95 files
RF-8A/G Vietnam Era.
By Sundowner
ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.
What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it. So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own.
These aircraft are aimed at the folks that actually like to fly missions, So going by that line of action all markings and serial numbers are painted on, this has the added bonus of gaining me a couple of extra fps and also means that I can export the lod WITHOUT the decals option, this definitely gains some more precious fps.
This model is a combination of the old (Crab_02 RF-8G) and TMF RF-8A max files which I was working on from the very outset.
The RF-8A never got released because of Oli's sudden death.
I've combined what I think are the best parts of both to come up with the models here, they may not be perfect or "historically correct" in every way as they are a constant wip.
Please read the readme, you never know you might learn something.......
OV-10A Bronco 68-73
By Sundowner
ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.
What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it.
So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own.
This model has been created from the old freeware AlphaSim OV-10A, which in itself is a lot more work than most of you think.
Most of the original AlphaSim model has be "re-moddeled" in some way.
All animations have been done from scratch and may not be perfect, bits have been added and even more bits have been removed, all parts have been remapped etc, etc.
Please read the read me.
There are other Bronco mods available here at CA, this is not designed to replace any of them, you have the choice to use whatever you like or what works best on your system.
SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace
By Wrench
SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace 1/1/2024
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended)
This is the release of AngelP's F3D-2/EF-10 "Skyknight". It's being released as a "provisional Beta", due to the LOD needing more work. But rest assured, it's been 'tested to destruction', and other than needing a few more seperated meshes, is fully functional.
The aircraft has been split into two differing birds, one the night/all weather fighter for the 1950s (F3D-2) and the Vietnam War era stand-off/escort jammer (EF-10B). Due to the need for certain types of electronics (avionics), 2 different cockpits have been used.
The aircraft(s) include the following skin sets:
VC-3 (USN) in standard overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue
VMF(N)-513 -
VMF(N)-531 - both in overall Night Black, USMC night fighters during the Korean War
VMCJ-1 in standard Gull Grey/White
Most marking are decals; excepting a few squadron flashes. Decal randomization is TRUE. As expected, as many Modex numbers as possible have been matched to their BuNums. These are marked with the star (*). Those unmarked could not be matched, or are just 'generic' in nature. Included are pilot figures, drop tanks (ini only) and the EF-10 gets external jammer and chaff pods. This aircraft is NOT carrier qualfied, although the wings fold with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9, and the canopy hatch with Shift/0.
When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection dropdown you'll see for each:
F3D-2 Skyknight (CAF)
EF-10B Skyknight (CAF)
these will differentiate ours from any others you might (or most likely DON'T) have.
As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. If there's any Notes, give them a read too! :)
Kevin Stein
Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace
"We Aim Higher"
SF2 C-123B/K Provider ReMod Pack
By Wrench
SF2 C-123B/K Provider ReMod Pack 11/2/2022
-For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)-
This is a remod/update package of the C-123B & C-12K Provider cargo transport by Dels from 2009. This package contains the following items ---
USAFSilver - 390th Troop Carrier Group
USAFSEA - 3 tone SEA camo. 19th Air Commando Squadron, 315th Air Command Group (1965<)
USAFSEA - 309th ACS, 315th ACW
VNAF - 423rd Transport Squadron
AirAmerica - NMF
AFRES - 731st TAS, 901st TAW Westover AFB, MA (<1974) (NEW!!!)
All serial numbers are 100% hisorically correct for each of the skins on both aircraft. However, I was unable to run down serials to units. So, consider them 'generic' in that regard. Decal randomization is true. New decals for all but "Air America" skin. ALL skins remain in their "as issued" 1stGen bmp format. The SF2 'date switch' is used on on the C-12B to switch from NMF to 3-tone camo; it is also used on the 123K, as the VNAF skin becomes active in 1970, and the AFRES skin post-Vietnam in 1974. The "airdropable" weapons are also included. New sounds and hangar & loading screens are also included. The flight model remains "as issued". See "change Log" for full more details.
As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! ALL original readmes have been included, when discoverable.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Echoes Across the States: KC-135E Stratotanker's First 15 Years
Echoes Across the States: KC-135E Stratotanker's First 15 Years
This skinpack is a remod of the TMF KC-135E done years ago. While utilizing the same model, it now features a greatly improved texture set, ini performance enhancements and each of the skins is researched to be as accurate as is possible with current knowledge.
