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    1. Raytheon T-6A Texan II for SF2

      This is the T-6A Texan II as used by the 12FTW USAF for the SF2 series of games.
      Read the readme.txt


         (7 reviews)



    2. KC-10A Extender

      The KC-10 Extender
      I made this mod after noticing that the aircraft in ODS was
      using a skin that was not use IRL until 3-4 years after Desert
      Storm. This fixes up skins for the Douglas (White over Grey with
      Blue cheatlines), Shamu (Green/Gray over Gray)and Gunship Gray
      schemes. I also added historical serial numbers to each skin, and
      did the unit markings tied into each serial number. (for you advanced
      modders out there, tied it as a 2 level rather than a 1 level). This will
      allow several units to appear when they show in game on the ramp.
      just add Objects folder to your mod folder. If installing into an ODS
      install, allow overwrites.
      Additional Warning
      this really should be left as an AI controlled plane. it is not really
      for any missons that would be represented in game anyhow.
      i just skinned it up to satisfy a little historical accuracy in the game.
      Marcfighters..........the model and original skin(served as a base for template)
      eburger68.............revised data.ini that made the FM more manageable
      myself................all other skins, template and tgas
      TK....................the game itself, and our ability to keep modding
      special thanks to Muesli, for helping me out trying to get the Dutch in the game as well.
      suggestion to those with mission editor:
      why not set up teh tankers on an orbit at a waypoint of a mission?
      then you could "simulate" tanking as part of the missions......
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      24 April 2014


         (5 reviews)



    3. TMF F-14 Tomcat Superpack

      The Mirage Factory F-14 Tomcat Super Pack V1.21 AUG. 25, 2013
      What it is:
      This is the F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.21 Full. It includes tweaks to the engines, avionics, weight, effects and the Phoenix missile.
      1. This was tested at July 2013 patch level, on an "All 5 Merged" install, and because it uses AvionicsF14A.dll, will require SF2NA (or a TW F-14) to work! It will not work on Gen 1 sims, nor will it work correctly on pre-April 2012 installs! (Caveat: Avionics70.dll F-14D should work on pre-April patch levels).
      2. It is HIGHLY recommended you back up your current F-14's .ini files and cockpit folders. If you have custom skins installed, be sure to back up your F-14(A/A+/B/D).ini to preserve the texture set data.
      1. Unzip the contents of the F-14SP_V121.7z file into a folder.
      1a. If you have installed the Avionics70 F-14D, ensure you back up the .ini files if you haven't renamed the bird, since this install will overwrite F-14D_92, 96 and 06!
      2. Open your Strike Fighters 2 mod folder (e.g. C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...)
      3. Copy the contents of the unzipped Objects folder into your SF2 mod Objects folder, allowing all files to overwrite (Objects\Aircraft and Objects\Weapons).
      3a. (RECOMMENDED) Review the Cockpit and Avionics, and F-14 SP Update word documents for information on updates.
      4. Go fly!
      1. Unzip the contents of the F-14SP_V121.7z file into a folder.
      1a. You may choose to use the Avionics70.dll F-14D for SAR mode on strike missions. If you wish to do so, see Section 6 of the F-14 SP Update V120 word document (Para 6.1-6.3) for install procedures and recommendations.
      2. Open your Strike Fighters 2 mod folder (e.g. C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...)
      3. Copy the contents of the unzipped Objects folder into your SF2 mod Objects folder, allowing all files to overwrite (Objects\Aircraft, Objects\Weapons, and Objects\Decals will be affected).
      3a. (RECOMMENDED) Review the Cockpit and Avionics, and Update word documents for information on updates.
      4. Go fly!
      Model: Flying Toaster, Oli
      Cockpit: Chris (original), reworked and updated by Brain32
      FM: ThirdWire, Column5, Spectre8750, Caesar
      Avionics: Crusader, ThirdWire, Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, CrazyhorseB34
      Pilots: Old_Diego, CrazyhorseB34
      Skins: Dave, Spectre8750, Column5
      NATOPS Textures: HomeFries
      Extra Hangar, Loading and Main Screens: Dave, Spectre8750
      Ejection Mod: Stary
      Testing: Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, EricJ, Spectre8750
      TARPS: Bunyap and Spectre8750
      Weapons: Ravenclaw, wpnssgt, Bunyap and others
      ===Dedidacted to Oli===


         (32 reviews)



    4. Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk for SF2

      This is the Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk, need I say more?
      Please read the readme.txt
      Aircraft, Cockpit, Skins, Decals and .ini work - Me
      FM - Fubar512 (with some modifications by me)
      ACESII Ejection seat - ravenclaw
      Pilot skin - Old Diego
      Testing - The ODS team
      A MASSIVE thanks to Crusader for all his very useful
      reference material and support without which this package
      could not exist!


