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    1. EF-4C Wild Weasel IV + Linebacker II campaign with it

      This is my version of EF-4C based on the F-4C_8thTFW_1967 made by Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski.However some parts from the old EF-4C - like the ER-142 and the avionics .INI- of Column5, Sundowner and Storm are also included.
      Be sure that you have your F-4C_8thTFW_1967 and their drop tank and decals mods downloaded and installed properly, because some parts like Ejections seats, drop tanks or decals might not be working.
      I don't know when EF-4Cs had been actually retired, I assume sometime in the early '80s, (I saw photos that definetely are post-1975) so I put 1988 just to be sure.And something else...I haven't been able to develop the launchers the way I wanted to.I would like to ask to others to have a look at it.The way it is, it's a dedicated SEAD aircraft with one specific loadout.But that's the way it was in reality, so I decided that it's worth it.The way it is, you have the chance to fly some "hot" Vietnam '72 missions.I guarantee you that you 're going to enjoy it.There is modification of the stock Linebacker II campaign included if you like to test your chances...Default skin is the S.E.A. 67thTFS, but there is an 81thTFS skin if you like to try your luck in '70s Germany.
      Mike Druzolowski
      If someone else has contributed, please notify me and I 'll mention him.
      Request - Hi rez skins for Monty A-6s and MF A-7A/Bs


         (1 review)



    2. MiG-23B/S/S Early/UB Early/UB/UM/ Update 1.22

      MiG-23B/S/S Early/UB Early/UB/UM/ Update Readme
      This is update for:
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23S, MiG-23S_Early,MiG-23UB, MiG-23UB_Early, MiG-23UM,MiG-23B folders to Aicraft folder.
      - Copy Chute.bmp to ALL skin folders
      - copy *.Wav file to Sound Folder
      - copy BVP-50-60.* files to Weapons folder {if you download MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack Part1 & 2 before}
      - Repainted MiG-23S,B skins.
      - new sound by Spilione104
      - updated model (more details)
      - drag chute {by Erikgen} added for all planes {AnimationID=9}
      - added nozzle animation {AnimationID=10}
      - canopy now supported manually open {AnimationID=8}
      - fixed some ini entries
      - new BVP-50-60 model
      - separated model for MiG-23S_Early, MiG-23UM
      - Ground position fixed for B
      change lines for manually open:
      UB,UB Early,UM: (Press Shift+1)
      S,S Early,B: (Press Shift+1)
      Note: please set RailLaunched=TRUE (use missile rail in weapon editor ) for all Kh-23's


         (2 reviews)



    3. MiG-23MF Rakshak

      MiG-23MF Rakshak Readme
      MiG-23MF for India (Indian name 'Rakshak') factory code 32-11MF
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by ghostrider883
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MF_ind folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar Sapfir-23E
      - ASP-23D gunsight
      - MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-29-300 Engine
      - TP-23 Heat seeker
      in production 1982-83 110 planes


         (1 review)



    4. MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider, version 6

      A-1H Skyraider, USN/USMC by MontyCZ Ver. 6

      for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Series, 06, 08 and Up Patch Levels