Included *
two KC-135E versions, (82) and (92)
sixty (yes 60!) skins between the two versions. most Shamu based skins also feature nose arts
Cockpit and ini edits to make player flyable
drogue "weapon", addable in the loadout screens
a legal functioning install of any SF2 version
unzip this mod, then install new mod folder categories to your mod folder (Aircraft to aircraft etc)
allow overwrites
fire up game, take off and go pass gas
Known Issues
-This is meant as eye candy. unfortunately, SF2 doesnt support air to air refueling so the best to be done is set up a recon mission and then park it in an orbit.
- Also, the C-130 cockpit is not too accurate. it is included mainly so that it can be player selected (i had to test it somehow). remember that there is no air to air refueling in game, so these are more eye candy than operational birds
- dont manuever aggressively. aggressive manuvering will cause a deep stall. its a huge pain to recover from as a player (firewall the throttle, set flaps to landing, yank stick back and hold). any AI wingmen wont make it trying to follow you
*Wagner CD not included
BPAO (Olivier Anguille, RIP) - original model
Dave- head of original released original project
Dels- C-130 cockpit
guruu- E8engine sound for the TF33s
yakarov79- drogue basket model, original skin templates
PeacePuma- research assist, tga work on FACH skin
Menrva- data ini edits(mainly collision boxes)
Wrench- tech advice, approval master extrodinaire
daddyairplanes- research, ini edits, texture and tga work, new additions to templates
TK- the overall game in all its modability
This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
SF2 TMF Boeing 707 300 Series Update Pack
By Wrench
SF2 TMF Boeing 707 300 Series Update Pack 5/14/2023
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended)
This is the complete aircraft, set up as to NOT conflict with the mods of the 707 produced by DaddyAirplanes. Some renanming has been done to make sure of the lack of conflicts.
This is a fairly small modification of the Boeing 707 jetliner released many years ago by The Mirage Factory. What this mod does, is using ONLY the 4 original skins, adds 100% historically correct registration numbers, and in the case of PanAm, the "Clipper" name of the aircraft. Just in case you've forgotten what skins there are ...
BOAC - 14 aircraft 1960-86
El Al - 12 aircraft 1961-2018
Pan American - 18 aircraft 1958-99
TMA Air Cargo - 6 aircraft 1965-2004
All these markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The Data ini has some edits, adding the "Exported to Enemy = TRUE" line. The nations used for these 4 are STOCK in game ones. (RAF=BOAC, USAF=PanAm, Lebannon=TMA). A userlist in included, that is by NO MEANS complete. End users are encouraged to add skins, "air forces" and whatever is required to expand the line. A cockpit is included, but as this bird is mostly for eye candy, player flight is not reccomended (no defenses of any kind!!). As such, there are NO hangar or loading screens.
When in game, you'll see
Boeing 707-300 Series (TMF)
on the aircraft selection drop down menu. This should (and will) deferentiate it from DA's mods. This aircraft DOES represent many different versions of the 300 series, so the name is fairly accurate.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 Grumman C-2A(R) Greyhound Pack by Coyote Aerospace
By Wrench
SF2 Grumman C-2A(R) Greyhound Pack by Coyote Aerospace 4/19/2023
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 5 Merged Required*)
This pack is the release of the C-2A Greyhound cargo/carrier-on-board delivery (COD) aircraft used by the US Navy. This mod represent the "C-2A(R) or "Reprocured" airframes as used from 1984 onwards. These are the 8-bladed prop versions. *This mod makes use of the stock 3W E-2C Hawkeye's destroyed model. SF2:NA is required to gain access to that lod. If you don't have NA, you may have to edit the data ini to use another destroyed model.*
The aircraft is finished in standard USN Gull Grey/White. Serial number (BuNums) are 100% historly correct for this model, but should be considered generic in nature. 16 BuNums are provided, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. The templates for the skin are also supplied for other texture artists to use, and improve upon.
Skins supplied in this package are:
VRC-30 - original
- 2009 scheme
- 2015 scheme (various Dets)
VRC-40 - 1999 scheme
- 2015 scheme
- 2018 scheme
There are also some 'cargo pallets' as weapons, for loading in the cargo bay. (thanks to Cliff7600)
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
I'd also like to take this time to thank Cliff7600 for volunteering to fix some (most) of the issues I couldn't. He also supplies some very nice new skins!!
*** Be advised, this model is being released in "As-Is" condition. As the model builder has retired, any issues not fixable via ini edits will remain as we have no access to the 3d MAX files ***
Kevin Stein
=edited for release 3/20/2023==
SF2 T-34C Turbo Mentor Pack by Various
By Wrench
SF2 T-34C Turbo Mentor Pack by Various 1/20/2023
-For SF2, Any and All-
As seen in the "Found on my HD" thread on CombatAce, I present the Beechcraft T-34C Turbo Mentor for your edification and enjoyment. Brought to you by a combination of luck and the work of our good friends in Latin America. With a little help by me (grin).