         (19 reviews)



    5. F-35J

      In December of 2011, the F-35 was officially chosen to replace Japan's aging F-4 fleet. The F-35J is scheduled to enter service in 2016. Final assembly and perhaps eventually licence production will be handled by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
      This package includes three different high-resolution skins representing currently proposed paint schemes. Currently included squadron markings are for the 301st Fighter Squadron from Nyutabaru Air Base, one of the first units expected to receive the new aircraft.
      Note 1: Several avionics modifications were (selfishly) made by me to better represent the powerful AESA radar set in the F-35. Feel free to use the original F-35 avionics.ini if you prefer.
      Note 2: Some essential weapons (some from the community Ordnance Pack, others created by yours truly) are included, but be sure to download the JASDF Weapons Pack for more!
      -Original F-35 mod by Dave, JSF Aggie, JAT81500, Amokfloo, and FastCargo
      -JSOW, JDAM, and SDB models from SF2 Ordnance Shop
      -JASDF skins, decals, and hangar screens by Nengajou Aki
      -JASDF weapons and F-35 data ini modifications by WhiteBoySamurai


         (2 reviews)



    6. F-16A IIAF/IRIAF

      F-16A IIAF/IRIAF Pak


      -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:I =ONLY!!!= --

      This package is an "Almost If..." aircraft, representing F-16A Falcons, had they actually been delivered to the Imperial Iranian Air Force, as orderd during the Shah's reign.
      It contains 2 skins (actualy the same skin used twice), created from a partial template of the Stock SF2:I F-16A Netz, and decals to replicate the speculative IIAF and Islamic Republic's AF F-16s.
      You =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged SF2 install, WITH SF2:I (or better yet -a stand along Iran/Iraq mods folder, built FROM a Full-4 Merged exe), otherwise you will NOT be able to access the needed aircraft lod and cockpit files.
      By making use of the new 'StartDate=' feature in the textureset inis, the aircraft's marking to switch from IIAF to IRIAF, based on the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran.
      The aircraft makes use of all stock, In-Game items for weapons, droptanks and whatnots, simplifying installation and reducing package size. (Of course, you still need the Full-4 Merged Install and/or SF2:I or an Iran/Iraq stand-alone, built from the aforementioned Full4 Merged. Getting the point, yet??)
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. An abreviated "Notes and Other Nonsense" section makes for interesting reading, too.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      (yes, this was yet another nearly completed mod I had sitting on my HD ... now, in you'alls hot little hands!)


         (1 review)



    7. F-15C Eagle 1979 Early Production

      Early F-15C Eagle Mod
      >>>>>Usable for pre- and non-SF2 North Atlantic installs<<<<<
      You Must Have Strike Fighters 2 Europe to use this mod!
      Also required is the ACES_II_F-15 seat from the ACES package available here:
      This is a mod of the stock Third Wire F-15A, making it into a early F-15C.
      The early F-15C's were delivered to the 18th Tactical Fighter Wing in Fall 1979 and
      went into service with the 12th, 44th and 67th Tactical Fighter Squadrons.
      F-15C features and recognition marks:
      - 2000 lb additional internal fuel for a total internal fuel of slightly over 14000 lb.
      The mod adds the additional fuel and has the fuel quantity gauge modified to show the higher reading.
      - The FY78 production F-15C were delivered with engines with the nozzle actuator covers still mounted.
      The covers were removed starting in late 1981
      - The normal (non-MSIP II) F-15C does not have the "bulb-antenna" on the tip of the right-side fuselage
      Thus the stock F-15A model fits perfectly for a early F-15C.
      The mod adds my usual F-15 avionics which has several more real-thing oriented features, such as
      modified HUD and Radar symbology, radar scan time etc.


