32 files
Bye Bye Bitburg! Last Years of the 36th FW in Germany
Bye Bye Bitburg! Last Days of the 36th Fighter Wing in Germany
This skin pack is to represent the 36th FW with its 22nd and 53rd Fighter Squadrons during Bitburgs last two years of operations. During this time the 36th still deployed to Aviano AB in support of Operation Deny Flight, the no fly zone over the former Yugoslavia.
- 3 F-15C skins
- 2 F-15D skins
all as historically accurate as currently possible
first get the F-15C_91 aircraft, commonly found here
after you extract the F-15C_91 aircraft and put it into your aircraft folder
alternately you can use the F-15C_91 from this mod without having to hunt for it
unzip this mod. open "To Mods" Folder. place contents into your chosen mods folder and allow overwrites
Viper63 templates for their F-15 skins
daddyairplanes research, skin improvements, tga work
Thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy flying it as much as i did creating it
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
24 Dec 2023
This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
F-15C Blue and Tan skin, 65th Aggressor Squadron(2005-2014)
The 65th Aggressor Squadron stationed at Naris Air Force Base operated F-15C fighter jets from 2005 to 2014, and used a variety of unique Schemes. This mod is one of the two types they have used. I will use it in the game Called "Blue" and "Tan" in
Made this for my personal campaign "Red Flag", based on the F-15C, to share with you all.
Special thanks to:
Fast Cargo provides a great collection of F-15 packs for the community
Viper63 added accurate machine number decals to his Aggressor pack
1. Put the "65AGRS_Blue" and "65AGRS_Tan" folders into your F-15C module;
2. Put the "Decals" folder into: your SF2 directory\Objects;
3. Start the game and start your F-15C, the game will automatically inject data.
Black Knights and the Slobberin' Wolfhounds
Black Knight and the Wolfhounds: F-15C in the 57th FIS and 32d TFS during the 1980s
this mod represents the F-15C while in service with the 57th FIS at NAS Keflavik and the 32d TFS at Soesterberg AB. it is semi historical, as good images of all the aircraft were harder to come by especially for the later 80s
get original FastCargo aircraft pack from here
or the viper63a revamp here
the skin should work equally well in either. then....
select either just the F-15C and F-15C_85 aircraft (and associated decal folders if you wish, they arent needed for this mod)
unzip, drop "Objects" folder into mod folder. should not be any overwriting necessary
aircraft skin folders and decal folders for F-15C and F-15C_85 aircraft
viper63a: limited use of decals, skins, much inspiration on how to proceed
FastCargo: original model
daddyairplanes: minor skin tweeks, revamp of decal layout, tga work
TK: the whole original game
note: this started as an improvement to my own install on a new system. as i do not usually fly the two seaters, i have no intentions of doing the D models. if interested, i will gladly share the templates so you can create your own.
thank you for choosing this mod, i hope that you enjoy it
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
Aug 2021
UPDATE 24 September 2022
there is a folder with corrected textures if you encounter your F-15C being blank. this issue was not reported with the
since i revisited this mod, i also change the filepaths for the decal folders, adjusted the decal inis, and added loading
screens based on the old TW style but specific to the mod.
big thanks to DEVIL11, who brought the texture issue to my attention.
Charlie Guardians F-15C in Air National Guard Service
Charlie Guardians: F-15C Eagles in the Air National Guard
this mod represents the F-15C while in service with the US Air National Guard. two in game models of F-15C are represented, the _91 as the Hawaiian ANG operated bot A and C models for most of their tenure and the _02. Most ANG C users gained their new to them mounts in 2004.
get original FastCargo aircraft pack from here
or the viper63a revamp here
the skin should work equally well in either. then....
select and transfer the F-15C_91 and F-15C_02 aircraft (and original decals folders if you so choose. they arenet needed for this mod)
unzip, drop "Objects" folder into mod folder. should not be any overwriting necessary
aircraft skin folders and decal folders for F-15C_91 and _F-15C_02 aircraft
viper63a: limited use of decals, skins, much inspiration on how to proceed
FastCargo: original model
allenjb42, NightshadeP/R: testers. if its messed up i swear its their fault (J/K!)
daddyairplanes: minor skin tweeks, revamp of decal layout, tga work
TK: the whole original game
note: this started as an improvement to my own install on a new system. as i do not usually fly the two seaters, i have no intentions of doing the D models. if interested, i will gladly share the templates so you can create your own.