There are 3 skins/decal sets supplied in this package,
Argentine Navy:
Armada (a dark blue overall; 1978-1980)
Malvinas (2-tone camo, as seen during the Falklands War; < 1980)
US Navy:
VT-2 "Wildcats", TAW-5 NAS Whiting Field, Florida
Skins are in jpg format. Many markings are decals, many are painted on. All skins have accurate serial/modex decals. The USN skin has 18, the Argentine skins 29, and 16 respectively. The Argentine skins use the SF2 date switch to active themselves at the proper time.
Both canopies are manually operated; the Standard Animation Keystroke(s) are used; shift/0 (zero) for the pilot's window, and shift/9 for the backseat driver.
When in game you see:
T-34C TurboMentor (OJ)
The "OJ" is for the modeler, and will differentiate this T-34C from any others that may or may not be available.
Be advised, that while tagged as a "T-34C" this is actually a "T-34C-1" which has 4 underwing hardpoints for various ordnance. The C-1 was an export only version, but will work nicely for USN customers/users/flyer/game players over The Range terrain for weapons practice. Or flying for fun.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 T-34B Mentor (USN) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench
By Wrench
SF2 T-34B Mentor (USN) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench 1/12/2023
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged plus Expansion 1 Recommended)
Modifications to RussoUK's fun little T-34B Mentor (USN) make some major and minor adjustments in skins, decals, data ini and other misc stuff. This is the full aircraft, with all the bits as issued by Russ in the original release. Just in case you don't have said original release, you won't have to go scrambling around trying to find the "weapons" (ok, drop tank) pilots and sounds. Also, because I was/am too lazy to pick out and remove stuff. Easier this way :)
All new historically correct decals have been created. It should be stated that the serial numbers (BuNums) and Modex numbers, while historically correct, are generic in nature representing no particular base unit or squadron. The SF2 Date SWtich (tm) is active, and will cause the skins to change on particular dates.
The skins are:
Navy1 -- VT-1 "Eaglets"(>1965) Aircraft is painted in standard "Trainer Yellow"
Navy2 -- VT-1 "Eaglets" (<1965). Aircraft is painted white/orange ID panels
the < and > indicate "before 1965" and "after 1965". As you can see, they represent Mentors from VT-1 "Eaglets" based at NAS Saufley Field, Florida.
Most markings are decals; exceptions would be wing insignia/nation names on fuselage and/or wings. Other markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are 18 serial/BuNum numbers for each aircraft; both skins share the same 'pool' of decals. The aircraft keeps all it's original designations, so will appear the same in-game as the original download. When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown menu, you'll see:
Beech T-34B Mentor USN (R)
Hopefully, this will differentiate it from any other T-34B Mentors that may (or may not) be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
T-34A Mentor for Uruguay
By Wilches
A bit of history. Extract from Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/399877246768865/photos/a.783005898455996/866828416740410/?type=3
"In 1976, Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya (Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya - FAU) began to seek a replacement for its North American AT-6 trainers and to complement its fleet of Cessna T-41D primary trainers, which had been acquired in 1969.
Once the Beechcraft T-34 was considered as a suitable substitute for the "tejanos", to be incorporated into the FAU inventory, these mentors were registered FAU-660 to 684. La Escuela de Aviación Militar (Escuela Militar de Aviación - EMA) I received four planes, these were registered FAU-669, 670, 676 and 677, while FAU kept two planes: FAU-650, 651, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 668, 671, 672 and 678, all operating with Grupo de Aviación N° 1. On July 14, 1980, four mentors were acquired by Chilean Naval Aviation, namely a T-34A, serialized FAU-651, and three T -34Bs, which received serial FAU-685 to 687.
In 1982, when the (Centro de Instrucción y Entrenamiento de Vuelo Avanzado - CIEVA) was created, Group No. 1 of Aviation was designated as an "attack" unit, being replaced from its T-34B by the IA-58 Pucará. In turn, the T-34s were transferred to CIEVA just created.
With the passage of time, the wear and tear, the accidents and the presumed cuts passed the invoice and the number of operating aircraft decreased considerably, until the point of having only 10 planes available for training at CIEVA and EMA for mid-1989.
Fortunately, the following year, through a subsidy from the Spanish Government, the FAU received one T-34A that had been withdrawn from the Air Force of that country between 1987 and 1988, and had been stored in very good conditions. These T-34A arrived by boat in Uruguay on March 8, 1991, joining FAU on April 24, with registration numbers FAU-630 to 646.
In May 1992, two T-34As were transferred to Naval Aviation, these being FAU-630 and 639.