         (6 reviews)



    8. F-15C Eagle Early Production 1979 **For SF2 March2012 and later**

      Early production F-15C Eagle
      >>>>> For SF2 version March 2012 (North Atlantic) and later <<<<<
      You Must Have Strike Fighters 2 Europe to use this mod! (for the stock F-15 model)
      Also required is the ACES_II_F-15 seat from the ACES package available here:
      This is a mod of the stock Third Wire F-15A, making it into a early F-15C.
      New HUD functions for the SF2NA version:
      - HUD Landing Mode with ILS steering line and glideslope
      - NAV mode changed back to uncluttered normal view, added steering line to next waypoint
      - A/A, new radar range scale on the HUD with weapon min/max range markers
      - A/A, added radar missile Aim Dot, gun and missile quantity counters, Target Box stays on HUD FOV


         (7 reviews)



    9. T-45A Goshawk for SF2

      T-45 "Goshawk" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak


      -- For SF2, Any & All --

      The package is a slight revamping of RussoUK's T-45A "Goshawk" USN trainer. This complete full aircraft package incudes all new decals, a slightly 'noised' version of the skin, and some minor ini tweeks for SF2. The cockpit has been replaced by using the stock A-4B, as these don't have a radar. However, the radar-ranging gunsight and an audio-only RWR have been added. New decals for VT-1 have been created, as have BuNum tags.
      Other ini edits switch the canopy to a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open close), and a somewhat fancifull loadout ini, with loadouts for the STRIKE, RECON, CAS & ARMED_RECON profiles. (see Notes below for comments). Self-defense Sidewinders are carried on all mission profiles.
      The Aden gunpod has been changed to allow for USN usage, and a substitute 100 gallon drop tank has been added. Both weapons are included; all other weapons fits are stock, with the exception of the CBU-59, so you'll need Gunny's Ordanance Shop for that.
      As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      ps: be a perfect addition to the Mescalero Training Range, too!


         (5 reviews)



    10. AV-8A Harrier for SF2

      MDD/HSA AV-8A Harrier, USMC
      -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:E ONLY!!! --
      As stated, above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:E to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit that is ONLY found in SF2E or Full4 Merged game installs.
      This package represents AV-8A Harriers as used by the USMC when first delivered. The skins (located for me by CA Member Amariani -many thanks!!) have been run through my HomeGrown ™ template, for to reuse the tail markings, courtesy of 331KillerBee/SFP1Ace's WoE-to-SF2 AV-8A conversion pak (which this expands upon)
      Skins and decals in the pak are for:
      VMA-231 'Aces'
      VMA-513 'Flying Nightmares'
      VMA-542 'Tigers'
      New decals for the serial, service name and BuNums are incuded. Some decals are modified from stock ones. These make use of the full color National Insignia, and not the LoViz as seen after 1980-ish (or thereabouts).
      All weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the 'new' units included. These are either clones of existing or, in the ALE-37s case, from the GunnyPak. The canopy is NOT activated, as there are no more animation slots available for it. Sorry! However, in compensation, there IS a working landing light!! <grin>
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install.
      As usual, the expected "Notes" section for notes and other insane ramblings
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (11 reviews)



    11. AV-8S Matador (Spanish Navy Harrier)

      MDD/HSA AV-8S (AV-1) Matador, Armada Española Arma Aérea
      -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:E ONLY!!! --
      As stated, above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:E to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit ONLY found in SF2E or Full4 Merged game installs. If you have neither of these, don't download this, as you'll not be able to use it.
      This package represents AV-8S (aka AV-1 locally) Matadors of the Spanish Naval Air Arm. A completely new skin, from a Home Grown ™ template was created, as was all but 3 original decals taken from the Matador pak from 2005. All new serial, name badges, and insignia markings were created (and, obviously included!) Some minor edits to the data, loadout and avionics give the aircraft a little more operational flexibility. All weapons used are stock in-game items. The canopy is NOT activated, as there are no more animation slot availalbe for it. Sorry! However, there is a working landing light, and a new SF2-style hangar screen (albeit a photo, as opposed to my usual 'boxart' type)
      As as extra added surprise bonus, a skin/decal pak for the Royal Thai Navy Harriers is included as well (all 8 of them!). New serials and individual markings were created; all others are stock 3W decals (insignia, finflash) from the game's objectcats.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (5 reviews)