thank you for choosing this mod, i hope that you enjoy it
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
Aug 2021
Eagles of the East and West
East and West Eagles: F-15C in the 18th and 36th TFWs during the 1980s
this mod represents the F-15C while in service with the 18th TFW at Kadena AB and the 36th TFW at Bitburg AB. it is semi historical, especially in the case of the 36th TFW (with had a lot of variations on the theme at any given time!)
get original FastCargo aircraft pack from here
or the viper63a revamp here
the skin should work equally well in either. then....
select either just the F-15C and F-15C_85 aircraft (and associated decal folders if you wish, they arent needed for this mod)
unzip, drop "Objects" folder into mod folder. should not be any overwriting necessary
aircraft skin folders and decal folders for F-15C and F-15C_85 aircraft
viper63a: limited use of decals, skins, much inspiration on how to proceed
FastCargo: original model
allenjb42, NightshadeP/R: testers. if its messed up i swear its their fault (J/K!)
daddyairplanes: minor skin tweeks, revamp of decal layout, tga work
TK: the whole original game
note: this started as an improvement to my own install on a new system. as i do not usually fly the two seaters, i have no intentions of doing the D models. if interested, i will gladly share the templates so you can create your own.
2d note: this mod was mainly created to fix the Eagles the way i wanted them in my own installs. since i do not normally fly two seaters, i did not do D models. anyone interested in creating these is free to pm me, and i will share the decal templates
thank you for choosing this mod, i hope that you enjoy it
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
Aug 2021
F-15A 1980s Skinpack for stock 3W Eagles
F-15A 1980s Skinpack for the Stock 3W Eagles
This semi historical mod tweeks the stock Third Wire units and adds the Fighter Interceptor Squadrons
The mod includes tail, unit and nose markings for 17 F-15A squadrons (plus two later sets for the FISs) as operated during the 1980s.
I say this is a semi historical mod. To save myself research time, it uses modified TW serials. the numbers are the same, i just reduced the opacity to fit the look of the markings better.
Objects folder with needed Aircraft and Decal folders
StrikeFighters2: Europe for the stock F-15
unzip. move objects folder to the mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites if needed (shouldnt be any but in case,)
TW: original serial number, F-15 squadron tail, and innner tail tga, textures
daddyairplanes: upscaling, tweeking, and opacity reduction of TW unit markings, new markings, skin folders by unit, and conversion of texture from bmp to jpg
i hope you enjoy this simple little mod. It satarted with me taking a look in my old mod folders, prior to loading up new installs
i didnt like what i saw, so i changed it. But maybe you will like this addition too.
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
Jun 2021
Alpha Guardian Eagles: ANG Skinpack for F-15A(85)
Alpha Guardian Eagles ANG Skinpack for F-15A(85)
This semi historical mod adds the Air National Guard Squadrons that used the F-15A as well as the 32d Tactical Fighter Squadron that used the F-15A MSIP aircraft from late 1991 until disbanding in 1994
The mod includes tail, unit and nose markings for 9 F-15A squadrons (plus two low visibilty sets) as operated by the Air National Guard.
I say this is a semi historical mod. To save myself research time, it uses modified TW serials. the numbers are the same, i just reduced the opacity to fit the look of the markings better.
Objects folder with needed Aircraft and Decal folders
Required: Either
Viper63a's Eagle Superpack
or if you prefer the original
FastCargo's Eagle Superpack
it will work with either, as it it just skins and decals
install the F-15A(85) aircraft from the above mod of your choice (following their directions within that mod)
unzip. move objects folder to the mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites if needed (shouldnt be any but in case,)
Viper63a: whom i am certain i swiped the actual textures from for the skins
TW: original serial number, F-15 squadron tail, and innner tail tga, textures
Wrench: hiang serial numbers
daddyairplanes: upscaling, tweeking, and opacity reduction of TW unit markings, new markings, skin folders by unit, and much time hunting google for pics of the real aircraft in that era
i hope you enjoy this simple little mod. It satarted with me taking a look in my old mod folders, prior to loading up new installs. i didnt like what i saw, so i changed it. But maybe you will like this addition too.