After 20 years of service, it was considered necessary to modernize the EMA training fleet, so in 1999 FAU awarded a contract for 13 Aermacchi SF.260s to a company in the United States."
* In this pack, everything BUT plane´s numbers and skins are not 100% correct as the planes were used mainly as trainers. This should be pretty boring! *
Anyone is allowed to use the blank skins for other skins without ask me any permission, but don´t forget to share it!
RussoUK - 3D work
Wrench - inspiration, support and inside ReadMe text.
Ideal for Gepard´s awesome terrain "Rio de La Plata".
Skins and decals - Me, myself and I
Have fun!!
T-34A Mentor for Argentina
By Wilches
First, my congratulations to russouk2004 for the bird!
A special thanks to Wrench for the support.
The Beechcraft Mentor in the Argentine Air Force
By the mid-50s, the Air Force required a basic trainer capable of replacing the nationally manufactured I.Ae.22 DL and the Fiat G-46, then in service. The choice fell on the modern Beechcraft B-45 Mentor that just three years ago had entered service with the USAF.
The contract signed with the North American company in 1956 contemplated the acquisition of 15 units manufactured at the Beechcraft plant located in Kansas and another 75 that would come in kit form to be assembled at the Military Aviation Factory.
The 15 examples manufactured in the United States arrived in the country in flight on June 20, 1957, while the assembly of the other 75 began in 1959 and ended in 1962. The first example manufactured in Córdoba took flight on 11/1 /1959.
Initially, the Mentors entered service with Training Group I of the I Morón Air Brigade, where they served between 1962 and 1970, later they would move to the VII Morón Air Brigade and finally they would form part of the Military Aviation School. Some copies were in service in the Reconquista Military Air Detachment, between 1962 and 1963, these copies would later go to the Directorate of Development, being re-registered as LQ-..., these devices would go to the EAM in 1969.
In 1979, 50 new 260 hp Continental IO-470-N12B engines were purchased to re-engine the 41 Mentor in operation at that time, the works were carried out in the Material Area of Río IV.
Mentor in action:
Despite being a pure trainer, the T-34 served during the 70s as reconnaissance and aerial observation aircraft in search and attack of insurgent positions during Operation Independence, carried out on the soil of the province of Tucumán and in Operation Torrión.
The last days of the Mentor:.
Between 1996 and 1999, the former LMAASA proceeded to carry out structural reinforcement, avionics renewal and fine-tuning work on 30 still-operable Mentors, this served for a handful of copies to continue flying until the year 2011, at which time they are permanently discharged after almost 50 years of service.
On September 18, 2001, a fatal accident occurred during the baptism flight of the first-year cadets of the Military Aviation School, when one of the aircraft crashed after brushing the control tower with its wing, killing its two occupants. . From that moment on, the fame of the Mentor was undermined, but its operation continued, until on October 8, 2010, the E-046 crashed after taking off, due to a planted engine. Finally, in August 2012, the Air Force decides to decommission the venerable T-34 Mentor.
In 2002 and 2003, two second-hand units were acquired from the Uruguayan Air Force, which in turn had received them from the Spanish Air Force."
extract from here https://amilarg.com.ar/beech-t-34.html (What a site!)
I strongly recommend you to fly it over the fantastic Gepard´s new Rio de La Plata terrain. Thanks boss!
Have fun!!!
SF2 T-34A Mentor (USAF) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench
By Wrench
SF2 T-34A Mentor (USAF) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench 1/12/2023
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged plus Expansion 1 Reccomended)
Mofications to RussoUK's fun little T-34A Mentor (USAF) make some major and minor adjustments in skins, decals, data ini and other misc stuff. This is the full aircraft, with all the bits as issued by Russ in the original release. Just in case you don't have said original release, you won't have to go scrambling around trying to find the "weapons" (ok, drop tank) pilots and sounds. Also, because I was/am too lazy to pick out and remove stuff. Easier this way :)
Both the NMF and NMF/Orange skins have been redone with a lighter shade of pale metal, all new historically correct decals. It should be stated that the serial and buzz numbers, while historically correct, are generic in nature representing no particular base unit or squadron. The SF2 Date SWtich (tm) is active, and will cause the skins to change on partucular dates.
The names in quotations "xxxx" are how they will appear on the game's Drop Down Menu on the Loadout Screen. The skins are:
NMF (Early - starts Day 1) -- "USAF NMF (Early)"
NMF/Red-Orange (Late - starts 1959) -- "NMF/Red-Orange (Late)"
USAF 3-tone SEA came (1965). This is a non-real skin; I suspect the original FSX/? version is based on a Warbird, privately owned Mentor. However, the markings are correct for the time frame. They represent 80th Flight Training Wing at Sheppard AFB. --- "80th FTW (F)"
Most markings are decals; exceptions would be wing insignia/nation names. Other markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are 18 serial/Buzz numbers for each aircraft. The 2 NMFs use a 'pool' of the same numbers. The Camo uses the correct style for the Vietnam Era. The "F" in the title obviously means "fake".
