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Wings Over Flanders Fields by OBD Software

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Downloads available for Wings Over Flanders Fields

    1. MODS_elephant

      This RAR contains my little-tiny Mods:
      REWORKED TRACER TEXTURES: with increased luminosity but reduced in size by 60% from OFF originals.
      (Compatible with Creaghorn's tracer mod).
      SPANDAU SOUND: original spandau sound by Winston, including adjusted external sound by me).
      Also included, bullet impact sounds by Creaghorn.
      START UP SOUND FOR GERMANY: "Contact-Clear" sound replaced by a German equivalent taken from a real Start up sequence of Mikael Carlson's Fokker VII.
      The mods are ready to use via JSGME.
      Just drop them into your MODS folder and enable.
      Otherwise, follow the the folder structure of each mod to manually install them.
      (Back up the original files first, just in case)...
      July 2011
      Spyros Tsimas


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    2. 1917(1) OFF MOD

      New missions, flak. 917(1) covers the period from January through to April 1917 : the withdrawal of the German army to the Hindenburg Line, the diversionary Battle of Arras and Nivelle's great offensive in the Champagn. It was a period in which an Allied numerical superiority in the air was pitted against a technologically superior and increasingly well organised but still outnumbered German opposition, as the expansion in the RFC and RNAS saw hundreds of the older machines and under-trained air crew flooding into France. In the first months of 1917 the German army took the strategic initiative, following a period of poor weather that hindered the Allied recon. activity, with a well planned 'scorched earth' withdrawl to a prepared defensive line. British recon. and photo recon. resources were stretched to the limit, with scouts being drafted in to take on some of the work, as they desperately photographed and mapped the new German trench systems, whilst other two-seater units covered the advancing troops with low level contact missions. The advance was harassed in many places by German two-seater aircraft doing the same, and by aggressive but sporadic attacks by the German Jastas (although many of these were now in the south, to cover French preparations in the Champagn region). So much British effort was going in to recon., and on escorting the recon. aircraft, that Allied bombing switched to night bombing, of rail and communication centres, with little in the way of day bombing. The British then launched their attack on the Arras front at the beginning of April. The Art.Obs., particularly counter-battery work, now had the highest priority, along with tactical recon. and photo recon. missions along the front, with some scouts once again being drafted in to do some of the recon. work and also to attack the balloon line. Heavily escorted day bombing now resumed, mostly against rail centres, to try and stop the Germans bringing forward reinforcements. As the British threatened to break through at Arras the Germans drew in air resources from the south of the region, and the now numerically strengthened German fighter force (including new types such as the Albatros D.III) started to take a heavy toll on the British Corps machines, bombers, long recon., and their escorting scouts. On 14th April the French launched Nivelle's long awaited offensive in the Champagne, but the Germans had advance knowledge of the detailed planning for this and it ground to a halt, after very heavy losses that tore the heart out of the French army. By the end of April the French were back on the defensive and fighting at Arras was winding down. But new British aircraft types such as the SE5 and the Bristol Fighter, deployed too little and too late to have a significant impact, were already in France, and others such as the Camel and the DH4 were on the way...the pendulum was about to swing again as the British, having survived 'Bloody April' with the offensive doctrine intact, and despite heavy losses in the air, prepared for a major offensive in the north.


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    3. HPWDMv2.5 update

      Readme File 18/12/2010
      HPW Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR
      by Herr Prop Wasche
      Zip file contents:
      HPWDMv2.5\aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders, .xdp files and .bdp files (Fortiesboy, you were right!)
      HPWDMv2.5 readme.txt
      INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only in conjunction with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the HPWDMv2.5 zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see the readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPWDMv2.5\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
      NOTE: This mod is intended to be used in QC battles AND the main campaign.
      Version History
      2.5 Major fix and revision! All HPW damage model users are urged to upgrade to this version!
      --Fix: Discovered and corrected major error introduced in v2.1 which prevented player pilot from being injured or dying even when "Dead is Dead" pilot outcome option was selected in Workshop. All three outcomes should now work as designed.
      --Fix: Corrected error which prevented damage model mod from being applied to Nieuport 11's.
      --Hit points for horizontal stabilizers increased slightly to lower chances of "tail-first slides" at low altitude for some aircraft. Note: This problem may also be partly an FM issue and cannot be fully fixed by changes to the damage model.
      --Hit points for all control cables increased slightly in all aircraft.
      --Important new feature: aircraft .bdp file associated with each matching aircraft .xdp file now included in mod. This has two major effects: game load times are no longer slowed the first time after the mod is applied, AND the original HITR .bdp files will be restored if the mod is disabled or removed. Previous versions of the damage model failed to restore the correct .bdp files, possibly causing certain game anomalies if the mod was disabled.