    12. McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet

      McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet Package for SF2 1.1
      Package for SF2 (Includes aircraft upgraded under the two phases of the Incremental Modernization Project) UPDATED
      1.1 Updates:
      - Skin pack added to make a total of 9 different skins that cover the change in markings over the years as well as squadrons that have been activated and disbanded etc. Plus a few special/ anniversary skins.
      - Additional 'CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II Operation 'Mobile' Lybia 2011' Aircraft with with loadouts, markings and a pilot skin specific to the campaign.
      - LoadOut.ini files and weapons updated.
      - Improved Bird slicer IFF aerials.
      This package contains three separate year specific aircraft to cover the original aircraft and the upgrades it received in latter years as part of the Incremental Modernization Project:
      ‘CF-18 Hornet’ is the initial aircraft and covers the period from delivery till 2006.
      ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase I (03)’ the AN/APG-65 radar is replaced with the AN/APG-73 radar, the AN/APX-111 IFF is added, as is ability to use JDAMs and AMRAAMs. This covers the period from 2003 to 2007
      ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II (07)’ this includes the integration of the Joint Hemet Mounted Cuing System, the ability to carry the Sniper XR targeting pod and an upgrade to the aircrafts ECM jammers. This aircraft covers the period from 2007 till 2017+.
      There are overlaps in the operational dates due to the time each upgrade program took to do the entire fleet.
      You can use the single mission editor to select a Laser Guided Bomb Attack loadout or the Mixed LGB/AMRAAM loadout used over Libya.
      I have used the Mirage Factory CF-18 from the SF2 NATO Fighters 4+ Mod as the base for this Mod.
      Also includes is an extensive rwr.lst file and library
      Simply un zip and drop the contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder, make sure you override when prompted.
      Credit goes to:
      The Mirage Factory for the original CF-18,
      Spectre8750 for the F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2 package,
      Dave for the F-16C package,
      331KillerBee for the MGunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop II


         (8 reviews)



    13. F-15 Super Pack (Version 2.4)

      F-15 Super Pack for the SF2 series
      ****************** Version 2.4 ****************************
      Added many skins by JAT to the F-15C_85 and F-15E_04
      ****************** Version 2.31 ***************************
      Minor issues fixed.
      ****************** Version 2.3 ****************************
      F-15E_04, F-15SE, F-15SG updated with proper Sniper Pod model, skin by JAT81500.
      ****************** Version 2.2 ****************************
      Updated to June 2010 Patch standards. Cockpit view issues fixed.
      ****************** Version 2.1 ****************************
      Several early variants of the non-Israeli Eagles added. You will need to have SF2E to be able to have a cockpit for these early versions. The stock F-15A ini files included with SF2E has also been tweaked to take advantage of the 3rd party effects in this aircraft pack.
      There may be a way to use the Baz cockpit included in SF2I and/or use the Eagle/Baz cockpits in WOE/WOI...however, we cannot provide support for this due to time constraints.
      Additional thanks to USAFMTL for indulging me in my obsessive/compulsive disorder by helping decal every variant...
      ****************** Initial Release ************************
      Version 2.0.
      Supersedes every Eagle released for the ThirdWire series with the exception of the stock ThirdWire F-15s and the F-15 ACTIVE.
      Includes the F-15C, F-15D, F-15E (2 versions), F-15I, F-15J, F-15DJ, F-15K, F-15S, and F-15SG. Be advised, uncompressed, this file will take up 2 GBs on your hard drive.
      Simply drag and drop into your mod directory, allow overwrites, and read the readmes!
      Thanks to the following folks:
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
      Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
      AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
      Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
      Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
      Fubar512 - For the FM work.
      JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
      MoonJumper - Avionics work.
      Sundowner - Textures.
      USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
      Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
      Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
      Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
      Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
      Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
      Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
      331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
      Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
      JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
      To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      12 Jan 10


         (21 reviews)



    14. F-14A Iran Post 1990 Skin + AIM23 Sidjil Mod

      F-14A Iran Post 1990 Skin + AIM23 Sidjil Mod
      This is a Mod of the F-14A Iranian Allycat. Includes post '90 Light Blue and Grey skins with new Decals of the serials from 3-6001 to 3-6079.
      There is no ReadMe. Just drop the Objects Folder from the Zip file into the root of the Game you have the F-14A_Iran installed and let it overwrite.
      This is posted because of a request by several people, of which some requested it, and is included in the 1.20 Superpack update.
      Read the Readme for installation.
      Model: Flying Toaster, Oli
      Cockpit: Chris (original), reworked and updated by Brain32
      FM: ThirdWire, Column5, Spectre8750, Caesar
      Avionics: Crusader, ThirdWire, Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, CrazyhorseB34
      Pilots: Old Diego, CrazyhorseB34
      Skins: Dave, Spectre8750, Column5
      NATOPS Textures: HomeFries
      Extra Hangar, Loading and Main Screens: Dave, Spectre8750
      Ejection Mod: Stary
      Testing: Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, EricJ, Spectre8750
      Weapons: Ravenclaw, wpnssgt, Bunyap and others


