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Non-aircraft add-ons and modifications

    1. SU-85

      The SU-85


         (1 review)



    2. t34-85

      T-34 85, possibly the best tank from the ww-2.
      He added a 88 mm cannon of the 85 mm was not too precise. In tests earned him the Sherman's.
      Model freeware in the more extensive use of the word free, if they want pink paint can.


         (1 review)



    3. Scud Launcher and Missile

      This is a working Scud launcher and missile , hope you all find some use for this .


         (3 reviews)



    4. Opening canopy mod for WOI

      For use on WOI with recent April patch only.


         (4 reviews)



    5. Waterinjection - Missing TGA files

      Here are the missing smoke TGA files for those of you who already downloaded the waterinjection for the BUFF and B-47. Sorry about that!


         (1 review)



    6. Hippo MBT

      Forgot to include the readme file :(


         (1 review)



    7. B-52 & B-47 Waterinjection

      - New exhaust emmitters and a water injection feature for the B-52s and B-47.
      The power settings on the engines have been adjusted to reflect the extra thrust
      gained from employing it.
      - New sounds, featuring an actual B-52 taking off with water injection.
      - New lights and "Pride of the Adirondacks" decals for B-47
      - New lights code that can be added for the B-52G.
      - B-52s spaced out on the taxiways so they're not hanging over one another.


         (6 reviews)



    8. M270 MLRS

      This is the M270 MLRS used by many countries since the 1980's to present date .


         (4 reviews)



    9. Pasko's SAMs and Vehicle Pak - Desert Skins

      Don't know how this one got overlooked...but here it is.
      Nice additions for any desert terrain -- tested and and works in WoI - see readme for details
      List of included objects:
      (most, if not all, with Tan desert camo - see notes in enclosed readme for more details)
      BRDM-2AT (Saggar Launcher)
      Centurion (desert)
      D-20 152mm artillery piece
      Flat Face Radar
      FROG-3 Launcher
      Hawk CW Radar
      Hawk HP Radar
      Hawk Launcher
      IS-2 Stalin tank
      KS-12 85mm AA
      KS-19 100mm AA (renamed KS-19_P)
      KS-30 130mm AA (left green)
      M-41 Walker Bulldog Tank
      M-42 Duster
      M-60A1 Patton Tank
      PT-76 (reapaint of stock)
      SA-3 Goa Dual
      SA-3 Goa Mobile
      SA-3 Goa Quad
      SA-7 Grail MANPADS
      SA-8 Gecko
      SA-9 Gaskin
      Sidenet Radar
      Spoonrest Radar
      Su-100 Tank
      T-55 bridgelayer (now renamed T-55 BL, and set as a transport)
      T-62 MBT
      Type 59 MBT (PRC Tanks)
      Type 62
      Type 63
      Type 69
      ZPU-4 AAA
      See the enclosed readme for install instrucitons, some general notes, explinations and so forth. WoI users please take note of the notes !!!
      With thanks to Pasko for creating these, and whom ever did the PRC tanks... btw, it's a really old screenshot...


         (5 reviews)