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    4. WWI Aviation Books, Set 1

      Greetings All,
      I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the first of numerous such collections I am making available here.
      This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
      Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
      "14,000 Miles Through the Air", by Captain Ross Smith, c.1922
      "Air Men O'War", by Boyd Cable, c.1918
      "Fighting the Flying Circus", by Eddie Rickenbacker, c.1919
      "Guynemer, The Ace of Aces", by Jacques Mortane, c.1918
      "Luck on the Wing", by Major Elmer Haslett, c.1920
      "The Flying Poilu", by Marcel Nadaud, c.1918
      "Aircraft Mechanics Handbook", c.1918
      "How To Fly", by A. Frederick Collins, c.1918
      "Orders, Decorations, and Insignia", by Colonel Robert E. Wyllie, c.1921
      "The American Air Service", by Arthur Sweetser, c.1919


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    5. Madmatt's Over Flanders Fields Essential Multiplayer Files Autoinstaller

      Over Flanders Fields Essential Multiplayer Files Autoinstaller
      June 3rd, 2009
      Installer coded by Madmatt
      Welcome, this simple little autoinstaller was designed to help ease some of the hassle some people have encountered in trying to get all the files they need to join some of the exciting Multiplayer games being hosted every week by members of the "Doves and Hawks" online squadron.
      This program will install 3 separate sets of files that will allow you to also use the L30 Zeppelin, German Gotha Bomber and see the nice searchlights that are required to play some of the new MP missions that have been created recently.
      JUST ADDED! This program now installs 23 new multiplayer compatible missions for your flying pleasure!
      This program can be uninstalled at any time and will not affect your normal Single Player experience in OFF. It does NOT change any stock OFF files, it merely adds some new ones which are needed in some MP missions.
      Since the "Doves and Hawks" members all play with the Optional Hardcore Damage Model v1.30 released by OBD Software, I have included the option to have this installer connect your web browser to that file. It will NOT install it for you, it merely links to the file online.
      Please Note: This installer program will scan your aircraft folder and if it detects any older Gotha or Zeppelin files, it will delete them before it copies in the new ones. This is done to ensure everyone is using the SAME version of these files wherever possible. Be aware of this if you have custom Gotha or Zeppelin skins for instance because this installer will delete them. I recommend you back up those folders/files if you do have any custom Gotha or Zeppelin skins you don't want to lose.
      How To Uninstall:
      You can uninstall these new files one of two ways. You can use the standard Windows "Add or Remove Programs" option located under the Windows Control Panel or you can browse into the folder called "uninstall MP Essential Files" located in your "CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields" directory and double-click on the file called unis000.exe. This will uninstall the new MP files only. It will not uninstall your game.
      Permission by all the original mod authors was obtained where possible and we thank them for their work.
      Searchlight Mod:
      Files originally provided by RAF_Louvert in his "Gotha's along the Thames" mission
      Created by Eurofinn and www.groundcrew.com
      Original Gmax model by Seacondor
      texture mapping and skin by Capt. Winters
      L30 Zeppelin:
      Files originally uploaded on Sim-Outhouse website by british_eh but they have no credits included
      Mission Credits: (I did rename some of the mission files to create and retain consistentcy):
      Mission Weather template file (used by some of the missions):
      Special thanks to the everyone that helped me with testing and assembling the files!


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    6. Alsace

      volume 6, map supplement, from the 1921 edition of "the Times History of the War"


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    7. West of Colmar

      this was scanned from Baedeker's Northern France as published in 1909. I've tried locating the local aerodromes as much as possible. but there aren't all that many there. I've used Hugh Wynne's aerodrome research to help me plant the aerodromes there. there is an aerodrome on Wynne's map north and south of Colmar. I've included both of these fields. if there are any aerodromes that I've missed feel free to point them out. it's a bit tricky finding some of the right places on these old maps.