         (5 reviews)



    15. CF-18

      CF-18 is Canada's current multirole single seat fighter aircraft based on the FA-18, they were first put into service in 1982 and featured many upgrades from the FA-18A which they were based on.


         (0 reviews)



    16. Asian F-16 Viper Pack Part 1

      SF2 Asian F-16 Viper Pack Part 1
      First - My sincere thanks to Sony Tuckson and the entire Mirage Factory Team for the permission to use the F-16 Files.
      This is for SF2 Full Merge Installed updated to July 11 patch.
      The file contain the following squadrons:
      **Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF)
      21st FS (Luke AF, pilot training)
      21st FS Gamblers (Lead bird for the squadron)
      21st FS Special
      100 Anniversary (This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China and the KMT party by Dr. Sun)
      401st 12th TRS
      401st 17th FS
      401st 26th FS
      401st 27th FS
      401st CAG (Commander of Air Group aircraft)
      455th 14th FS
      455th 21st FS
      455th 23rd FS
      455th CAG
      Aggressor Blue
      Aggressor Brown
      Aggressor Green
      Aggressor Grey
      Aggressor Snow
      ED 702 (Aircraft 702 (A model) and aircraft 822 (B model) were assigned to Edwards AF for testing and weapon intergration before being sent to Luke AF to join the training fleet)
      Flying Tiger (401 TFW honoring the "AVG" of the Flying Tigers)
      ROCAF Solo
      **Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)
      140th SQ
      140th SQ Late
      143rd SQ (added just for fun, never flew the F-16A Blk 15 OCU)
      145th SQ (also added for fun)
      311th TFTS (Squadron at Luke AF to train the pilots, very short live)
      425th FS (Current squadron at Luke AF to train the RSAF pilots, added for fun)
      **Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF)
      102nd SQ Early
      102nd SQ Late
      103rd SQ Early
      103rd SQ Late
      403rd SQ
      Wing 1
      Wing 4
      **Indonesia Air Force (TNI-AU)
      3rd SQ Blue Camo
      3rd SQ Blue LV
      3rd SQ Grey Camo
      3rd SQ Grey LV
      The files above represented the F-16AM Blk20 for the ROCAF, F-16A Blk15 OCU for the RSAF, F-16A_ADF for the RTAF, and F-16A Blk15OCU for the TNI-AU.
      Due to the "fake pilot" mode, you will see the IFF blade on all Blk15 OCU by RSAF and TNI-AU when there shouldn't be... But who cares, it looks good :)
      As always, great care is taken to insure proper skin, decal-type/size/position and color when possible.
      Any modification that is not fully represented to the actual aircraft is made to improve the looks of the skin rather then to downgrade the quality of the actual aircraft skin and decals, or simply it is beyond my ability.
      I DID NOT upload the pilot, effects, and weapons because of three things:
      1. If you have been with the commuty for a long time, I assume you have it all and will modify it to your own liking.
      2. If you are new to the community, then you have a lot to read and upload to get the full impact of the wonderful work that many have contributed.
      3. I am too lazy to do it for you...
      Additional Credits:
      X Ray and Jat81500
      If I missed anyone it is not intentional and you will be credited :)
      22nd July, 2011


         (3 reviews)