    10. Siberian Sky -- The VOLCANO MOD (for strategic air warfare)

      << "I spotted an afterburner plume at twenty miles." >>
      This is the only quote I recall from a Vietnam War air combat book I read back in hi~school and I forgot the title and author. The author spotted the afterburner at night, against the stars if I recall, and said it was a MiG-21. They (F-4 crew) locked it up and downed it with a Sparrow.
      The VOLCANO MOD attempts to address, or bring attention to, a long missing feature in all combat jetsims: long distance visibility of afterburners especially at night. To do this, we oversize the afterburners as the sim, along with every jetsim it seems, does not model the brightness intensity of afterburner plumes. The same philosophy was used in sizing the recent 3D Rocket Exhaust effects, making larger flame plumes optional for missiles on a sliding scale of selectable effects sizes.
      With the smaller of two oversized afterburner systems here, I can just see a MiG-21's pixel sized R-13 afterburner flickering from a little over 20 miles using 30 degree field of view (FOV) and 1280x1024 screen resolution. I believe that higher resolution would allow longer visible distance for any given FOV. The full size screenshot shows very late twilight F-106 AI squadron takeoff to the South, using the smaller size afterburner system. The yellow arrows point to aircraft in full afterburner following the AI leader.
      The VOLCANO MOD uses specific engine names in aircraft DATA files. Any engine afterburner can be done at any time with a simple calculation. A list of engines currently modelled here and simple formulae for calculating their afterburner data are in the instruction file. These are some of the engines that will be of use in a mythological strategic strike/intercept campaign (Siberian Sky), and include engines that were used, or could be used, by Strategic Air Command (SAC) and manned Soviet Air Defense (IA-PVO) from the 1940s to the 1960s.
      ThirdWire thread discussing grafix for classical era strategic air warfare: Volcanos erupt on page 3 ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4964
      "VOLCANO" was a name used by one or two of our Old Timer SF simmers some time ago who poked fun at an early experimental closeup cameo screenshot that I poasted (it looked pretty bad). The name stuck.
      *** ADDED TO INSTRUCTION FILE, but the replacement Zip file does not seem to upload here. So...
      Grafix position of the afterburner may need to be changed to taste. This is done by changing the vector ExhaustPosition=[x,y,z], where...
      -x is left, x is right.
      -y is back, y is forward.
      -z is down, z is up.
      The numbers are in meters. I prefer the burner flame as close to the nozzle as possible, but without interacting to cause flickering of nozzle/flame.


         (2 reviews)



    11. Soviet Artillery

      It seems that somehow, the D-20 152mm gun got left out of the Pasko Paks..so, here they are.
      There's 2 versions, D-20 (which is just desert tan) and D-20_E (which is Euro Green-ish)
      See the enclose readme for super easy install instrucitons
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    12. *update* v1.11 Siberian Sky -- Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust

      *** Note added August 2013: Decrease the particle generation rate in case of slow flying launching platforms, such as helicoptors or WW2 fighter bombers, to avoid too high density of smoke particles which look bad.
      June 2010. Updated to include the ancient Smoke3.tga. I had always thought this was game stock. I was wrong. Somebody, I don't know who, made the Smoke3.tga for the old Weapons Pack but that pack seems not used much today. So I include it now, finally.
      I'm using 7zip as file compression. I first saw it at Column5's Cold War downloads pages, so I tried it and love it.
      7zip ~> http://www.7zip.com/
      This project is part of a planned series of grafix effects that may be used in an attempt to simulate classical era strategic strike/interception (Siberian Sky).
      In 3D Rocket Exhaust, large numbers of 2D images combine to form 3D flame and smoke trails. The goal is immersive smoke/flame seen from the cockpit, and long range visibility of flame (night) and smoke (day). There can be a cpu performance hit with large numbers of missiles firing off within the defined MaxVisibility distances. Description, development, limitations, and possible employment or improvements of this and future grafix effects are at the ThirdWire webboard thread below...
      ThirdWire thread ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4964
      (1) Know how to work the sim's weapons and the Weapon Editor. This editor and some basic tutorials are found here at the CombatAce.
      (2) Know how to work the Cat Extractor to extract encrypted text files for editing. This extractor is found here at the CombatAce.
      V 1.11 has Smoke3.tga included.
      V 1.1 has...
      (1) One additional step smaller rocket exhaust effect, and two effects for smaller unguided rockets -- U1 and U2 are made with greatly reduced particle density in expectation of large rocket volleys.
      (2) Better naming system .... R1 (the new smallest effect) to R8 (the old R7 of v1.0).... also U1 and U2.
      (3) Hopefully better instructions.


