F-16C Block 30/32 Aggressors by The Viper Team
By Dave
F-16C Aggressor Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16C Block 30/32
F-16D Block 30
Pit by ravenclaw. (Ok now he has gone too far.....)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw.
Skins templates by Migbuster and EricJ
MFD panel glass by Stary
Units skins by Sony Tuckson, Jat, Migbuster and EricJ
ACMIs, CATM-9's and ALQ-167 by ravenclaw
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work.
Crash test Dummy and screens, Dave
CrazyhorseB34, the other dummy
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
F-16A/B Netz for SF2:Israel
By Dave
IAF F-16A Netz Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16A Netz_87
F-16B Netz_87
Pit by Thirdwire
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw.
Skins templates by Migbuster and EricJ
MFD panel glass by Stary
Skins by Wilco, Jat, and ravenclaw
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work.
Crash test Dummy Dave
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
F-16C Block 50/52 by The Viper Team
By Dave
F-16C Blk50/52 Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16C Block 50/52
Greek and Turkish Blk 50/52's
Block 50/52+ mods.
Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Jat and Dave
Skins: use of JanHas's F4 skins
Turkish skins by Pureblue
Greek pattern by EricJ
Pilots: Base from Florian mod by JAT
Loading Screens by ST0RM
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
Updated F-16A Block 10
By Dave
Updated default F-16 for SF2 combined install. You must have SF2:Israel to use this mod. Updated Wrench's mod. Fixed decal tail problem with the first number not showing up.
To install, drop into your mod folder and fly.
Switched to Migbuster USAF skins
Added ACES II and adjusted data.ini accordingly
Added Modusaf pilot
Used new random decal format
Updated Number.lst
Added AIM-9L/9
Added ALQ-119v16
Added new hanger and loading screens
Added 89th TFS "Rhinos" out of WPAFB
Credits for the items I used:
B-1B Redux
By Dave
B-1B Lancer aka "The Bone" by Dels and the Bone Team
SF2 Version for Dec 2009 Patch and beyond
Nov 2010
Model by Dels
Skins by ST0RM, Syrinx Jat81500 and my boy Jimmy B!!!!
Decals, units and testing, etc by Dave (USAFMTL) and ST0RM
Sounds by Spillone
Updated FM by Fubar512 and FastCargo
Weapon Station arrangements by FastCargo
Destroyed LOD by Klavs81, Dels and FastCargo
B-1B Pit by Dels (Its a bloody masterpiece)
ACES 2 Seats by Julhelm
Mod USAF pilot by Diego
Technical Adviser/Loadouts ans new weapons models by FastCargo
Package contains:
B-1B 86 Turkey Feathers and pure nuke
B-1B 92 Blk A - Nuke and Conventional role
B-1B 96 Blk C - CBU capability,
B-1B 98 Blk D - JDAM and ALE-50 added
To install:
Sounds go into your main mod folder.
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Sounds
Effects go into your main mod folder.
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Effects
Planes go into your Objects/Aircraft folder.
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft
Decals go into your Objects/Decals folder.
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals
Pilots go into your Objects/Pilots folder
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Pilots
Weapons go into your Objects/Weapons folder
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Weapons
If do not have any of these folders, then by installing this into your main install, it will make them for you.
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Additional Notes by FastCargo:
Each model of B-1B has the ability to carry the specific weapons it was authorized for during that time frame. Most of these weapons are included in this package...the preset loadouts represent typical arrangements. The weapon stations have been setup so that you can only load the type and number of weapons for each bay in the loadout screen, reflecting real life limitations.
Also, the maximum gross weight for takeoff at sea level is 470000 pounds...you can easily exceed this just with the default loadouts at full internal fuel weight. It is HIGHLY recommended to lower your internal fuel to 75% to get under the gross weight.
At full gross weight, the AI and you will require the whole runway to takeoff...you will probably not 'unstick' until close to 200 knots. At minimum weight, it should only take about half the runway and about 160 knots unstick. Also, do not rotate above 9 degrees pitch on takeoff before you leave the runway...or you will scrape the tail and may crash.
The FM has been through some major rework to get around the limitation that the sim has with large swing wings. The current FM setup is a compromise to allow docile handling with realistic performance. There are some weaknesses with it, mainly during mid altitude cruise flight tends to take more power than the real aircraft needs. You will find that the FM mimics the real thing in most limitations...lower altitude ceiling at full gross weight, faster roll rates with wings swept back, etc. Also, 'at the limit' handling has been much improved...much more difficult to stall at high speed. Handling is fairly carefree, simulating the real aircraft's fly by wire helping you keep the aircraft within limits. It is still possible to overG or stall...with bad consequences for both.