      This is a complete revamp of MontyCZ's Original Skyraider ™. Historically, this aircraft was the VERY first add-on aircraft available for Strike Fighters 'way back when. At my request, Monty was kind enough to revisit this aircraft, and cut several new mesh faces for ease of skinning and decaling.
      This aircraft mod is designed to REPLACE all eariler versions; however, there will be some small modifications YOU, as the End User ™ will have to make in the various skin bmps and decal inis if wishing to convert older skin mods to this newer LOD.
      Full instructions on the how-to are in the accompanying Word document, "Updating Older Skins". Now, it should be noted, some of the very old skins may NOT take to the new lod. They, therefore, may need replacement.
      This aircraft also makes use of the "prop-pit" mod I created for the WW2/Korean Era Skyraiders, and is based off the existing Skyhawk's. It is included.
      The new skin accompanying this mod represents A-1H Skyraiders from VMA-331 "KillerBees" in approximatley 1958-60 time frame.
      The aircraft has been EXTENSIVELY tested in 08 Patch Level and SF2 "NextGen" series games, and has had several changes in the data ini to try and update it as much as possible. It could still use some fine tuning of the FM, but it seems to handle pretty well, considering the last update for the FM was in something like 2005!!! It is also fully usable in 06 level game installs, with some minor back-tweeking (documented in the "Notes" section below). It is fully carrier capable, and now has folding wings. ECM capability has been updated, with the addition of chaff and flare dispensers. The aircraft also makes use of an audio-only RWR.
      Weapons fit uses all stock in-game items; no weapons pak is needed, but feel free to make whatever changes you wish. The shadow statement in the main ini has been updated to post-08 standards, and will work in SF2s as well. All aircraft lighting has been adjusted as per real aircraft, with properly placed formation, running and landing lights. Wingfold is now active, and controlled via an animation key (shift/9). There are a few issues with the canopy still but it's quite livealbe with.
      3 Hangar screens, and a USN loading screen are included. The "sf2_A1H_Hangar.bmp", while obviously desinged for SF2 NextGenners, can also be used for TOS games as well. It's a 'generic' carrier-deck style, with no blackboard. My original 'boxart' style for TOS games is also included, as well as the carrier-deck style, WITH blackboard. Your choice!!
      The aircraft folder and main ini have been named in such a way as to differentiate =THIS= A-1H from the stock 3rdWire unitin SF2:V or the Razbam versions. Do NOT change these names!!!
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. There's an extensive "Notes" section, detailing various and sundry things of interest, including an appeal to our 3D modelers....
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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      1 comment


    5. Northrop T-38A Talon for SF1/WO v1.1

      A beautiful T-38A for use with SF1/WO. This was reverse-engineered from FASTCARGO's SF2 files for the T-38A.....therefore he gets the majority of the credit here. Included is a new skin for an early High Viz scheme T-38A and the files to sling a travel pod under your "White Rocket".....to hide the beer of course!! Skins include :
      3560th Pilot Training Wing-mid 1960's based at Webb AFB, TX. An early high-viz scheme with buzz numbers!!
      87th Flying Training Squadron - mid-90s 'white' scheme after AETC was created. Based at Laughlin AFB, TX.
      71st Flying Training Squadron - old 'white' scheme used in ATC until 1992. Based at Moody AFB, GA.
      9th Bomb Squadron - Companion Trainer Aircraft used until the mid-90s. Based at Dyess AFB, TX.
      1st Reconnaissance Squadron - Companion Trainer Aircraft still used by U-2 pilot. Based at Beale AFB, CA
      Animations include an opening and closing canopy for both student and instructor
      Aircraft navigation and landing lights work for night operations
      You can fly from both seats by a minor edit of the files (front and rear data and cockpit ini's included)


         (1 review)



    6. C-5A 'Galaxy' - MAC - Vietnam Era

      Early Vietnam era skin and decals for MAC's C-5A 'Galaxy'
      Including all known serial numbers for that period and
      complete with new sounds based on actual TF-39.
      Major credit goes to Veltro2k for putting the model together.


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    7. Pan Am 747

      Early era skin for Pan Am's Boeing 747 100-200 series.
      Livens up Tan son Nhut with PAC-MAc flights.
      Major credit goes to Veltro2k for putting the model together.


         (1 review)