         (3 reviews)



    13. Danish Draken ini's

      By request
      I will upload the ini's I changed to make a Danish Draken with an extra gun and 4 more hardpoints, this is just the ini's and I have planned for releasing a complete aircraft later without lods.
      You will be needing the J-35F and the Danish skin for the Draken availlible here at the download section.
      Have fun


         (1 review)



    14. Reskined T-62A desert

      It is a reskinned original T-62A for any desert Terrain. I apply to DS Desert Strom
      Recommended YOU need WOE T-62A modell !!! If you have WOE you can extract it, and copy any terrain (SF & SFG too).
      How to install:
      Extract/unrar it, then paste the Sahara and T-62A.ini to Objects\GroundObject\T-62A folder.
      If you think make a backup to original...
      ENJOJ IT ! Or modify free! vulkan


         (0 reviews)



    15. Updated T-72A Fictional Camoflage

      Updated T-72A Fictional Camoflage For WOE
      Sorry, but I take a mistake in the T-72A.ini
      Wrog lines was:
      ObjectFullName=T-72A Tank
      The good form :
      ObjectFullName=T-72A Tank
      I was repaired it . Use free, modify free!


         (0 reviews)



    16. T-72A reskined fiction Camoflage

      It is a fictional reskinned original T-72A for any Terrain. I apply to WOE Germany CE
      Recommended YOU need WOE T-72A modell !!! If you have WOE you can extract it, and copy any terrain (SF & SFG too).
      How to install:
      If you think make a backup to original...
      Extract/unrar it, then paste the Camo and T-72A.ini to Objects\GroundObject\T-72A folder.
      ENJOJ IT ! Or modify free! Vulkan


         (0 reviews)



    17. Reskined T-72A desert

      It is a reskinned original T-72A for any desert Terrain. I apply to DS Desert Strom
      Recommended YOU need WOE T-72A modell !!! If you have WOE you can extract it, and copy any terrain (SF & SFG too).
      How to install:
      Extract/unrar it, then paste the Sahara and T-72A.ini to Objects\GroundObject\T-72A folder.
      If you think make a backup to original...
      ENJOJ IT ! Or modify free!


         (1 review)



    18. First Eagles Medals Pack v1.0

      First Eagles Medals Pack v1.0
      This is an add-on for Third Wire's WWI flight sim, First Eagles ("FE"). The stock FE has a number of limitations on the award of medals (there were only a few medals for each air service, and they could only be won once). This meant that after a short time in service, any pilot you had created in FE could not win any more medals, no matter how successful a mission you flew. I wanted to change that, to provide more medals, and so that a successful mission will bring a medal, even if you have previously won that medal. This package will work with either the stock FE, or FE with the Expansion Pack installed.
      The medals which will now be available in FE are as follows:
      British medals (Royal Air Force and Australian Flying Corps):
      Victoria Cross
      Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG)
      Knight Commander of the British Empire (KBE)
      Distinguished Service Order
      Military Cross
      Distinguished Flying Cross
      Military Medal
      Victory Medal
      Silver War Badge
      Croix de Guerre
      French medals (French Aéronautique Militaire):
      Legion of Honor (Légion d'Honneur)
      Military Medal (Medaille Militaire)
      War Cross (Croix de Guerre)
      Combatant's Cross (Croix du Combattant)
      Verdun Medal
      Wounded Medal (Insigne du Blessé Militaire)
      German medals (Imperial German Army Air Service):
      Pour le Merite (Blue Max)
      Order of the Red Eagle
      Royal Order of Hohenzollern
      Iron Cross 1st Class
      Iron Cross 2nd Class
      Military Merit Cross
      War Merit Medal
      Wound Badge
      US medals (US Air Service):
      Medal of Honor
      Distinguished Service Medal
      Distinguished Service Cross
      Citation Star
      Victory Medal
      Purple Heart
      Croix de Guerre


         (2 reviews)



    19. lynx_m113

      Hello All,
      finally, here is my Lynx m113. There may be an improved version later, as I am not 100% happy with the skin.
      Used by both the Dutch and Canadian armed forces. It is a light reconnaissance vehicle, smaller than the M113.
      Hopefully this comes in handy with some future missions/campaigns(especially NATO stuff).
      Please feel free to use, but give credit where credit is due. Do not use in any payware, etc without consent from me.
      Installation is easy. Unzip into(or onto desktop, than transfer) your groundobjects file and it is ready to be used.
      Any problems, please contact me through the board, or consult the FAQ at combatace.