The aircraft keeps all it's original designations, so will appear the same in-game as the original download.
When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown menu, you'll see:
Beech T-34A USAF (R)
Hopefully, this will diferentiate it from any other T-34A Mentors that may (or may not) be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
P-3F "Orion" (Iran) Pak by Florian/stahri/Wrench
By Wrench
P-3F "Orion" (Iran) Pak by Florian/stahri/Wrench 1/3/23
-- For SF2, Any & All --
This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, creating the P-3F as used by the Imperial Iranian Air Force, and later the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. This mod is based on Starhi's work. (thank you!)
The skin is all new, from Viper63a's enhanced template, and in jpg format. It is, however still based off Starhi's original. All new decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE (I mean, c'mon -- there's only 6 airplanes!!!!). All markings are decals. All serials are 100% historically correct.
All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack). The SF2 date switch is "on", so in 1979 the IRIAF skin will become active. The only difference is the fin flash.
As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian
By Wrench
P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian 1/1/23
-- For SF2, Any & All --
This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, "backdating" it to the original P-3A & B models of the early 1960s through 1980(ish). Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane.
Included are 3 US Navy skins, representing early Orions in Fleet service.
Early Paint Scheme of Seaplane Grey/White:
VP-8 Tigers (2nd oldest still active USN squadron)
VP-46 Grey Knights
Late Paint Scheme (1968 & later) Light Gull Grey/White:
VP-5 Mad Foxes
The SF2 date switch is active. Each skin gets a set of 18 Serial (BuNum) and Modex numbers. VP-5 gets it Fox tail art as well. As is usual, those BuNums matched to their Modex are marked with a star (*). The others, while correct for their squadrons, could not be matched to a Modex.
All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included. Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. All markings are decals, EXCEPT the VP-5 blue tail fin top. It had to be painted on, for some odd reason I've yet to sus out.
All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack)
As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
P-3C "Orion" Remod Pak
By Wrench
P-3C "Orion" Remod Pak 12/19/22
-- For SF2, Any & All --
This is a fairly heavy overhaul, plus numerous additions, to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. Please be advised, as the physical model has not been "finished" since it's 2012 release, it may still be considered an "advanced Beta".
This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to REPLACE IN TOTAL the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way SHOULD work with no issues. But always think 'safety first'.
The older, original skins have been completely revamped:
USNGrey2 *see notes about these 2*
Royal Norwegian Air Force (No.333 Squadron) original Dark Sea Grey, and NEW Lo-Viz
The new skins are:
JMSDF -in both GullGrey/White and LoViz grey overall (see notes)
RAAF -both #10 & #11 squadrons
USN- VP-40 "Fighting Marlins" (GG/W)
All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active.
As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. There is also a huge amount of information in the "Notes" section. PLEASE read it!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak
By Wrench
P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak 11/19/22
-- For SF2, Any & All --
This is a complete overhaul, plus numerous additions, to the P2V-7/P-2H Neptune package I released in 2011 (THAT long ago????!!!!). I was going over some things, and found numerous flaws and faults, and chose to fix them up.
This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to replace in total the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way will work with no issues.
Skin sets NOW included are:
These 3 from the original 2011 pack--
VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis
VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s
VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s
plus ...
320 Squadron, RNNAS (now included)
The new skins are:
JMSDF (2,3,4 & 51 Kokutais)-squadron insginia are randomly applied
RAAF (10 & 11 Squadrons) - early Seaplane Gray/White and late Gull Gray/White skins
French Aeronavale - Flotilles 21/23(ish)
USN --
VP-9 "Golden Eagles, NAS Barbers Point (Early Seaplane Gray/White)
VP-18 "Flying Phantoms" NAS Jacksonville, NAS Rossevelt Roads (Early SG/W)
Argentina -- Both original COAN skins NOW included!
The only country's skins NOT included are the RCAF/CF by 1977Frenchie; his set for the CP-122 which is good enough to stand on it's own :) .
All skins remain in their original bmp format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active. This can be seen on the Loading Screen, skin/squadron drop-down menu as shown below:
VP-9 Golden Eagles (>1962) (before 1962)
VP-69 Totems (<1964) (after 1964)
As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 S-3A+B Viking Revamp v1.0
By Nyghtfall
SF2 S-3A/B Viking Revamp
*** for all SF2-variants ***
Based on Wrench's Rework of Foxmonters S-3B Pack
This is an update for the old S-3B-model originally made by Foxmonter and updated in the past by Wrench.