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    8. SPAD VII RFC Dec '17

      Based upon a graphic found online.


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    9. Albatros DVa Hornet

      Just one of many skins i made in playing with Paintshop hope you enjoy . Dont be too critical cos its just meant for fun and not meant to be historically accurate in any way. Read the readme file.


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    10. HPW_HITR_DM_1.1

      H.P.W. QC Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR v1.1 Beta
      by Herr Prop Wasche
      Zip file contents:
      aircraft folder with 47 .xdp files
      Thank you for downloading version 1.0 of my QC damage model for Hat in the Ring, the fantastic extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the already wonderful WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. Like my previous damage mods, this mod is intended to enhance some of the visual damage effects already in the game. Depending upon the aircraft and the severity of the damage, aircraft should now be more likely to display not only bullet holes, but also rips and tears, oil and coolant leaks, exposed wing spars, and broken wing tips. Although entire wings may still break off at the root, the mod is intended to slightly reduce the frequency of this event. In addition, while all of the aircraft engines in the game have been made slightly more resistant to early damage, when severely damaged they are somewhat more likely to catch on fire and even explode! Finally, both your pilot and your AI opponent are slightly more vulnerable to becoming wounded--perhaps fatally!
      Although I have worked for a long time implementing and testing these changes and am very proud of the results, keep in mind that this release is only a BETA. Therefore, kindly report any strange behavior or unusual results that you may come across. I am particularly interested in the behavior of the new planes introduced in the HITR expansion, as well as the behavior of the Nieuport and Albatros series of aircraft. You should quickly notice that these planes do not perform quite like you are used to seeing them perform with the standard damage model.
      Lastly, I would again like to express my thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help and encouragement in the making of this damage mod. Of course, with the exception of the minor tweaks contained in this damage model, all work remains the sole work and property of OBD Software. If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at www.combatace.com at the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod!
      INSTALLATION: Important! Backup your HITR .xdp files first! Backup your HITR .xdp files by first copying the HITR_xdp_Backup.bat file to your OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder and then clicking on it to run the program. After you have backed up your .xdp files, extract the entire contents of the HPW_HITR_DM_1.1.zip file to the OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. DO NOT unzip the file into the aircraft folder itself! If prompted, simply click "Yes to all" when asked if you wish to replace files. If at any time you wish to return to the stock HITR damage model (for either campaign or MP use), simply click the Restore_HITR_DM.bat file included in the zip file and automatically placed in your OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. In order to re-apply the mod, simply re-open the HPW_HITR_DM_1.1.zip file and extract the aircraft folder to the OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.
      NOTE: This mod is currently intended to be used in QC battles ONLY. If you use the mod in the campaign, only YOUR plane will have the modified damage model. All AI aircraft will still be using the stock damage model. A damage model for all of the airplanes in the campaign will be released (hopefully) in the very near future.


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    11. FE2b 6994

      this skin is an attempt to depict FE2b 6994. it was while flying this machine that Captain Stephen Price (pilot) and 2nd Lt Frederick Libby (observer) made 5 (possibly 6) claims during August and September of 1916. this rendering is based on a photograph dated September 23rd (possibly the day after their final victory in this machine. although it's questionable whether that photo depicts this specific machine, there is "wiggle room" enough that I think this skin might be feasible. Frederick Libby became the first American ace in history while serving as an observer in this machine.
      this skin is based on the stock FE2b skin with extensive (albeit poor) retouching that was done with Paint and the basic Microsoft Photo Editor bundled with Windows. if somebody else wants to improve the skin and post a better version later-- be my guest. this is as good as I'll probably get with the resources I have.


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    12. Spad XIII US94 Lt. Dudley "Red" Outcault

      SPAD XIII flown by Lt. Dudley "Red" Outcault, Barber PoleUS94th, Post WWI


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    14. 94th Eastah aigg

      Another one for the 94th fans
      Original art work by OBD.