    8. Operation 'Corporate' Sea Harrier FRS.1 Pack

      Operation 'Corporate' Sea Harrier FRS.1 Improvement Pack
      This is my effort in order to improve the Royal Navy Sea Harrier FRS.1, primarily (but not necessarily) for its use with the Falklands Mod by Kesselbrut; hopefully it will make the aircraft more fun and enjoyable to fly. I have included features by other modders and community developers in order to enhance the Sea Harrier experience; credits are given to their respective creators and original ‘Readme’ files are included.
      1- Ten high-resolution skins, seven of which are historically accurate for three Fleet Air Arm Naval Air Squadrons, with custom decals, particular features and even kill marks.
      2- New custom pilot skin featuring accurate British kit, including Mk.36 helmet and Type P.2A oxygen mask.
      3- Revised and more realistic flight model.
      4- Tweaked radar performance, radar modes and displays for a more realistic feel
      5- Improved sound and visual effects
      5- Fly with the pros! Historical pilot names .LST file and real Falklands War veteran Harrier and Sea Harrier pilot photos.
      Sea Harrier 3D model by Monty CZ and BPAo (may he rest in peace †)
      Pilot LOD by AmokFloo
      Mk.10 ejection seat by AleDucat and the BANIDOS TEAM
      Original cockpit by Monty CZ and Kesselbrut, textures by VolksJager
      Pegasus engine sound and fuselage vortex effects by bobrock
      As usual, these files are to be freely distributed, used for enjoyment purposes only and may not be used for profitable means. My many thanks to the modders and developers who created some of these wonderful add-ons. I hope you enjoy this pack!


         (5 reviews)



    9. MiG-27ML

      MiG-27ML Bahadur Readme
      MiG-27ML is new Export version MiG-27M for India
      Model based on MiG-27 model by Wpnssgt, skins by GhostRider
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-27ML folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sound to sound folder
      - Copy Kayra_SIGHT1.TGA, Kayra_SIGHT2.TGA to Flight folder
      Plane specification:
      - Max G: 7.0
      - Powerful GSh 6-30 Gun
      - MiG-27K can use R-60,R-60M, 2 Kh-23,25R (with Delta-NG2 pod only), up to 4 Laser/TVGuided Kh-25, up to 2 Kh-29, TV guided KAB-500 (LGB's not supported)
      - Max Loadout 4000Kg
      - R-29B-300 Engine
      - Klen-PM Laser Designator. {version Klen-PS from Su-17M3}, no TV camera, but IT-23 Tv screen, all TV guided bombs & missiles allowed (used weapon camera).
      - PrNK-44L - nv/targeting complex with Digital Computer 'Orbita-10-15-44L'
      - S-17VG-1 aim system
      in production : 1986-96 165 planes.+ 45 planes build in USSR (1985-87)
      P.S. MiG-27ML with AL-31F (upgade project) has made the first flight 15.01.2008


         (1 review)



    10. Tupolev Tu-128 & Tu-128M Fiddler

      Tupolev Tu-128 Fiddler B & Tu-128M
      The Tupolev Tu-28/Tu-128 (NATO name 'Fiddler') was a long-range interceptor aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. It remains the world's largest production fighter aircraft.
      In this pack the Tu-128 Fiddler B and the most recent Tu-128M.
      This aircraft is for SFP1, WoE last patch ... not tested in WoV and WoI.
      1) Unzip the file TU128packV00.rar
      2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your main game folder (i.e. ..\Wings Over Europe\).
      3) Add the lines you find in the "add_to_WeaponDataIni.txt" to the end of your "weapondata.ini" file, change the xxx with sequential numbers and recompile using the last WeaponEditor.

      Please, read the readme file.

      - kreelin for the FM
      - Spillone104 for the jet sound
      - Spillone104, bobrock, lindr2, Soulfreak as beta tester
      - me ... the remaining stuff
      Special thanks to NGHENGO who stressed me (a lot) in order to not stop this project and lindr2 who kindly helped me with much detailed infos.
      Thank you very much guys.
      Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
      Enrico "erikgen" Gennari


         (13 reviews)



    11. SP-2H (P2-7) NEPTUNE

      A Lockheed SP-2H Neptune- US NAVY. Look out Vietcong.....it's coming to find you!! Please see the READ ME file for credits and installation. Thank you to TRACKER and PAPPYCHKSIX who allowed me to use their P-2H files and skins to create this. Included are skins for VP-1 "Screaming Eagles", VP-2 "Neptunes", VP-21 "Blackjacks" and Pappy's VP-69 "Totems". Includes a gunsight and searchlight combo for huntin' the Cong at night......ENJOY!!!


