AV-8A Harrier for SF2
By SFP1Ace
This is a ThirdWire WoE AV-8A Harrier converted for SF2. This package includes 331Killerbee's Enhanced Pack.
Unpack the archive and drop the AV-8A folder to your MOD /Objects/Aircraft directory. You'll also have to extract original lod files from WoE ObjectData.cat using the CAT extractor. Following lods: AV-8A.LOD, AV-8A_LOD2.LOD,AV-8A_LOD3.LOD,AV-8A_LOD4.LOD & AV-8A_LOD5.LOD once extracted should go to the AV-8A folder. The AV-8A_cockpit.LOD needs placing in AV-8A/Cockpit folder.
This is my first conversion so if messed something up, you let me know ;).
ThirdWire - original WoE AV-8A Harrier
331Killerbee - WoE Harrier Enhanced Pack
MigBuster - SF2 Knowledgebase conversion guide :D
Mirage Factory F-14A and F-14B Tomcat
By column5
Grumman’s F-14 Tomcat could be described as the Marilyn Monroe of aircraft designs. Both were at once beautiful and flawed, with indelible public images and yet often misunderstood and misrepresented. Both also met untimely ends. For many, the aircraft will always be remembered as the star of the hit 1986 movie Top Gun, but the Tomcat was a real weapon on the front lines of the Cold War, personifying the technological prowess and advanced production methods that the Soviet Union could not match, and which eventually drove them to break their economy in the attempt to keep up. For me personally, it will always be associated with the three years my family lived in Virginia Beach, near NAS Oceana, in the early 1980s. I vividly remember all of the jets that used to fly over our house—Skyhawks, Intruders, Phantoms and especially Tomcats. With their twin tails and swing-wings they had to be the coolest things in the air, and in retrospect I believe they really were. --c5
This aircraft is dedicated to our departed friend and Cheif of Production, Oli.
Please see the included PDF for information on the cockpit, including some known issues that will be addressed in a future update.
Model: Flying Toaster, BPAo
Skins and Flight Model: column5
Cockpit: Chris
Avionics: MoonJumper
Pilots: Diego
Extra Hangar and Loading Screens: USAFMTL
Testing: The Mirage Factory
Please contact one of the above people at CombatAce if you would like to use this mod in a freeware project. This mod may not be used as part of any payware project.
F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2
By FastCargo
F-35 A/B/C for the 2nd Generation ThirdWire sims...beta Version 2.1.
Very similar to Version 2.0, reformatted to SF2 standards with Weapons, Guns, Decals.
Also, several bugs fixed in all 3 models, including nozzle animations, carrier operations, etc.
Please contact us at CombatAce if you have issues not addressed in the readme or previous releases.
23 May 09
Version 2.2
The weapon editor for SF2 did not like the naming convention for the F-35 drop tanks. So I changed the names, edited the data.inis and now they are fixed. Also there is an avionics fix in there that goes in each versions folder as well.
Delete the old drop tanks in your SF2 weapons folder and drop these in. Then drop the data.inis and the avionics.inis in each version of the F-35 and overwrite.
F-35C sound fixed.
Various ini fixes by Crusader
Dave (USAFMTL) 29 May 2009
Version 2.3
Fixed gun naming issue.
Dave (USAFMTL) 3 Jun 2009
Version 2.4
Feb 2010 Updates By Jat
Version 2.5
Apr 2010
RWR fix
F-35A Engine Sound Fix
SF2 Israel F-16I SUFA
By Spiff
This is a simple conversion of the F-16I SUFA for SF2 ISRAEL only. A cockpit is not included, it uses the stock F-16A Netz pit, if you have the know-how to add another pit, go for it. It's converted for SF2 Israel though, and not tested elsewhere. It's a drag and drop installation; see the readme for details.
C-15 Spanish v.1 for SF2 series
By Blackfish
C-15 ( F/A-18 Spanish ) v.1 for SF2 series
C-15 Spanish EF-18 HORNET by Sordo.
F/A-18 Pits converted for SF2 series by Spectre8750
Decals folder modified by Blackfish.