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    15. Spad XIII US94 Lt. Cook

      Spad XIII flown by LT. Cook, US94, post WWI


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    16. Reworked 94th areo

      This is a reworked version of my earlier Spad. Under side of the wings are now natural dope.
      Original art work by OBD


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    17. Spad XIII US94 Ken Dawson

      Spad XIII flown post war by Lt. Ken Dawson of the US 94th.


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    18. RAF BE2c 16-RFC 1916 4077

      A work-a-day 1916 BE2c from 16 Squadron RFC.
      I created this as a homage to my grandfather who, as observer (with 'Jerry' Pentland as pilot), shot down an Eindecker in this plane on 9th June 1916 near Habourdin.


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    19. Final Finnish Fokker

      Has been fun making Finnish and Russian Skins...Have a few more to come.
      Thanks for Downloading them, and hope you have fun
      (Original Skin copywrite OBD Software)


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    20. Captured Camel

      This Skin is of a Captured Camel, flown by Otto Kissenberth of Jasta 23b at Epinoy between April/May 1918.
      Discussion on the colouration of this Aircraft is rife, as there are only B&W photo's, but this is the most commonly thought of scheme.
      Kissenberth used this aircraft to shoot down his 20th Victim (an SE5a) on 16th May 1918, and was shortly after seriously injured when he crashed this Camel.
      He survived the Great War, as one of only three German Aces to wear Spectacles.
      He died in 1919 in a climbing accident in the Alps.


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    21. Western Front Map 1915-1916

      February 2009
      The original, large, paper map which is the basis of this set was lent to me by Hugh Baldwin, "Bletchley," back in October 2006. It was a project to bring some maps into the Over Flanders Fields W.W.I. flight simulation as well as supply maps for others interested in this period of W.W.I. history.
      The original map was badly creased, ripped and worn and being very large I had to scan it in pieces, then paste it all together accurately in Photoshop and then restore it and enhance it. I've included a photo of what the original map looked like out of interest. The completed map was available for free down load on Polovsky's Over Flanders Fields website for several years. I had always planned on doing a series of smaller cut up versions for printing on standard letter size paper so that a OFF player could more easily use them in game. I have finally gotten around to doing it after the several requests after the release of OFF phase 3, "Between Heaven & Hell" this January 2009. I cut these up and added borders so that the feeling is one of more authentic maps of the period.
      The main map is now divided into 16 segments, each indexed to a map segment by alphabet letters. Each segment overlaps so that there is no loss of detail and each segment is clearly marked in the upper right corner with it's index letter number.
      I hope you enjoy these and they help in your flying in the OFF BHH game, or in any other historically accurate WWI sim.
      Contact me if you have any questions. "rabu"
      Please feel free to share these with others, but please give credit and do not alter them.
      c2009 R. Hoag


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    22. HPW Lighter AI Empty Weight Mod

      This mod is designed to replace 33Lima's original AI Empty Weight mod by reducing the empty weight of aircraft flown by the AI and cure the problem of aircraft (especially two-seaters) from clearing the trees and hills at the end of certain airfields in OFF.
      Although the current version of HPW's FM will work with this mod, it is NOT recommended that you use my FM changes with this mod because the weights for the AI are different in the two mods. A new version of my FM with revised empty weight settings will be released in the very near future.
      Installation: Install by extracting the mod to your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS folder that was created when you installed the JSGME file management program to work with OFF. To activate, simply highlight the mod and click on the top button in the main JSGME screen that opens when you start JSGME.


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    23. SPAD XIII Wallpaper 1920X1200 RELOAD

      RELOADED wallpaper with some reporting the file as broken.
      This file was recompressed using WinZip 12.0 in legacy mode which allows compatibility with all formats down to WinZip 2.0.
      For all those true WWI afficiados.......
      This phenomenal high-quality wallpaper shows a fictious battle between Fokker DVIIs and SPAD XIIIs.
      The original painting artist I have not been able to confirm, however the painting is based on the United States 103rd Pursuit Squadron.
      The included wallpaper is 1920X1200, 32-bit in bitmap format.
      It was resized and edited from the original source. Uncompressed file size is a approximately 9M.


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      This is a skin for the sopwith triplane (joan) of 8 naval squadron


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    25. Ernst Udet Jasta 37

      Albatros DV 4476/17 of Ltn d R Ernst Udet, Jasta 37, Palempin, September 1917


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