         (1 review)



    12. MiG-23 obr.71 & MiG-23M Early

      MiG-23 obr. 71 & Mig-23M Eally Readme
      MiG-23 is version between MiG-23S & M, first BVR capable version, All MiG-23 obr.71 planes were updated
      to MiG-23M level (instead Engine), case this detail specification is fully clear (some sources says, that obr.71 has heat seeker,
      however, plane on photo used for hangar has no TP-23, )
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23, MiG-23M-1 folders to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - Copy weapons (R-25) to weapons folder
      - open weapon editor, cick merge & select r-25.ini
      Plane specifications:
      Mig-23 obr.71:
      - Max G: 7.0
      - Radar Sapfir-23L
      - ASP-23L gunsight
      - MiG-23 obr can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S missiles
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-27F2M-300 Engine 12500 Kg on AB, but restricted to 10200Kg
      - NO SLATS
      in production 1971-73 ~100 planes
      Mig-23M (Serie 1) - same as orb.71, but:
      - Max G: 7.5
      - TP-23 Heat seeker on default,
      - R-60 allowed,
      - wing with slats
      in production 1972-74 S/N ~ 0390200000-0390202303 (first 'Pure' MiG-23M is 0390202304)
      Had MiG-23M Early HUD or NOT is not clear... looks like planes were updated after 1974.
      MiG-23 obr.71 had no HUD as default, like UB & S
      about R-25: i included this missile as what if... weapons, this missile based on AIM-7 captured in N Vietnam in 1965,
      it buil like back-up for possible R-23 programm failture. it tested in 1972. i include it like BVR weapon for MiG-23 in 1972-73 ,
      used AIM-7 model with new skin.


         (1 review)



    13. B-52 Vietnam Era Upgrade Pack 4.0

      Upgrades to the three B-52 models that took part in Vietnam.
      What's included:
      - New SEA skin for G model.
      - Complete serial numbers for every actual D,F, & G model BUFF
      - Nose art
      - New exhaust emitters
      - New bomber formations and many other minor tweaks and edits.
      Geared for stand alone WOV and YAP users. Thanks to all those who helped this package come together.
      If I'm forgetting anyone in the Read Me files please let me know so I can fix it.


         (3 reviews)



    14. MiG-23ME & MS

      MiG-23ME & Mig-23MS Readme
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      Skins: whiteknight0660, TMF
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23ME, MiG-23MS_ folders to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      Mig-23ME (also known like MS early):
      - Max G: 7.5
      - Radar RP-22SM
      - ASP-PF gunsight
      - MiG-23ME can use R-13M,R-3R,R-3S missiles,
      - R-60,Kh-23 not allowed.
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-27F2M-300 Engine 12500 Kg on AB, but restricted to 10200Kg
      Mig-23MS - same as ME, but:
      - R-29-300 Engine
      in production 1973-75 : Libya - 54 planes, Syria - 24 planes, Algeria - 15 planes, Egypt - 12 planes, Iraq - 24 planes
      some planes used VVS in trainer role.


         (1 review)



    15. Soko G2 Galeb

      A bit of history:
      Yugoslavia's Aeronautical Technical Institute began design work on an airplane, named Galeb, in 1957. The first flight of the prototype was performed on 31 July 1961. Soon, after a full-size wooden mock-up, the second prototype Galeb 2 was built The Air Force needed a trainer with secondary combat ability that could operate from unprepared runways. Not familiar with such requirements, the designers provided for landing gear strong enough to make the aircraft suitable for landing on aircraft carriers.
      Production began in 1964, making it the first indigenous jet to enter mass production in Yugoslavia. The first production series G-2A was entered in the aircraft register of the Yugoslav Air Force on 30 July 1965, and the last one on 6 January 1981. Production of updated aircraft for export to Libya was extended until mid-1983. Soko produced a total of 248 Galeb aircraft, 132 of which were used by the Yugoslav Air Force. In the first Congo war, a total of three J-21 Jastrebs and one G2Galeb were delivered to the government, flown and mantained by yugoslav mercenaries.In early 90’s during the Yugoslav war, many airframes of dismissed Galebs were put in flight condition and used together with the single seater variant Jastreb as ground attackers from all sides.
      Installation instructions:
      Put the files in the respective folders.
      There are some .INI files to be edited because not everyone have it in the same condition. For exhample: there are guns and a couple of weapons to be added to their respective WEAPONDATA.INI and GUNDATA.INI and then run the editors.
      Plus extract or modify the SOUNDLIST.INI in Flight folder in order to have the JATO sound.
      Flight Instructions:
      This model have a simulated JATO rocket effect to help in take-offs especially when eavy loaded. To activate the JATO use the controls used for vector thrust. (down to activate - up to deactivate) This system works on the principle of the gun recoil so the "propellent" will empty when ammo finish. The rockets work for 14 seconds. Is recomended to not fire the JATO until 150 Km/h.
      When the rockets shuts down you could jettison the spent bottles by Ctrl-D as droptanks.
      For the model we use the wonderful cockpit for F-80 shooting star, made by76.IAP-Blackbird
      Erikgen for the pilots
      Aleks and Nghengo for 3d model and texture
      Spillone 104 for test flights, JATO mod (bottles and effects), loadouts & sounds
      Homer for the serial numbers set taken from his F-84G JRV skin pack
      This model is freeware, and so it must remain!!! have a nice flight


