it's age. Only the Spaghetti Monster (Or God, if you believe in him) knows if TK will ever work on this game again to possibly address the issue.
  17. Well, the game already has an option for horizon draw distance, is it impossible to modify that? Yeah It's "far enough" for its time and for many games around the time, but I really have been spoiled a bit and I cant seemuch ahead when I'm at angel 40. I thought that after extracting flightengine.ini it would be "Horizon distance" but changing that does nothing. I wonder if the game has a hard engine limitation on 64km that "Unlimited" is by default due to the memory allocation?
  18. F-4D Cockpit Pack

    Many thanks for your v1.0.3 update !!! P.
  19. I don't recall anybody else asking this kind of question about that. Overall you can see "far enough" which is basically the range your virtual eye ball can see. So there may be a way, but I don't recall anybody messing with that at all, since like the game has been out. Of course I could be wrong, but everybody accepts the view as it is more or less. Then again there may be something in the Knowledge Base but I kinda doubt it.
  20. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

    Very beautiful job !!! Many thanks to You !!! P.
  21. Nice job. Well made plane and skins. What i'm missing is the MBD3 multi rack, which is not included in the download. And i'm not sure whether the unit "156 APIB, 19 AO, PVO, Baku" is correct. The 156th was in the first time a fighter regiment in the Air Defence (PVO), based at Mary in Turmenistan and was later transfered to the Air Force (VVS) as fighter bomber squadron. From 1983 it was based in Afghanistan. So i think you should change PVO to VVS and check, whether Baku is correct.
  22. Oh, so its not bound by default? Is there no stock plane at all in the game that has the animations "press and play"? that's a bit weird.
  23. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

    Very nice bird. Well made LOD and skins. Good job.
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