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
Jun 2021
SF2 F-15A Eagle, (3W) Hawaii Air National Guard Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-15A Eagle, Hawaii Air National Guard Skin Pack 5/19/2020
= For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Preferred) =
*You must have the STOCK F-15A in you hanger to make use of this mod!!*
This is a reskinning of the stock (3rd Wire) F-15A Eagle as used by the 199th TFS, 154 TFW of the Hawaiian Air National Gurad from 1987 to 2010, when they were replaced by F-22 Raptors. (It should be noted, F-15Cs were also used, alongside their older siblings).
This mod uses the stock skin, with various decals. All markings are decals, especially the squadron and nose zaps. I was unable to run down historical serial numbers, so 26 stock 3W decals are (re) used. Decal randomization is TRUE.
When in-game, on the "select skin" drop down, you'll see:
199th TFS, HI ANG (87-09)
This will assist you in selecting the skin.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions'
Happy Landing!
Kevin Stein
TW F-15A Variants of Pappy's Excellent F-15A Skins
By Viper63a
TW F-15A Variants of Pappy's Excellent F-15A Skins and Blackburn32's Stripes! You need Pappy's F-15A Air Superiority Blue 1.0.0 to get the decals... Here: Just drop the two folder from this mod into your mod F-15A folder...Thats it! Also highly recommend, but not needed for this mod... Pappy's F-15A Hi-Rez with Lo-Viz Stencil
Here: and Pappy's Thirdwire F-15A Eagle Hi-Rez
Here: These are awesome! Thanks Pappy! Please note: All credit for the Invasion Stripes to Bkackburn32! What a cool idea! Thanks All! =V=67 downloads
F-15A Air Superiority Blue
By pappychksix
This is a complete skin with decals for an F-15A Eagle in Air Superiority Blue paint scheme. Just so every knows...this is for Streakeagle.
"The only paint schemes I like better are the specail "Streak Eagle" no-paint scheme and the original air superiority blue."
Anyway...again, I hope you guys enjoy.
F-15A Hi-Rez with Lo-Viz Stencil
By pappychksix
Here is the F-15A in Hi-Rez with Lo- Viz stencil per a request from a good friend. Hope you guys enjoy.
Thirdwire F-15A Eagle Hi-Rez
By pappychksix
A Hi-Rez skin for Thirdwires F-15A Eagle. Sorry for the long delay. Hope all who use it enjoy.
Thanks to TK for the aircraft and to all who encouraged me to make this, especially my friend SoulFreak.
Any questions or comments can be sent to me here.
SF2 F-15C/D/S Hi-Rez 4096x Royal Saudi Air Force Skins
By Viper63a
SF2 F-15C/D/S Hi-Rez 4096x Royal Saudi Air Force Skins
by Viper63a 2016\04\01
Warning! This mod includes 4096x skins and hi-rez decals. Please backup and restore the backup if you have performance issues with these skins.
You will the need FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack for these skins to work. You can look for it in the Add-on Aircraft section of CombatAce or you can try this link...
Credits: Fastcargo, James Fox, Wrench, USAFMTL et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!
This mod contains updated Hi-Rez 4096x F-15C/D/S Eagle skins for the Royal Saudi Air Force. This mod will replace and add/or some new skins so back up!
To Install, Uncompress the zip file and copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Thats it! Enjoy!
SF2 F-15I Hi-Rez 4096x Israeli Air Force Skins
By Viper63a
SF2 F-15I Hi-Rez 4096x Israeli Air Force Skins
by Viper63a 2016/03/31
Warning! This mod includes 4096x skins and hi-rez decals. Please backup and restore the backup if you have performance issues with these skins.
You will the need FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack for these skins to work. You can look for it in the Add-on Aircraft section of CombatAce or you can try this link...
Credits: Fastcargo, James Fox, Wrench, USAFMTL, Spudknocker et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!
This mod contains updated F-15I Eagle skins for the Israeli Air Force. Included are 2 variations of the Israeli 69th "Hammers" and "Sixy Niners" Jets! This mod will replace and add/or some new skins so back up!
To Install, Uncompress the zip file and copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Thats it! Enjoy!
SF2 F-15SG Hi-Rez 4096x Republic of Singapore Air Force Skins
By Viper63a
SF2 F-15SG Hi-Rez 4096x Republic of Singapore Air Force Skins
by Viper63a 2016/03/31
Warning! This mod includes 4096x skins and hi-rez decals. Please backup and restore the backup if you have performance issues with these skins.
You will the need FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack for these skins to work. You can look for it in the Add-on Aircraft section of CombatAce or you can try this link...
Credits: Fastcargo, James Fox, Wrench, USAFMTL et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!