         (8 reviews)



    16. Pasko's Yak-3RD

      Yak-3RD pak -includes upgrades for 08 Patch Level and SF2 Sims
      Fulfilling a request to make the aircraft available again, as the links at Pasko's Mostly MiGs and Etc seem to have disappeared.
      Some ini mods are:
      moving the cockpit up slightly to hide some gaps;
      A Soviet WW2-style PB1 gunsight tga (from Pappa Romeo's EAW sight pack)
      VERY small FM tweeks for 08+ level games (btw, a few more tweeks are necessary hint-hint to our FM guys);
      Canopy is now operational via an animiation key (Shift/0)
      A new WoE-style Hangar screen (didn't have one before)
      The "CRSPRP.wav" in-line engine sound -- has a nice V-12 buzz (used on many WW2 mods)
      Damage tgas for that 'shot full of holes' look
      Included are a second data and loadout ini, for an "operational" interceptor version, in the "What If..." worlds, with the additon of 2 nose 12.7 machine guns, ala the standard Yak-3. An 'operational' Loadout ini, with the additon of drop tanks is included. Instructions for swapping them out are below in the "To Install" section. Sort of an experiment I performed.
      I've also included a 2nd skin for the 'operational' variant, which is a basically the gray/blue skin from the Yak-3. Be advised of some small mapping issues, as this skin really wasn't designed for this LOD.
      Pasko's original readme is also included
      Note: for the 'operational' variant, I've used as much stock weapons as possible; even the guns are pure 3W stock. However, the drop tanks used are the 75 gallon Mustang ones; so you might need one or another of the various Weapons Pak available to get them. They are NOT included.
      = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI (mostly 08 Level WoE). Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Of course, the usual 'Notes and Ramblings' section
      With thanks to Pasko for creating this interestering little aircraft!
      kevin stein
      I didn't assign a NATO codename to the aircraft for several reasons:
      1) Couldn't really think of one; even with those assigned to other experimental birds that didn't go into production, or Lend-Lease aircraft that went out-of-serivce rather quickly after WW2, and
      2) The ones I'd thought of, while being rather descriptive (what with that rocket engine in the tail and all) probably wouldn't get used, even in 'impolite' company (well for a couple I came up with, at any rate). If you want to know what they were, just ask!
      End users are encourged to come up with one, and let everyone know.


         (0 reviews)



    17. Lockheed TV-1 (TO-1) Training Star

      Due to the slow delivery of new jet fighters and in order to train new jet pilots, the United States Navy in 1947 obtained the transfer of 49 Lockheed P-80Cs destined to the United States Air Force. Designated originally as TO-1 and changed to TV-1 after 1950, these planes served as land-based trainer aircraft for Navy squadron VF-52 and U.S. Marine Corps squadron VMF-311. With the arrival of the delayed Grumman F9F and McDonnell F2H aircraft, the TV-1s were transferred to reserve squadrons before being phased out of service.
      Included here are skins for VF-52 and VMF-311 from 1948. Also included is the Fleet All Weather Training unit at NAS North Island, the missile chase planes at NAS Point Mugu and the Naval Air Reserve at NAS Oakland. Please see the READ ME file for more histoical info,installation and of course credits.