The new pack is split into S-3A and S-3B (has Countermeasures and Harpoon-support). There are 10 skins for S-3A (until 1987, HighVis) and 5 for S-3B (from 1987 onwards, LowVis):
VS-21 Fighting Red Tails (1984)
VS-22 Checkmates (1976)
VS-24 Scouts (1977)
VS-28 Hukkers (1977)
VS-29 Dragonfires (1981, 1998)
VS-30 Diamond Cutters (1978, 1992)
VS-31 Topcats (1977, 2002)
VS-32 Maulers (1980, 1986, 1991)
VS-33 Screwbirds (2001)
VS-37 Sawbucks (1980)
No changes were made to the cockpit, avionics, etc. - this pack is mostly for an updated look.
Included are also:
- CAG-Birds for Squadrons, that had them
- 300gal Droptank model
- CNU-264 CargoPod (no actual use, pure eyecandy)
- D704 RefuelingPod (retracted and deployed)
- BuNos are correct, if possible (if not, then marked with a *)
1. unzip to a temporary folder
2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_MOD folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
3. enjoy!
- Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models.
- FoxMonter for the S-3B-model
- Wrench for Update Pack
- Nyghtfall - Template, Skins, Decals, Tank-, Refuelingpod and Cargopod-models, some ini-work
- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration
C-141B Starlifter (by Coyote Aerospace)
Lockheed C-141B Starlifter by Coyote Aerospace
This mod is a new version of the C-141B Starlifter by Veltro2K, with skins by daddyairplanes
It features several historical skins covering several important periods in the Starlifters B/C model career. European One camoflage is applied as a tga skin, so two varieties of camo on the ramps!
unzip, open the C-141B(v2k) folder, drop contents into desired mod folder
allow overwrites if needed, weapons may be the only thing needed
C-141B Starlifter model
MAC skins for 1981, 1986, 1987, and 1989
AMC skins ranging from 1993 through 2006 as well as a special Last Starlifter skin depicting 66-0177, known as the Hanoi Taxi and the last Starlifter to be retired
Cargo, Jeep, and Paratrooper weapons for the bay
Known Issues
- the main cargo doors and paratrooper doors open at the same time. an expert was consulted, and it is not reasonably feasable to seperate the actions.
- cockpit is an older one, this aircraft is intended more for eyecandy as there are no real transport missions in SF2. anyone who can donate a more modern pit would be greatly appreciated
- While 63 C-141Bs underwent upgrades to C standard in the late 1990s, the upgrades were internal (glass cockpit, avionics, GPS reciever). as they are not really visible, there is only a B model for here in game. The serials however are accurate and part of the last 63 Starlifters in service after 2002 (when the last McChord based aircraft retired)
- due to slight mapping issues, there will not be a bare metal version of this C-141B. they dont show up really on the White top, green or gray skins, but would stand out on a bare metal. there were only about 7 that operated unpainted for 9 months during the Desert Shield/Desert Storm timeframe anyhow.
Veltro2K: main model, intial idea to revamp this plane
daddyairplanes: skin and decal work, ini edits
Killerbee331: paratrooper, M38 Jeep from weapons pack
- cargo and pallet are also included although i cannot recall who created those. if it was you or you remember who did it, please let us know so we can fix the credits
on behalf of the Coyote Aerospace team, thank you for downloading this mod. We hope you enjoy it
Kevin Unruh aka
(stickerus prolificus)
31 October 2021
C-141A Starlifter (by Coyote Aerospace)
Lockheed C-141A Starlifter by Coyote Aerospace
This mod is a new version of the C-141A Starlifter by Veltro2K, with skins by daddyairplanes
It features several historical skins covering several important periods in the Starlifters A model career
unzip, open the 141A(v2k) folder, drop contents into desired mod folder
allow overwrites if needed, weapons may be the only thing needed
C-141A Starlifter model
MATS skin, MAC skins for 1966, 1967, 1970, and 1973 as well as a special Operation Homecoming skin
Cargo, Jeep, and Paratrooper weapons for the bay
Known Issues
- the main cargo doors and paratrooper doors open at the same time. an expert was consulted, and it is not reasonably feasable to seperate the actions.