         (1 review)



    20. Formation.zip

      This Mod changes the default formation around so that when you're a two ship, #2 is correctly on the right side of you. It also puts him out there a little bit in more of a cruise type formation, not too close.
      Other formation changes are to wall and box formations, making them more useful. You will want to put your flight into one of these two formations in the high threat areas to maximize maneuvering and lookout potential.
      Wall formation is a "loose deuce" formation for the two ship (section) and line abreast for the four ship (division). Spacing is about half a mile between planes. This is technically too close, but the spirit is there, and also most of the usefulness, without you losing sight of #4 completely.
      Box is now a staggered trail formation with lead and #2 in loose deuce and #3 & #4 behind the lead section about a mile, offset to the right. Enemies who see and attack the lead section will turn in front of the trail section.
      I added two formations, replacing "arrowhead" (useless anyway) and the "turn radar on" command with "High cover" and "Right Echelon", respectively. Readme for more details.
      For those of you who downloaded version 1.0, please download this one and replace it. The added commands weren't referencing correctly.
      Thanks to Drdoyo for getting me started.
      Sixgun out.


         (8 reviews)



    21. Russian Defence Pack

      ZSU-23-4 Pack
      This is just a pack with 4 different types of
      ZSU-23-4 that will give you a hard time.
      Bad News for Helos and A-10's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Maybe Harriers...............
      # ZSU-23-4 (1964): pre-production and then initial production models.
      # ZSU-23-4V (1968): minor modifications.
      # ZSU-23-4V1 (1972): more minor modifications.
      # ZSU-23-4M (1977): one extra ammunition panier on turret exterior (now three), added an armoured cover for the guns, upgraded fire-control computer to digital, "Gun Dish" radar can operate independently in search mode rather than only slaved to the guns.
      These have radar!!! So your aircraft (with RWR) will have a radar warning because
      the ZSU-23-4 is tracking you down. If you are in 4 miles or less....
      You are screwed... Man aren't you screwed. Just because you have ECM does mean you are safe.
      It will still shoot you!!!!! So just take it out or you are dead. Plus
      the tracers are set at 1 so you can have bullets in the sky. In night time the
      sky fills up with light.
      by : Gerald14 for skins and info
      And Combatace and Thirdwire.
      Combatace for the hosting and great site
      Thirdwire for the model


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      1 comment


    22. VulcanB2 anti-collision, landing and instrument lights mod

      This mod enhances the anti-collision and landing lights for the A-Team's VulcanB2. I've also added lights to the cockpit to illuminate the instruments, which helps with instrument flying at night.
      Many thanks and credit to the A-team and their contributors for producing the Vulcan B2 add-on aircraft and also for granting me permission to post this related mod. If there are any problems with this mod then please contact me directly, not the A-team. Thanks.
      Copyright information and installation instructions are included in the ReadMe.
      Regards, comrpnt.


         (2 reviews)



    23. New F-14 Afterburner Effects

      This is a mod for better F-14 afterburners. The ones featured are from the F-16XL. They look a little more realistic, to me at least.
      Please read the readme. Enjoy!


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      1 comment


    24. Enhanced Explosions 2 -FIXED FLARES

      UPDATE 8.03.2008
      -included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it
      This is full package with missing flareflash.tga included. If you already downloaded the EE2 pack, you can find the fix alone here:


         (3 reviews)



    25. Enhanced Explosions 2

      UPDATE 8.03.2008
      -included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it
      -included flareflash.tga, available in separate fix download
      This is a major update and extension of my "Enhanced Explosions" effects pack.
      If you've been using original Enhanced Explosions, you know what to expect -Hollywood style cinematic explosions, created to give TK's sims
      a blast. Also I still enjoy old "Jane's ATF" very much, and I missed some of it's spectacular fire in the sky lately.
      New stuff included is mostly about ground strikes and various air2ground weapons effects.


         (15 reviews)

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