         (1 review)



    18. Lockheed TV-2 (T-33B) Navy Trainer

      The relatively high performance of the turbojet engine, the high altitude environment where jet aircraft routinely operated, and the new and different demands put on pilots flying jet aircraft required that a jet trainer be developed to aid this transition to a new mode of flight.
      The answer was the T-33, which was created by inserting a twenty nine inch plug ahead of the wing of a P-80, the Air Force's first operational jet fighter, and a second twelve inch plug behind the wing which provided the extra space for a second cockpit with dual controls. Ejection seats and 235 gallon jettisonable centerline tip tanks were added and, on March 22, 1948, Tony LeVier made the aircraft's first flight. The T-33 flew even better than its single seat ancestor. Cleaned up and refined, the airframe climbed faster, cruised more effortlessly and was slightly faster than its older and smaller cousins. Initially designated as a variant of the P-80/F80, the TP-80C/TF-80C, the designation was subsequently changed to T-33A.The US Navy used the T-33 as a land-based trainer starting in 1949. It was designated the TV-2, but was redesignated the T-33B in 1962.A carrier-capable version of the P-80/T-33 family was subsequently developed by Lockheed, eventually leading to the late 1950s to 1970s T2V-1/T-1A SeaStar
      Included with this file are FOUR skins:
      * ATU-200 Advanced Training Unit out of NAS Kingsville, Texas in 1954
      * FAWTUPAC Fleet All Weather Training Unit Pacific out of NAS North Island, California in 1956
      * H&MS-33 Marine headquarters and Maintenance Squadron Thirty-Three, MCAS El Toro,Calif in 1961
      * NAS Glenview Naval Air Reserve Training Command, Chicago Illinois in 1962
      Please see the enclosed READ-ME file for installation and of course CREDITS.


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. MiG-21MF-75

      MiG-21MF-75 Readme
      This is a updated version of stock MiG-21MF by TW.
      Unofficial designation used in Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania and Czechoslovakia to refer to MiG-21MF aircraft delivered with cockpit instrumentation identical to that in the MiG-21bis (the "75" refers to "1975", the year in which these entered production.)
      -------------------Form Wiki
      Model is stock MiG-21MF model from TW Game.
      sound by starfighter2.
      Skin ini mixed with some skins....
      Also thanks to who made Loading and Hanger Screens (Sorry I forgot whom.)
      This plane required Lindr2's great MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unzip this rarpack
      - copy MiG-21MF-75 folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - Max G: -4 to +8
      - Radar RP-22S(Sapfir-21)
      - MiG-21SM can use R-3S,R-3R,R-13M,R-60/R-60M missiles
      - Tumanskiy R-13-300
      - As we should know,R-3R = AA-2C and R-3S = AA-2B R-13M = AA-2D R-60 = AA-8A R-60M = AA-8B (IIRC)


         (4 reviews)



    20. MiG-23MLAE Libya

      MiG-23MLAE LARAF Readme
      MiG-23MLAE (factory code 32-19), MLD export-B, version for Libya
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLAE folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - add to vp-23.ini weapondata.ini (or open weaponeditor open weapondata.ini & merge with VP-23.ini) no LOD needed
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-E)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLAE can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail.
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      - new RWR & ECM from MLD
      - VP-23 CM on centerline as default, BVP-50-60 can be mounted.
      S/N - planes from 1023sq, photos from LAVEX2006-2008


         (0 reviews)