This mod contains updated F-15SG Eagle skins for the Republic of Singapore Air Force. Contains 3 variation of the RoSAF 149th Squadron: Shikra, Eagle, and the 428th Buccaneer Training Jets! This mod will replace and add/or some new skins so back up!
To Install, Uncompress the zip file and copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Thats it! Enjoy!
Strike Eagle FM and Loadout Enhancement Kit
By Spudknocker
3.3- Added F-15I_Raam decals folder as it occurred to me not everyone has that specific Raam decal folder name
3.2-Fixed an error in the F-15I Ra'am's AIrcraftdata section and updated all variant's gross weight's thanks to Fanatic Modder bringing to my attention that the wing pylons weights were added twice to the aircraft's mass. Also more refinements to the AI statements for happy wingmen!
3.0- Best update yet! Redone AI statements for all Strike Eagle Variants, your wingmen and all AI will finally be able to drop dumb bombs on target! Also fixes AI strafing runs and the Strike Eagles will be able to strafe ground targets with accuracy! Also added some nice hanger and loading screens to the F-15SG as some extra eye Candy! Enjoy your new wingies!
Update 2.5-Fixed CBU Attack loadout! Updated FM even more! Suggestions always welcome!
This is a FM and loadout enhancement package first started by Crusader to kinda bring the Strike Eagle family more up to date with recent advances in SF2 modding ability! This mod changes the order of release for the CFT weapon stations and allows for more customized loadouts in the loadout menu before a mission. These changes along with a new STRIKE loadout of MK82's allows the AI to more easily hit a target. The FM changes are just updates to the FM and more realistic gross weights/Loaded weights etc and should help the AI better manage Flying the Strike Eagle and all its variants. Small updates were also made to the LANTIRN systems of all the jets. Also is an updated F-15i skin touched up by me. This pack covers the F-15 Strike Eagle variants from FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack including the
and F-15SG
Now we just need a new strike eagle cockpit!
Thank you especially to Fastcargo for his F-15 pack and crusader for starting the FM mod, and anyone else who has contributed to the F-15's and everyone on CA!
If I've messed anything up feel free to PM me and I can see what I can do to fix the issue! Happy SCUD Hunting or Iranian nuclear bunker busting!
F-15C\SE "Grim Reapers" & Silent Eagle Skins, 493rd TFS 48th FW, RAF Lakenheath
By Viper63a
F-15C\SE "Grim Reapers" & Silent Eagle Skins, 493rd TFS 48th FW, RAF Lakenheath
by Viper63a 2016/03/21
Warning! This mod includes 4096x skins and hi-rez decals. Please backup and restore the backup if you have performance issues with these skins.
You will the need FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack for these skins to work. You can look for it in the Add-on Aircraft section of CombatAce or you can try this link...
Credits: Fastcargo, James Fox, Wrench, USAFMTL et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!
This mod contains updated F-15C and Silent Eagle skins for the 48th FW, RAF Lakenheath UK. The 493rd squadron and some variations of their paint schemes. The variations included are Dazzle Eagle (Dazzle), Blue Eagle (Aggressor), SEA Eagle (SouthEast Asia), and many other skins. Also included in this mod are all new decals that span the complete (as far I can tell from my research) serial numbers of the 493rd Fighter Squadron. This mod will replace and add/or some new skins so back up!
To Install, Uncompress the zip file and copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Thats it! Enjoy!
F-15E\SE "Strike\Silent Eagle" Skins, 4th FW, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC.
By Viper63a
F-15E\SE "Strike\Silent Eagle" Skins, 4th FW, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC.
by Viper63a 2016/03/21
Warning! This mod includes 4096x skins and hi-rez decals. Please backup and restore the backup if you have performance issues with these skins.
You will the need FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack for these skins to work. You can look for it in the Add-on Aircraft section of CombatAce or you can try this link...
Credits: Fastcargo, James Fox, Wrench, USAFMTL et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!
This mod contains updated/enhanced F-15E Strike and SE Silent Eagle skins of the 4th FW based at Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina. Included are the 333rd, 334th, 335th, and 336th Squadrons. Also included are all new decals and complete serial numbers (as far I can tell from my research) for the squadons. This mod will replace and add/or some new skins so back up!
To Install, Uncompress the zip file and copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Thats it! Enjoy!