For mission planning and the AI, the sim uses the 'CruiseSpeed' parameter to determine attack speed, and the LevelBombAI, ReleaseAlt to determine how high it's attack run is. Because of this, you may find the parameters for both to be different for each model. Here is the current list for each one:
B-1B_86 - Speed-540 knots / Alt 1500 feet
B-1B_92 - Speed-540 knots / Alt 1500 feet
B-1B_96 - Speed-540 knots / Alt 600 feet
B-1B_98 and 03 - Speed-320 knots / Alt 15000 feet
The 2 later models are high and slow because they mostly do standoff and PGMs, which usually require altitude.
The 2 earliest models are low alt, high speed for the nuke mission to get away from the blast (btw, you will NEED .9 mach and 1300 AGL to drop a gravity nuke...or you won't make it out of the blast radius).
The middle model is same speed, but lower altitude because they didn't carry nukes anymore.
We did our best. Enjoy.
F-16C Block 25/30 by The Viper Team
By Dave
F-16C Blk25/30 By the Viper Team.
Pit by ravenclaw. (A master piece and you haven't seen nuttin' yet.)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Dave and Jat (I think Jat did like 4 and I did the other 70 or so) lol
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, avionics and ini work.
CrazyhorseB34, ini work and testing
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
European MLU Vipers
By Dave
F-16AM/BM By the Viper Team.
Pit by ravenclaw. (Another master piece and he isn't done yet.)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Jat and ravenclaw (Ok, Jat got me this time and did you know Volker paints too!??)
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
F-16C Block 30/32 by The Viper Team
By Dave
F-16C Blk30/32 Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16C Block 32
Greek and Turkish Blk 30's
Block 30/32 Cupid mods.
Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Jat, Pureblue, Dave and EricJ
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
F-16C Block 40/42 by The Viper Team
By Dave
F-16C Blk40/42 Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16C Block 40/42
Turkish Blk 40's
Block 40/42 Cupid mods
Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
Skins: use of JanHas's F4 skins
Turkish skins by Pureblue
Greek pattern by EricJ
Pilots: Base from Florian mod by JAT
Loading Screens by ST0RM
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Jat, Pureblue, Dave and EricJ
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
ROKAF F-16C Blk 32/52 by The Viper Team
By Dave
KF-16C Blk32/52 Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16C Block 32/52 of the ROKAF
Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins: use of JanHas's F4 skins
KF-16C skins by EricJ
Pilots: Base from Florian mod by JAT
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
IAF F-16C/D/I by The Viper Team
By Dave
IAF F-16C Series By the Viper Team.
Pack Includes:
F-16C Barak
F-16C Barak II
F-16D Barak
F-16D Brakeet
F-16I Sufa
Pit by ravenclaw. (Ok now he has gone too far.....)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw.
Skins templates by Migbuster and EricJ
MFD panel glass by Stary
Skins by Wilco, Sony Tuckson, Jat, Migbuster and EricJ
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work.
Crash test Dummy Dave
CadeteBRA for the Sonic Boom effect
Raánan Weiss for pictures / material that help me make the SUFA cockpit
To install:
Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.
F/A-18 Series By The Hornet Team (BETA!)
By Dave
F/A-18A/C. This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing.
The Hornet Team:
Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
Skins by Siddog, Dave and EricJ.
Crash test Dummy: Caeser
Pilots: by Diego
Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it.
To install:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.
F/A-18B/D Series By The Hornet Team (BETA!)
By Dave
F/A-18B/D Package. This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing.
The Hornet Team:
Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
Skins by Siddog, Sundowner and EricJ.
Crash test Dummy: Caeser
Pilots: by Diego
Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it.
To install:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.
AV-8B_da HD for SF2
By 331Killerbee
The AV-8B_da done in "High Deffinition" by somebody that used to work on the AV-8B.
READ ME is included
Thanks to Bobrock for the AV-8B_da and his original Templetes.
- skins
- modern era
- (and 1 more)
AV-8B_+10 HD for SF2
By 331Killerbee
AV-8B_+10 HD "High Deffinition" for SF2
A Update of WhiteBoySamurai's wounderful AV-8B_+10 Skins done with 331KillerBee's Templetes by somebody that worked on the Aircraft.
READ ME included.
Many Thanks to:
WhiteBoySamurai's Original Skins. They are wounderful works of art and Correct by someone that knows.......
Bobrock for the Model and Templetes
- av-8
- modern era
- (and 1 more)
By mohand777
This is F16D B52 VIPER TEAM Vesion
i Made Just SKIN
SF2 USAF F-15C "Aggressors" from the 65th AGRS based out of Nellis AFB.