    21. Twin Otter

      DHC 6 Twin Otter, Argentina Air Force. Created by Syd Adams. Modified and adapted by Tracker.
      Role: STOL Utility transport. Link between Argentinean mainland and antartic bases.
      Combat record:
      During the Malvinas War, the Twin Otter T-82 relized two flights to the islands, in order to evacuate wounded and the remains of the decesed A-4B (C-206) pilot Lieutenant Nívoli, shot down during the attack to frigates Glasgow and Brilliant on 12 May. In the first flight it was impossible to load the body of the pilot, task completed during the second flight. After the conflict, in one of the nose sides of the T-82, could be seen a read that sayd:
      "28-29 May 1982 Borbón Island. Recovery to the continent of ejected tripulants an wounded in combat".
      Source: http://www.aeroespac.../524/castor.htm
      Model distributed under GNU license. Original author (Mr. Syd Adams, From Flight Gear community) kindly allowed me to share this modded version of his work.
       - ESPAÑOL:
      DHC 6 Twin Otter, Fuerza Aérea Argentina. Creado por Syd Adams. Modificado y adaptado por Tracker.
      Rol: Transporte utilitario STOL. Enlace ente el continente y las bases antárticas.
      Historia de combate:
      Durante el desarrollo de la Guerra por las Malvinas, se realizaron con el T-82 dos cruces a las Islas, con la finalidad de evacuar hacia el continente los heridos y el cuerpo sin vida del Ten. Nívoli, piloto del A-4B (C-206) derribado durante el ataque a las fragatas Glasgow y Brillant el 12 de mayo. En el primer cruce no fue posible embarcar el cuerpo del piloto, hecho que se logró recién en el segundo intento. Tiempo después de la culminación del conflicto, sobre uno de los laterales del morro del T-82 se podía ver una leyenda que rezaba:
      "28-29 de Mayo de 1982 Isla Borbón Recuperación al continente de tripulantes eyectados y heridos en combate".
      Fuente: http://www.aeroespac.../524/castor.htm
      Este modelo es distribuido bajo licencia GNU. El autor original (Señor Syd Adams, de la comunidad Flight Gear) amablemente me permitió compartir esta versión modificada de su trabajo.
      This model is provided under GNU license. Original author (Mr. Syd Adams, From Flight Gear community) kindly allowed me to share this modded version of his work.


         (5 reviews)



    22. Su-25 for SFP1 and WoX

      The setup for this mod is designed to use the Thirdwire first generation folder structure patched
      to 10-08 standard, the latest one as per January 2010!
      It doesn't contain the model of the plane itself, you need to get the fourth setup pack of NF4+ (link below) to get it. This package contains the INI reworks to make the model compatible with the first generation games along with the correct gun of the plane.
      1) Unzip the "Su-25-firstgen" folder to a temporary place where it is easy to find.
      2) Add the data from "GUNDATA.txt" to your GUNDATA.ini (numbering the entry with the first number availabe), open and save it with the gun editor. This step adds the Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 gun which was the gun gun carried by the series-produced aircraft.
      3) Get the 4th pack of NF4+ at CombatAce: http://forum.combata...&showfile=10125 and extract at least the folder containing the Su-25.
      4) Copy the plane folder (the one with the LOD's and the cockpit directory) to your “Aircraft” directory and then the INI's within the “Su-25-firstgen” into the Su-25 folder, allowing to overwrite when prompted - be careful: you must only overwrite the files, the INI's to be precise, within the Su-25 folder, not elsewhere!
      5) In the case that you do not use the community weapons pack 2.52 (available at CombatAce.com, link below), you may have to add the data from "Weapons\Ordnance_Weapondata.txt" to your weapondata.ini and copy the needed folders in "Weapons" in your weapon directory. No overwriting of existing files is needed.
      This is mainly a INI rework to convert the Su-25 for the 2nd generation games included in the NF4+ mod into a plane usable in the first generation.
      The weapons provided are solely those needed for the given LOADOUT.INI as I assume that a large majority of users has some kind of weapon pack installed, giving enough weapons to modify the loadouts at will.
      I've tested the plane on a Wing over Europe install patched to Oct.-08 level with the
      community weapons pack 2.52 installed.
      - License information: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131
      - Community Weapons pack: http://forum.combata...p;showfile=7791
      - Nato Fighters 4+, aircraft folder 2, fourth part: http://forum.combata...&showfile=10125
      1) The conversion of the plane was made by re-saving all INI files with ANSI coding, as this is the sole file coding understood by the first gen game engine.
      2) Additionally, it makes use of the so-called “hiding components trick by bpao” (if you look at the Su-25_DATA.INI , you'll see how it works).
      3) The loadout.ini is my creation.
      I think it is safe and the best to put my little INI work under the
      -> CombatAce Freeware License (see link above) <-,
      this rework / compilation is licensed as such, in short: freedom to distribute such licensed work
      as long as it does NOT become part of payware or not publicly available.
      I wasn't allowed to republish the model of the aircraft. USAFMTL said on request that “The person who made requested that it stay in the package only. “ but that I was clear to include the INI's, so I can't even name the contributor but nevertheless ask that he or she will accept my thanks!
      - EDIT: after the upload, I learned that the model is more to be seen as in a "beta stage", AmokFloo ported it in game and 76.IAP-Blackbird is still working on it.
      - The Sukhoi 25 was/is done by AmokFloo and 76.IAP-Blackbird.
      EDIT of File description 2010-02-07: clarified a part of the install explanation after I saw that the advice of overwriting lead at least one time to misunderstandings. Also updated the information about original author. Same changes in updated readmes within the archive.