    17. F-16AM_FAP

      SF2 F-16AM_FAP (Forca Aerea Portuguesa)
      First - My sincere thanks to Sony Tuckson and the entire Mirage Factory Team for the permission to use the F-16 Files.
      This is for SF2 Full Merge Installed updated to July 11 patch.
      The file contain the following squadrons:
      Esq. 201
      Esq. 201 Late
      Esq. 301
      Esq. 301 Claw
      This is my "over flow" work from my Asian Viper Pack. As always, great care is taken to insure proper skin, decal-type/size/position and color when possible.
      Any modification that is not fully represented to the actual aircraft is made to improve the looks of the skin rather then to downgrade the quality of the actual aircraft skin and decals, or simply it is beyond my ability.
      I DID NOT upload the pilot, effects, and weapons because of three things:
      1. If you have been with the commuty for a long time, I assume you have it all and will modify it to your own liking.
      2. If you are new to the community, then you have a lot to read and upload to get the full impact of the wonderful work that many have contributed.
      3. I am too lazy to do it for you...
      Additional Credits:
      X Ray and Jat81500
      If I missed anyone it is not intentional and you will be credited :)
      22nd July, 2011


         (1 review)



    18. F-35AE EuroLightning II

      Here's my F-35AE EuroLightning II. It's a European export version of F-35.
      My pack contains the aircraft with 4 skins:
      - Royal Norwegian Air Force skin
      - Italian Air Force 23°gruppo skin
      - Royal Netherlands Air Force 313SQN skin
      - Greek Hellenic Air Force 339 MPK ghost skin
      The loadout is changed to give it more 'euro' weapons, which all are included in SF2 Ordnance Pack.
      - Klavs81 - F-35 and skin templates
      - ravenclaw007 - AMI and KLU decals
      - JAT81500 - F-35A HAF ghost skin
      - NazGhul - HAF decals
      - Baltika - RNoAF decals
      Some decals are made by me.
      Installation instructions:
      Unzip contents of the EuroLightning archive into your mod folder. Overwrite when prompted.
      You have to install Klsvs81's F-35 to have all the sounds, effects, tanks etc.
      Happy flying!
      21 jul 2011


         (3 reviews)



    19. Mirage Factory F-16B Block 15

      The Mirage Factory F-16B Block 15
      This mod is a work in progress and all other blocks in this package are mods of the basic F-16B Block 15. This project was started by bpao a few years ago however never completed due to his untimely death. Its an old model but she has a lot of fight in her. We will do our best to update as we can.
      To install drop into your SF2 folder and allow it to overwrite folder names.
      Model by bpao (RIP my friend) via Swede...
      Avionics by Moonjumper (aka Crusader) Doesnt get any better than that.....
      Skins by Migbuster and Sundowner
      Units made by Dave (aka USAFMTL)
      Loading screens by Dave
      Pilots by Diego
      If I forgot anyone it was not intentional. Please let me know I and will correct it.
      For Oli.....
      Dave USAFMTL


         (4 reviews)



    20. F-16AM Block(20) W/Jordan 2 Squad Digital KA2 Skin

      F-16AM "Fighting Falcon"(20) w/Jordan 2 Squadron Digital MARPAT Skin.
      Also Known in HyperStealth’s advanced digital KA2 camouflage pattern
      created for Jordan.
      For any Strike Fighters 2 Israel or Combo Pack Series.
      Drop straight into "StrikeFighters2 Israel" Directory. Overwrite when
      If You want the Years for this Aircraft to be available You'll have to
      edit the ISRAELME.INI files AllowedDates and drop it in the "Terrains\
      IsraelME" Directory under the "StrikeFighters2 Israel" Folder.
      Also add to SQUADRONLIST.INI below and replace xxx with next sequence.
      DisplayName=Jordanian 2nd Squadron
      Aircraft INI's, Screens, Weapons, Pilot and Effects.
      2011 Jordan KA2 and 1997 to pre 2011 Skin.
      Thanks Go To:
      TK and Crew for the F-16A Netz.
      Thanks Gerwin for The Skin template for the F-16A Netz.
      Also MGunny's Ordnance Weapons.
      AleDucat's Boeing ACES II Ejector Seat.
      Let me know if i missed anyone.
      Have Fun


         (4 reviews)