By Viper63a
SF2 USAF F-15C "Aggressors" from the 65th AGRS based out of Nellis AFB.
by Viper63a
This mod contains "fly-able" F-15C "Aggressors" from the "Red Flag Nellis AFB Pack". I intended this pack to be an expansion to FastCargo's (Excellent) F-15 Super Pack, but while I was testing the pack, it evolved into a fully contained stand-alone pack. However, let there be no doubt that this pack could not have been possible without foundation laid out by FastCargo and the people in his "Credits" list.
If you're interested in Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack, you can down load it here.
This mod is NOT compatible with the "Red Flag Nellis AFB Pack". These planes are already installed in that pack as AI Enemies. If you install these F-15s into the "Red Flag" pack, the F-15C Aggressors will switch sides to become "friendlies" as the Nation will switch back to "USAF" from "AGRS". Unless that is what you want to do, I don't recommend installing these F-15s into that pack. Unless you want to fly these Aggressors against the other Aggressors in that pack.
If you're interested in the "Red Flag Nellis AFB Pack", you can down load it here.
This pack includes F-15c with 10 different paint schemes. These are NOT accurate (for the purists out there), but close enough. See pix on the download page. This is full (self contained) pack with Hangars, loading and other screens. It should work in any SF2 installs that support the F-15s.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The default sizes of the skins are in 4096 resolution. It may strain some slower systems, If you experience performance issues, I included some 2048 resolution skins in the "Extra" folder. See the installation section for more info.
To Install,
1) Back up your current mod folder, incase you want to go back to your original configuration.
2) Copy the un-compressed contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" into your SF2 Mod folder. Over-write any conflicts.
3) Go fly...
NOTE: If the default 4096 skin resolution is too much for your computer, copy the contents of the "\Extras\2048_Skins\To_Mod_Folder" to your SF2 mod folder and Over-write.
Credits: Fastcargo and et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!
That's it! Enjoy!
- f-15c
- aggressors
- (and 4 more)
F-16E/F Block 60 Desert Falcon Pack
By Spudknocker
The United Arab Emirates choose the F-16 as its next strike fighter after lessons learned from the 1991 Gulf War In which its Mirage F.1s were unable to fly in due to IFF considerations due to the Iraqi F.1's. The Emirati government wanted an F-16 variant that was more advanced than the Block 50/52 standard and funded the development of the F-16E/F Block 60, and are internally the most advanced F-16's in the world and incorporate 5th generation features such as an internal FLIR/Laser targeting system negating the need for an external pod. More can be seen here F-16_Fighting_Falcon_variants.
The Block 60's included use the standard sound files found in all other F-16 packs the only instillation should be putting the aircraft and pilots in the correct folders.
Thank you to combat ace and its community for showing me how to skin and build Ini's
Thank you to specter870 for creating the original Data INI's for the F-16I.
This is my first aircraft mod if any issues feel free to put a message on my profile or change something yourself! Happy Hunting!
Afterburner Climax Brave Fangs
By Warwolf01
Basen on Afterburner Climax Brave Fangs F-14D
- afterburner climax
- northatlantic
- (and 4 more)
FA-18 Series Update by The Hornet Team
By Dave
F/A-18A/B/C/D Version 2.0
11 Jan 2015
Streamlined the mod, took out some of the skins to make the package smaller, fixed many ini problems. Add missing hangar and loadng screens. Deleted loose files. Made it more user friendly and complete package.
Dave USAFMTL Slavens
The Hornet Team:
Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
Skins by Siddog, Dave and EricJ.
Crash test Dummy: Caeser
Pilots: by Diego
Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it.
To install:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.
Previous readme info below.
Fixed decals and skins. Recommend deleting all the other skins and using these to get rid of excess files.
Added missing drop tanks and added Ravenclaws weapons.
This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing.
Raytheon T-6C Texan II for SF2
By dtmdragon
Raytheon T-6C Texan II for SF2
This is the T-6C Texan II as used by No 14 Squadron RNZAF for the SF2 series of games.
The T-6C Texan II is an upgraded version of the T-6B with wing hard points, intelligence/ surveillance/ reconnaissance capabilities, a digital glass cockpit that includes a Head-Up Display, six multi-function displays, Hands On Throttle And Stick.
I created this version of the T-6 by using Dels amazing AT-6B and removing the parts that differentiate the AT-6B from the T-6C. This works perfectly as the T-6C is the upgraded version of the T-6B, which is what the AT-6B is the armed version of.
Extract the files and place into your mods folder.
Bonus Skins:
Included in the 'Bonus' folder are two what-if Grey RNZAF skins for the T-6C and Dels AT-6B.
- Dels
- FastCargo
- Dave
Dan (dtmdragon)
Boeing 767
By Veltro2k
Boeing 767
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
To add some eye candy to the game
Temp skin, Blank is included have fun
unzip ad folders to their appropriate places...have fun
By russouk2004
Added fixes for T45 tumbling on T\O from cat...
Fixed COG entries.