- cockpit is an older one, this aircraft is intended more for eyecandy as there are no real transport missions in SF2. anyone who can donate a more modern pit would be greatly appreciated
Veltro2K: main model, intial idea to revamp this plane
daddyairplanes: skin and decal work, ini edits
Coupi: QA checks (again thanks for the big catch!)
dels: technical consults on whats possible, (or more accurately whats not)
Killerbee331: paratrooper, M38 Jeep from weapons pack
- cargo and pallet are also included although i cannot recall who created those. if it was you or you remember who did it, please let us know so we can fix the credits
on behalf of the Coyote Aerospace team, thank you for downloading this mod. We hope you enjoy it
Kevin Unruh aka
(stickerus prolificus)
17 October 2021
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30 Series by V2K and DA
Douglas/ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30 series Airliner by Veltro2K and daddyairplanes
This mod features airliners for Europe and American skies running from introduction in the late 1960s through the mid 1980s.
open folder marked "To Mod Folder"
cut and paste or copy contents to your desired mod folder.
open up and fly
i have only done European and American airlines within this mod. Given it did not really possess intercontental range with a full passenger load, this mod is best paired with US based or European (to include the UK) based terrains
Veltro2K original model, Alitalia skin
daddyairplanes skins, decals, ini work, research
Viggen team for Viggen.wav engine sound. if you know who specifically did it please let me know for fuller credit
TK for teh original game
I hope that you enjoy this bit of eyecandy in the game
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
McDonnell Douglas C-9 Triple Pack by V2K (and DA)
C-9 Triple Pack by V2K (and DA)
Brought to you by the ongoing team of Veltro2k and daddyairplanes; The McDonnell Douglas C-9
This pack includes all three major versions of this cargo aircraft, flying hospital and VIP transport
C-9A Nightingale: 6 skins with historical serial numbers
3 375th Aeromedical Airlift Wing
2 USAFE skins focusing on the aircraft assigned to Europe
1 1990 skin encompassing both the 375th AW and the 86th AW
C-9B Skytrain 2: 3 skins with historical serial numbers
USN 1980s skin
USN 1995 skin addressing changes after a few unit deactivations
USMC skin
VC-9 Nightingale: 4 skins feature VIP versions
89th Airlift Wing, featuring the aircraft commonly used as Air Force 2 from the mid 70s through early 2000s. This aircraft also served as Air Force One on occasions the US President flew into an airfield too small to accomodate the regular 707 or 747
Italian Air Force, VIP transport operated by 31 Gruppo
Kuwait Air Force pre invasion skin
Kuwait Air Force post invasion skin (one serial, FREE KUWAIT marking)
Viggen.wav: the Volvo RM8 was closer in sound to the JT8D than the stock jet engine noise
C-9 Units txt: my notes on who operated and how they were painted through the years. USAF and USN
unzip file, open "To Mod Folder" folder, cut or copy and paste to your desired mod folder
allow overwrites, although as of Feb 2021 the only one should be the sound if you have the Viggen
Veltro2k Model and primary ini work
daddyairplanes skins, tga work, secondary ini work
GKABS research assist with Kuwaiti VC-9 skin
russouk tech prob assist
Wrench MAC serial number football that i stole from the C-124 project
TK for the original game
Viggen team for Viggen.wav engine sound. if you know who specifically did it please let me know for fuller credit
The DC-9 was V2Ks idea, im the silly fool that looked at it and thought "C-9". I hope you enjoy this bird
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
15 February 2021
SF2 Lockheed C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation Pack
By Wrench
SF2 Lockheed C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation Pack 5/2/2020
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
"Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
This package contains a new aircraft, with 4 skin/decal sets, the Lockheed C-121G of the USAF & R7V-1 of the US Navy. These represent the Super Constellation cargo/transport versions as used by both services. This mod is based of the RC/EC-121 by RussoUK
The 4 skins included use the SF2 "date switch" to activate when needed. Most markings are decals, with the exception of (more than a few) painted on markings. All serial/Bunums are 100% historically accurate, but I was unable to attach specific ones to their units. With only 50-odd aircraft ever built, this isn't really a problem. They ARE assigned to their actual US military services (Navy or Air Force). Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format. Sounds, pilot figures, etc are included. Each skin has their own individual Hangar Screen. A 'box art' style Loading Screen is also included. It should also be noted, these are NEW skins, by me, modified/adapted from the existing ones in the C-121/WV-2s previously released.
Inside you'll find:
USAF C-121G:
1501st Air Transport Group, (MATS) c.1954, NMF/White uppers, Travis AFB
"MAC" -unknown unit-, c.1966, NMF/W
USN R7V-2/C-121J:
VR-1 "Starlifters" c.1954, NMF overall, NAS Patuxent River
VR-7 "Seahorses" c.1960, NMF/White uppers, NAS Moffat Field
When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu, you'll see:
C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation (R)
This will differentiate it from any other military Constellations that may (or may not) be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker. Please note, the "R7V-1" designation was changed to "C-121J" in 1962 under SecDef McNamara's overhaul of the military numbering conventions.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
North American B-45A/C Tornado
By paulopanz
The North American B-45 Tornado was an early American jet-powered bomber
designed and manufactured by aircraft company North American Aviation.