    21. F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2

      9 Apr 2011
      F/A-18A, A+ and C for Strike Fighters 2 Generation Sims
      wikipedia link :
      SFP1 Model Credits
      3D : Flying Toaster
      Mapping, SFP1 import : BPAo
      Base Textures : Column5
      VMFA-122 Markings : USAFMTL
      FM : Column5
      3D : Flying Toaster/BPAo
      Textures : BPAo, HUD from Kesselbrut
      Effects : BPAo
      Converted to SF2Gen: Spectre[8750]
      Pilot : Thirdwire
      Texture : Diego
      3D : BPAo
      Textures : Column5
      Test Team
      Camouflage, Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Column5, Tom Venom, USAFMTL
      Aircraft, Sounds, Effects and Weapons install Plug and Play.
      Just drop contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder.
      Hope You Enjoy it!
      Released: 15,Sep,2009
      Updated: 18,Sep 2009
      Added AN/ASS-38 Laser Pod, reworked the cockpit.
      Fixed Station 2 showing up right, Thanks EricJ.
      Updated: 22,Sep 2009
      Moved ATFLIR to intended location for this aircraft. Using the
      Left Sparrow Station. Supposed to be an Adapter Plate for Pod
      but best i could do for now.
      Also changed Loadout a little and included all weapons and
      changed the Pilot Skin out as he was beginning to smell.
      Also added Cockpit Animation for 1 slot. Default is SHIFT+1.
      Updated: 26,Sep 2009
      ATFLIR With Adapter has now been Added. Now it Looks more
      proper Thanks To EricJ and FastCargo.
      Fixed and cleaned up the Cockpit, now Ground Mode works.
      Added VFA-131 Skin and GEF404 Engine Sound and a new USNWind
      sound with background Radio Chatter from the Desert Storm Mod.
      Not sure who orig did it but sounds good. Thanks.
      Also Added Patch for USMC VMFA-122 Crusaders Skin.
      Updated: 10,May 2010
      Updated Avionics.ini and the F-18_Effects.ini so effects and
      cockpit work with December 2009 update.
      Also updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
      Added: DestroyedModel DestroyedEffect to the Data.INI File.
      Adjusted Gun sites.
      Cleaned up Hangar and Loading Screens.
      Updated: 15,July 2010
      Updated Effects.
      Added DDS Damage Textures.
      Updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
      DestroyedModel needs to be in the \Aircraft root Dir.
      Updated UserList.
      Updated Screens to JPG's
      Added Loadout.TGA.
      Updated FlightData.INI
      Changed AntiShipping to AGM-84E Harpoon In LOADOUT.INI and
      included weapon.
      Updated: 25,October 2010
      Updated Cockpit.
      Updated Effects.
      Updated the RWR.lst file.
      Updated FlightData.INI
      Added Flight Dir Files needed for RADAR detection.
      Updated: 14,December 2010
      Updated Cockpit MFD Texture.
      Updated Effects and Sounds. Delete old F-18Effects INI's.
      Updated the RWR.lst file.
      Updated FlightDATA.INI
      Updated RWR_?.TGA's
      Fixed TWS scan Distance.
      Enhanced Wheel Texture Appearence.
      Added Skins.
      Added Squadronlist Sample info and full INI in the PilotData
      dir for optional use.
      Added sample Soundslist.ini in Flight Dir.
      Added AN/ASQ-173. Added "SpecificStationCode=F182" in the
      Weapon ASQ-173_DATA.INI file so Pods would switch during
      different dates. You will want to add it to other Aircrafts
      ?_DATA.INI at that station in other Aircraft like the
      F-14B_96 StationID=14 if you have it.
      Updated: 27,March 2011f
      Updated Data files.
      Updated Weapons.
      Updated Cockpit Cage Texture.
      Updated Gauges.
      Updated RWR_?.TGA's
      Changed F-18_DTV.TGA Texture.
      Moved Decals to proper Folder.
      Added Correct Files.
      Updated: 08,April 2011
      Added F/A-18A and A+.
      Updated Data files.
      Updated Weapons.
      Updated Landing Gear Data.
      The A models come with original skins plus
      the first USN and USMC Squadrons.
      Mirage Factory
      Flying Toaster
      Sony Tuckson
      TK and Thirdwire


         (14 reviews)



    22. F-16A Block 10 (USAF & NATO)

      ****F-16A Block 10****
      You have downloaded my version of the F-16A Block 10 for the USAF and NATO air arms.
      I have included all four squadrons of the 388th TFW, the first unit to convert and be mission-capable in the type.
      Consult README for installation instructions.