F-15 grey update with cockpit repaint
By Blackburn32
This is a highres update for the F-15A, it also includes the Streak Eagle and some 'what if' skins.
Place the contents in your F-15A folder within the aircraft section of you mods folder.
By emresukhoi
366th WG, 391st FS Bold Tigers, Mountain Home AFB, ID, F-15E Tiger Meet 2005 skin...
Model F-15E_04...
Please back up orginal files...
http://combatace.com/files/file/10443-f-15-super-pack-version-24/ orginal model and decal link...
F-15DJ skin pack
This is a package of high-resolution (4096x4096) textures for the F-15DJ in its current JASDF livery, representing the 23rd Squadron and 202nd Squadron. Authentic squadron markings and serial decals for each of the currently operational F-15DJ aircraft are included.
As the texture is designed exclusively for the F-15DJ_97 from the F-15 Super Pack, you need to download and install that pack first if you haven't already.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to save CombatAce's bandwidth and your hard drive space, the main texture files have been placed in the aircraft folder instead of each skin folder, since every squadron has identical skins aside from decals and markings.
This will not overwrite or override any existing skins. Any textures placed in individual skin folders will take precedence over what's in the main folder, so other texture sets should still work fine.
Textures, decals, and hangar/loading screens by Nengajyou Aki
Original skins and templates by the F-15 Super Pack team (please see the download page for full credits of all involved)
Special thanks to EricJ for uploading the templates
F-15J Kai skin pack
This is a package of high-resolution (4096x4096) textures for the F-15J Kai in its current JASDF livery. Authentic squadron markings and serial decals for each of the 153 currently operational F-15J aircraft are included.
As the texture is designed exclusively for the F-15J_97 from the F-15 Super Pack, you need to download and install that pack first if you haven't already.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to save CombatAce's bandwidth and your hard drive space, the main texture files have been placed in the aircraft folder instead of each skin folder, since every squadron has identical skins aside from decals and markings. This will not overwrite or override any existing skins. Any textures placed in individual skin folders will take precedence over what's in the main folder, so other texture sets should still work fine.
Textures, decals, and hangar/loading screens by Nengajyou Aki
Original skins and templates by the F-15 Super Pack team (please see the download page for full credits of all involved)
Special thanks to EricJ for uploading the templates
F-15E, 492nd TFS skin & decal pak
By Wrench
F-15E Strike Eagle, 492nd TFS 48th FW, Lakenheath
=For SF2, Any and All (may even work in 1stGens)
A simple repaint of the original decals create the 'blue' stipe tail markings for the 492nd of the 48th FW.
This'll add another squadron for use however you see fit.
While designed with the plane-jane Mud Hun in mind, these can also be used on the F-15E_04 with little or no editing (just let the decals ini work as it's designed)
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
F-15A Dark Camouflage
By steelflanker
F-15A Dark Camouflage v2.0
This is a darker colour "compass ghost" scheme for the Third Wire F-15A.
Its my attempt to give the stock eagle a later more modern feel about her.
Its is based on the stock TW skin at 1024 X 1024 resolution.
Apologies but I haven't yet acquired the skill or accuracy to attempt anything at a higher resolution yet.
Regardless I’m quite enjoying the new look.
Hoping some of you might enjoy it too. :-)
NB: This requires SF2 Europe though if renamed correctly should work in SF2 Israel for the F-15A Baz.
Unzip & place the objects folder directly in to your saved game / mods folder.
- Third Wire for the original F-15A artwork & WOI F-15A templates.
- Everyone at Combat Ace for their countless contributions & pool of knowledge.
P.S. I have included a list of supported stock F-15A squadrons.
If like me & you are not a hardcore aviation buff, you can use it to enjoy their different markings & associated tail art for the F-15A.
F-15J skin pack
This is a comprehensive collection of skins for the JASDF F-15J (as featured the SF2 F-15 super pack here). Eight different real-life squadrons are featured, each with authentic squadron patches and serial numbers, bringing this aircraft model up to the same level of fidelity as the American versions. (The existing aggressor skins look cool, certainly, but they are not representative of front-line aircraft.)
These skins are also compatible with the modernized F-15J Kai model (F-15J_97), so if you use both, just drag and drop the texture folders into either or both aircraft as you like.
Decals, texture modifications, hangar screen and loading photographs by Nengajou Aki. Packaged and uploaded by WhiteBoySamurai. The author has given permission to include these skins in freeware mods and future F-15 package updates.
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