It has the distinction of being the first operational jet bomber to enter
service with the United States Air Force (USAF)
- B-45A (96 aricraft)
Fifty-five nuclear-capable B-45s arrived in the United Kingdom in 1952.
These were modified with a 1,200 gal (4,542 l) fuel tank in the aft bomb bay.
Despite technical problems, these were Tactical Air Command's first-line
deterrent in Europe. (84Th; 85th; 86th Bs - 47th BG)
- B-45C (10 aircraft)
The B-45C was the first multiengine jet bomber in the world to be refueled in midair.
It carried two 1,200 gal (4,542 l) wingtip fuel tanks, had a strengthened canopy, and
an inflight refueling receptacle. The first B-45C was flown on May 3, 1949.
Only ten were built, and the remaining 33 under construction were converted to RB-45Cs.
- 2 planes [upgraded LOD];
- 7 skins;
- historical decalsets
- Veltro2k: plane model, new LOD
- Wrench: original SF-2 planes, templates, decals base
- paulopanz: skins, decals, other upgrades
- references: Warpaint n. 112
- serials: http://forgottenjets.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/B-45.html
- CAMPAIGNE4 (EXP 2 needed) files included (as AI planes)
[B-45C is used for RB-45C]
- put all files in your mod folder
- the same for optional campaign upgrade
Ettore (Veltro2K) polished his original model and fixed some nose issues.
So I decided to reskin this plane using Kevin (Wrench) superb temps and file base.
SF2 Northrop F-89B Scorpion
By Wrench
SF2 Northrop F-89B Scorpion 3/24/2021
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
"Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
This is the release of the Northrop F-89B Scorpion All-Weather jet Interceptor. This mod recreates the first operational unit to recieve them in 1951. I'd started this mod in 2019, and it totaly slipped under the radar (so to speak). I now present it for it's historical useage. This mod makes use of the 89C lod, so there are small minor differences that will not inhibit gameplay in any way.
This package contains not only the aircraft, but 2 complete skin sets, for both active USAF, and later use by the Air National Guard. Units represented are:
84th FIS, 78th FIW, based at Hamilton AFB, near San Francisco, CA, 1951-54
176th FIS, Wisconson Air National Guard, Truax Field, WI, 1955-1960
The SF2 'date switch' is used for when these aircraft left USAF for ANG service in 1955-ish.
With the exception of painted on squadron color markings (84th), all serial & Buzz Numbers are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. The 84th gets 18, and the 176th has 16. On the Number list, any marked with a star (*) are 100% historically accurate to that unit. Any unmarked, were either unable to be matched, or are 'fillers'. But all are for F-89Bs.
Also supplied are pilot figures, drop tanks, and air-to-air HVAR unguided rockets. These are the same as the v.3 pack, but completeness is my standard. Each skin also has it's own Hangar Screen, depicting that particular unit.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 NAA B-45A & B-45C Pack
By Veltro2k
SF2 NAA B-45A & B-45C Pack by Veltro2k 3/16/2021
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
"Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
This is the release of the North American B-45 "Tornado" light jet bomber. This was the first jet bomber in USAF service, and the 1st one (USAF) with 4 jet engines.
There are 2 aircraft in this package, all representing aircraft from the 47th Bomb Wing, as stationed in the UK in the early to mid 1950s. Please note, these are the BOMBER version =ONLY=. In this you have:
86th Bomb Squadron
85th Bomb Squadron
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All serial numbers are 100% historically accurate. On the "A" model's number list any marked with a star (*) have been 100% matched to the 86th BS, those without, while serving in the 47th BW, could not be matched to a specific squadron.
As there were only 10 "C" bomber variants built, I've assigned them to the 85th; in Real Life (tm) only a few C's made it to squadron service, and those were intermixed with the A's already in service.
All necessary parts have been provided, with one caveat. The Mk.7 (61kt) nuclear bomb dose =NOT= include the nuke explosion effect. As there are several around, you End Users (tm) may need to do some editing/renaming. I use the one from the Gunny Ordinance Pack.
The skin template is included, as are the templates for the tail and nose squadron color flashes.
As another B-45 exists from "elsewhere", these 2 have been differentiated in their Displayed Name on the aircraft Drop Down Selector. You'll see:
B-45A Tornado (V2K)
B-45C Tornado (V2K)
This shows it Veltro's build, even if you don't/can't get "the other one".
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! Also, please read the "Notes" for other info, and some operational suggestions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
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