Steering ok
No shadow artifacts.
uses new shadow method.no shd file needed.
includes fixes by e to model...and kevs pak called"t45_goshawk_pak."
Tested and it will now take off properly...
Thanks kev for the tweaks..
B-2A Spirit (Version 0.90)
By FastCargo
B-2A (Beta) by FastCargo.
********************** Version 0.90 ***********************
SF2 Version for Jul 2013 Patch.
Original model from tf3dm - 3dregenerator
Modifications to import into TW sims by FastCargo
Textures and most decals by FastCargo
Cockpit, ModPilot, and Aces II seat from B-1B Redux Package by Dels, et al
Included weapons from The Ordinance Shop II by 331KillerBee and FastCargo
Hanger and Loadout screens credited to the respective individuals
Thanks to ST0RM for high res photos allowing me to complete the area around the cockpit
Templates for all textures and decals included
Any errors are mine...
Aircraft include:
B-2A - All 21 tail numbers are included in the Block 30 paint scheme (operational).
This release is a beta, and as such, is somewhat incomplete. The cockpit is from the B-1B.
A new weapon has been included, the GBU-57 Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP). Big boom...but only one per bay. JASSMs have been slightly modded to have more realistic flight performance. The weapon bay loads have been built to realistically hold the proper number and types of weapons the real B-2A could carry.
The FM has been tweaked to allow the player and AI to fly with reasonable accuracy. There are still a few bugs...mainly the AI likes to be nose down during the approach and landing. Also, there can be weapon bay visual errors when the AI is dropping weapons (ie the bay doors may not open). The weapon bay errors are limitations in the code that can't be fixed...it has to do with more than one weapon station using the same bay door animation slot. We are still working to squash the remaining issues...and one day we will have a proper cockpit for this machine.
Have fun...report any crippling bugs (except trying to use it in SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI...you're on your own) in the release thread at CA.
07 Jul 14
AT-6B for SF2 Version 2.0
By FastCargo
Readme for the Raytheon AT-6B Texan II. For Strike Fighters 2 Series.
Version 2.0
-Cleaned up some areas on the 3d model plus increased the detail in almost all areas including AT-6B specific items plus the addition of extra details. (antennas etc.)
-The skin's texture size and detail has been increased, plus changed to .jpg format.
-Weapon modifications in _DATA & Loadout.ini files.
-Included the AGM-114L as a CGR and added Hellfire rails to the 3d model to overcome the issue of engaging moving targets.
-New hangar and loading screens.
-New cockpit glass reflection texture.
Version 1.5
MAJOR upgrade in cockpit and model by Dels. Much closer to actual AT-6B appearance and specifications.
More weapons tweaking by FastCargo.
Version 1.1
Added Sounds
HUD Fixed
Original model, FM, drop tanks, etc. based on Dels PC-9.
Idea, decals, skins and coordination by Dave.
Addons and weapons by FastCargo.
This version is for the SF2 version of ThirdWire sims only!
Copy the Objects directory into your ThirdWire mods folder. Allow overwrites (if any). The only alteration to basic stock or the current SF2 weapons are a slight tweaking of the basic Stinger missile.
Notes on this release:
The FM isn't perfect, but will work pretty good as long as you remember it is not an F-22...don't try to pull like you are one. Also, for some reason, certain racks will only load through the loadout.ini, but not in the pull down menu. Haven't found why this acts this way yet.
Canopy is activated with animation key #10.
Notes on the aircraft, from airforce-technology.com:
"The multirole AT-6 will be capable of performing missions including: net-centric ISR with the ability for precise geo-registration, streaming video and datalinks; light attack including combat search and rescue (CSAR), close air support, forward air control and convoy escort; homeland defence (border security), port security, and counter-narcotics operations; and civil missions such as disaster area reconnaissance, search and rescue, and firefighting.
The AT-6B is equipped with a sensor suite that can include a variety of electro-optical, infrared, laser and hyper-spectral sensors, for example the Wescam MX-15Di. The Boeing joint helmet-mounted cueing system, in service with the USAF and US Navy, can be fitted for targeting.
There are six wing-mounted hardpoints for stores. With its MIL-STD 1760 smart weapons interface, the AT-6 can be armed with a variety of weapons including 0.50 calibre machine gun pod; air-to-ground missiles like Hellfire and Maverick; AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles; and munitions including Paveway II / enhanced Paveway II / Paveway IV guided bombs, joint direct attack munition (JDAM), small diameter bomb (SDB) and 2.75in rocket pods."
In short, the AT-6B is a LIGHT attack aircraft, perfect for COIN ops, FAC, etc. Operate it with this in mind you'll find you'll have a lot of fun with it.
Questions, contact us at CombatAce.
Dels, Dave and FastCargo
10 Sep 09
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