         (5 reviews)



    23. Flyable MIG23's for WOI (ONLY)

      I have taken the stock MIG 23's from WOI and made them flyable. Download them all as one package right here.
      They all have cockpits and are ready to go.
      I have included 1024x768 loading screens for those who want that resolution, go into the airplane folder and change the names of the files if you can't use 1680x1050.
      Flyable MIG 23's pack for WOI only.
      I have gathered the stuff from Combatace.com, credits go to:
      Please let me know if you find your work in this package without being properly credited.
      - Added Cockpit Seats to all models
      - Added landing lights to all models
      - Adjusted pylons to fix bug of ordnance being inside drop tank
      - Custom sounds
      - Adjustments of textures
      1 BACKUP your original MIG23 models in folder /Aircraft and put them in a safe location
      2 Copy the files inside aircraft folder to /Aircraft Don't forget to overwrite the existing files. You can alos just move the original files to a different location so you don't have to overwrite.
      3 Copy the files inside /Sounds folder to /Sounds
      4 Please check if you have avionics.70.dll as it is required.
      Go fly the awesome MIG23:)


         (1 review)



    24. FastCargo's F-5B Freedom Fighter

      This is conversion of great Northop F-5B Freedom Fighter ver 1.1 by FastCargo for SF2 to the first generation Third Wire sims (tested on WOE and WOV).
      All credits goes to FastCargo and can be read in original F-5B Readme.
      I changed: - all .ini files to ANSI format
      - made invisible fuel tanks that are part of aircraft model in SF2 and
      can't be jettisonable in SF1
      - added possibility of carrying F-5A and F-5C wingtip and central fuel
      tanks that can be found in Mirage Factory Weapons Pack 01/25/2009 on CombatAce
      - decals on right place in first gen structure
      - a few more little changes like rear cockpit position, added missile
      (sidewinder) rails or kick off useless files for firs gen etc.
      Thanks to FastCargo for fantastic aircraft (especially rear seat flight feelings) and both FC and Wrench for advice on CombatAce Knowledge Base.
      Michal Minta


         (6 reviews)



    25. MiG-17F pure fighter version

      MiG-17F Fighter Version (Vietnam)
      I .Credits
      This is a mod of TK's stock MiG-17F.
      The Pilot is a mod of one of Troopers Red_Pilots_Part1 pilots.
      The cockpit is taken from Zurawskis F-86.
      Thanks to all whos files i have used to make this MiG-17PF.
      II. MiG-17F Fighter version
      TK's MiG-17F based more on the fighter bomber versions which the polish or east germans used in the late 70th and early 80th. In this mod i made the pure fighter version the soviets delivered to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the 60th.
      This version had no wiring for using air to ground weapons in their wings. So they were unable to drop bombs or fire missiles or use rocket pods. On the other hand the soviet delivered MiG-17F had a radio range finder, a radar warning reciever and a 5 shot flare dispenser in the right side of the tail fin.
      Later the vietnamese got chinese J-5A (MiG-17F copies) which had not such devices.
      1. unzip into your aircraft folder
      subfolders will be automatically created
      Thats it! Enjoy flying.
      V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      March 2010


         (2 reviews)



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