Based on the Mirage Factory F/A-18A
MF F-16A Blok 10 IDF fro SF2
By tflash
I just did standard adaptation for SF2; just put in main mod folder. It uses the new ALR-69 RWR. I also added small Campaign IDF Fury for some quick action. Many thanks to MF for this incredibly fun to fly plane. TFlash
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| General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon |
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The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) present :
General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon
SFP1 Model
3D : Swede & Wpnssgt(base model),BPAo (remodelling at 90% and remapping at 100%)
Textures : Sony Tuckson
FM : Kreelin (special thanks for Andre "Raptore One" Joseph, J.M Langeron,Jeanba... )
Avionics : Moonjumper
Loadingscreen : Camouflage
Textures : Corktip14 (Based on DIEGO template, To contact Diego, proceed via forums like http://www.simhq.com)
Effects : Sony Tuckson, Deuces
Test team
Manetsim, USAFMTL, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, Moonjumper
Adapted for SF2 by TFlash - included little campaign IDF Fury
Weapons addons
the best way is use the WeaponPack.
if you can't wait, use last weapon editor from ThirdWire and import
F-16_ADD_Weapondata.ini (you can found this file in weapons directory)
in your weapondata.ini.
The content of this file may not be used in a commercial product or any other.
Any use requires my authorization
Mitsubishi F-2A
By MigBuster
Mitsubishi F-2A for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
July 2009 Version 2
Original model by wpnssgt. F-2A work by Dels (I can't thank you enough)
Cockpit by Dels
Skins by Sundowner and USAFMTL
Original Ini Tweaks by USAFMTL, MJ, and Sag
Original Hangar/Loading Screens by USAFMTL
Sounds, effects and drop tanks by the Mirage Factory
Hex-edited drop tanks by USAFMLT and Sundowner
SF2 updates, revised FM, revised SF2 Hangar, and other changes MiGBuster (July 2009)
The Mitsubishi F-2A is a fighter aircraft based on the Lockheed Martin F-16 although very diffent in terms of shape, size, and avionics.
The F-2A is Manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Lockheed Martin for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, with a 60/40 split in manufacturing between Japan and the USA. Production started in 1996 and the first aircraft entered service in 2000. By 2008, the first 76 aircraft are expected to be in service, with a total of 94 airframes under contract.(Wikipedia)
Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0
SF2E A-10 series .ini tweaks
By Fubar512
Firstly: This file does not contain an aircraft. Rather it's a tweak made to the existing Third Wire A-10A and A-10A_78, both of which are part of the default planeset that ships with Strike Fighters 2 Europe. I've uploaded it here, because there wasn't a subsection set up specifically for aircraft .ini tweaks Anyway......
SF2E A-10 Tweaks
by Fubar512
Installation: Simply drop the aircraft data files into their matching-named folders.
In Windows XP, the folder path would be:
My Documents/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2x/Objects/Aircraft.
In Windows Vista or Windows 7, the path is:
Documents/<User Name>/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2x/Objects/Aircraft.
Now that you have some idea as to SF2's file path, you can go onto the next step.....and that's to drop the included A10Engine.wav into the ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2x/Sounds folder. If you don't have one, don't panic, just create one, following the path statement above.
To uninstall: just delete the A-10A_Data.ini, and the A-10A_78_Data.ini, and the game will revert to using the TW default.
By Brain32
**********AV8B+/DA SF2 VERSION ReadME********************
Main contractor: bobrock
FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray
Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk
A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared
their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable
series of games.
If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce
forum or send me an email.
mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it
May 2008
Simply extract contents of AV-8BDA_SF2 folder into your MOD folder.
Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive.
SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me.
AV-8B+ HarrierII SF2
By Brain32
**********AV8B/BA+ SF2 VERSION ReadME********************
Main contractor: bobrock
FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray
Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk
A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared
their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable
series of games.
If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce
forum or send me an email.
mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it
May 2008
Simply extract contents of AV-8Bplus_SF2 folder into your MOD folder.
Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive.
SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me.
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