         (4 reviews)



    23. JASDF F-15CJ_Kai

      The is not the perfect F-15CJ_Kai.
      This aircraft is base on the Stock F-15A SF2, you would need to have SF2 and/or Merged SF2 installed.
      I have made a lot of tweaks on the plane. You can modify it to your own liking.
      Thus, weapons and effects is not included, check download section for your preference.
      Don't worry if you do not have the effects or weapons installed, the game will DEFAULT to SF2 Stock weapons for the specific time period.
      Copy the content of the respect folders to your folder:
      "Aircraft" to your "Object Aircraft folder."
      "Decals", copy the entire decals folder content and paste it onto your decal folder. I was unable to use specific squadron
      for decal folder, as it does not show up on the aircraft.
      All of my skin has extensive logos on it... as the JASDF likes to change logos and decals often.
      The lack of accuracy consist of:
      -The feathers on the engine nozzle is still in place.
      -The various antennas that is not shown or updated as per MSIP II and after.
      -The larger bullet fairing on the left vertical stab. (should be the thin one).
      -The speed brake position when deploy is not accurate (TK did not made the model to extend further).
      -I was unable to have all the decals on the RIGHT "outter" vertical stab. and LEFT "inner" vertical stab. to face forward (toward the nose) as per actual aircraft. Two aircraft, the RIGHT "inner" logo is not facing forward.
      -The skin pattern/color is not accurate, BUT the JASDF is notorious for having various skin patterns and decals at a drop of a hat... so I am not that much off.
      -I'm sure you can find more but that is what is great about this game series... you can CREATE and CHANGE to your liking!
      The file contain all of the current JASDF F-15CJ squadrons with the "EXCEPTION" of two skins.
      The 1st Tactical Squadron and the Air Developemt and Test Command Squadron.
      (Both squadron are provisional and aircrafts get rotated from active units or spare aircraft)
      Oh, I added my own squadron "JASDF Shogun" (what if...)
      The following are the Squadrons:
      Hiko Kyoiku Kokutai (Tactical Fighter Training Squadron) Nyutabaru Air Base (RJFN).
      23rd Hikotai (Squadron), 23Sq. replaced the 202Sq. in 2000 as the F-15 training unit.
      Keikai Kokutai (Provisional Group) Nyutabaru Air Base (RJFN)
      Hiko Kyodotai ("Aggressors")
      2 Kokudan (Wing): Chitose Air Base (RJCJ), Part of the Northern Air Defence Force (HQ Misawa).
      201 Hikotai
      203 Hikotai
      83 Kokutai (Group), Part of the Southwestern Composite Air Division (HQ Naha).
      204 Hikotai (204Sq. swopped places with 302Sq. (F-4EJ_Kai) at the beginning of 2009 for better defense of the Southern flank).
      6 Kokudan: Kanazawa/Komatsu Air Base (RJNK), Part of the Central Air Defence Force (HQ Iruma).
      303 Hikotai
      306 Hikotai
      7 Kokudan: Hyakuti Air Base (RJAH), Part of the Central Air Defence Force (HQ Iruma).
      305 Hikotai
      8 Kokudan: Tsuiki Air Base (RJFZ), Part of the Western Air Defence Force (HQ Kasuga).
      304 Hikotai
      TK and Thirdwire - Stock F-15A SF2E/Skin
      AleDucat - ACES II Ejection Seat
      JimmyBid - F-15C cockpit flight control textures
      MoonJumper - Avioncs work
      Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit
      Brain32 - Improved/new textures for the F-15C cockpit
      331KillerBee- SF2 Weapon Pack
      gbreuder - Alternate F-14 wing vapor effects
      Old Diego - Pilot Pack
      x Ray - Updated JASDF pilot skin
      dfang - Afterburner effect
      [ If I miss anyone it is not intentional ]
      Please let me know if there is any issues or things missing (other than what I have stated above).
      I take great pride on my work as do all of the wonderful people on this forum.
      Have Fun!
      8 January 2011


         (1 review)



    24. Polish F-16D updated for Strike Fighters 2

      Polish F-16D updated for Strike Fighters 2
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Diogo


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    25. A-10A's 23rd Wing Pope AFB

      Just a quick work on default TK and TW standard SF-2E A-10A_78 aircraft.
      Just to add to the game a modern HAWG in 2 of it's best liveries.
      Inside you'll find both 23rd Wing squadrons skins,the 74th TFS "Flying Tigers" and the 75th TFS "Tiger Sharks" from Pope AFB.
      These squadrons are also deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan too.
      Thanks to TK and TW staff to mod up this plane!
      Massimo "X-Ray" Pilot


         (2 reviews)




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