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Prop Cockpits

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22 files

  1. Ju-88 Cockpit repaint for Veltro2K's Ju-88 - Kesselbrut's Cockpit

    Here is a (decent) repaint of the supplied Kesselbrut's Mosquito cockpit for use in Veltro2K's Ju88's. Again, I made it for my personal use but maybe the five of us (me, Kev and other kindred spirits) who still use SF2 to sim WW2 can get some use out of it. 
    Made for SF2, it's the needed bmp's, one tga, and the cockpit.ini file ONLY. I wasn't happy with the way some of the gauges were presenting, so I've made some changes.  
    The cockpit textures are 2048x2048, in the old days we didn't have the horsepower to run such large cockpit textures, but those days are long gone. Resize them if you do experience any problems. 
    Not 100% accurate, there's always compromises that have to be made, but it is what it is, I have done my best.
    Copy and paste the bmp's and tga from this file into your V2K Ju88 cockpit folder. Place the cockpit.ini in the main aircraft folder. Back up the corresponding original files in case you want to revert.
    That's it. 
    Note that although this is made for the Ju88C, it will work in any of Veltro's Ju88's, and I guess you could use it any any German twin engine bomber without a decent cockpit. 
     - Veltro2K for the Ju-88 and for the HUGE range of WW2 and later aircraft you have done for us. Much appreciated!
     - Kesselbrut for another one of his great cockpits. I hope you're doing well wherever you are Daniel.  
     - Veltro advises the cockpit was modded by Capun for use in German aircraft, thanks to Capun for that work!
     - CombatAce for being a bastion of Strike Fighters for these many. many years.
     - TK for creating SFP1 and SF2 for all of us to enjoy.


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  2. Fw-190 Cockpit Repaint for Torno's FW190's

    Here is a (decidedly average) repaint of Torno's FW-190 cockpit for use in his excellent range of Fw-190's. I made it for my personal use but maybe the five of us (me, Kev and other kindred spirits) who still use SF2 to sim WW2 can get some use out of it. 
    Made for SF2, it's the needed jpg's ONLY. 
    Which 190 is it? Well, I started with the A as a basis but you can use it in any of Torno's beautiful Wurgers. The one here is the one featuring "moar gunz" - of course.
    Not 100% accurate, there's always compromises that have to be made, but it is what it is. 
    Copy and paste the jpg's from this file into your 190 (of whatever flavor) cockpit folder. Back up the corresponding original files in case you want to revert.
    That's it. 
     - TORNO for the great range of Fw-190's. Excellent work amigo. Torno's work is for CombatAce ONLY, these are NOT to appear elsewhere.
     - CombatAce for being a bastion of Strike Fighters for these many. many years.
     - TK for creating SFP1 and SF2 for all of us to enjoy.


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  3. Kesselbrut & russouk2004 ME 109 COCKPIT JABO for SF 2

    Kesselbrut & russouk2004 Me 109 cockpit textures pack for Strike Fighters 2 (WW2 modded games). 
    I finished a pack for Kesselbrut & russouk2004 Me 109 cockpit, with new textures and new painting approach. 
    I worked in one edition that russouk2004 did in this cockpit to represent a Me 109 "Jabo" versions with the "ZSK 244 A-2/Zünderschaltkasten" (ignition switch box for bombs). This is a switch box, more realistic for 109E/F/G/K versions, but you of course, are free to use wherever you wish.
    The size of some instruments was slightly increased and TGA figures as well, for a better view of them. The cockpit 3D LODs are setted to use jpg files. 
    I'm including also, 5 optional textures for the pilot's legs (Ger_legs). You will find it in the folder (OPTIONAL LEGS).
    To use one of them just rename the file at your choice to ----> Ger_legs. 
    Installation instructions Strike Fighters 2:
    First make a back-up or rename your "original cockpit folder". This is just in case you wish return with your former cockpit later. Then just drop or copy my folder "cockpit" in your Bf 109 aircraft folder of your choice.
    I slightly modded my MinPitchFront & my GunsightMilSize for a better cockpit and Gunsight views (see the screenshots).
    If you wish to use my MinPitchFront & GunsightMilSize edition ini, Open your Bf-109 cockpit data.ini and make these following editions:
    GunsightMilSize=125  <----------------- you must to add this valor.

    MinPitchFront=-57    <----------------- you must to add this valor.
    This is not mandatory. All cockpit files will work normally without this edition as well
    That's all.
    - Julio Junqueira skin textures (JPG & TGA files) for Me 109 cockpit.
    - Kesselbrut & russouk2004 for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
    - Thanks to Kesselbrut & russouk2004 for the excellent Me 109 cockpit model.
    - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
    These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


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  4. Kesselbrut ME 109 COCKPIT RLM 66 for SF 2

    Kesselbrut Me 109 cockpit textures pack for Strike Fighters 2 (WW2 modded games). 
    I finished a pack for Kesselbrut's Me 109 cockpit, with new textures and new painting approach. 
    The size of some instruments was slightly increased and TGA figures as well, for a better view of them. The cockpit 3D LODs are setted to use jpg files. 
    I'm including also, 5 optional textures for the pilot's legs (Ger_legs). You will find it in the folder (OPTIONAL LEGS).
    To use one of them just rename the file at your choice to ----> Ger_legs. 
    Installation instructions for Strike Fighters 2:
    First make a back-up or rename your "original cockpit folder". This is just in case you wish return with your former cockpit later. Then just drop or copy my folder "cockpit" in your Bf 109 aircraft folder of your choice.
    I slightly modded my MinPitchFront & my GunsightMilSize for a better cockpit and Gunsight views (see the screenshots).
    If you wish to use my MinPitchFront & GunsightMilSize edition ini, Open your Bf-109 cockpit data.ini and make these following editions:
    GunsightMilSize=125  <----------------- you must to add this valor.

    MinPitchFront=-57    <----------------- you must to add this valor.
    This is not mandatory. All cockpit files will work normally without this edition as well
    That's all.
    - Julio Junqueira skin textures (JPG & TGA files) for Me 109 cockpit.
    - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
    - Thanks to Kesselbrut for the excellent Me 109 cockpit model.
    - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
    These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


       (0 reviews)



  5. Kesselbrut ME 109 COCKPIT RLM 63 For SF 2

    Kesselbrut Me 109 cockpit textures pack for Strike Fighters 2 (WW2 modded games). 
    I finished a pack for Kesselbrut's Me 109 cockpit, with new textures and new painting approach. 
    Releasing, optional textures for early Me 109 cockpit. The first Me 109s (B/C/D and early Es versions) had their interiors painted with the RLM 63 (grüngrau) which was later replaced by the RLM 66 (schwarzgrau). This option could be, very useful for the Me 109 made by Monty CZ.
    The size of some instruments was slightly increased and TGA figures as well, for a better view of them. The cockpit 3D LODs are setted to use jpg files. 
    I'm including also, 5 optional textures for the pilot's legs (Ger_legs). You will find it in the folder (OPTIONAL LEGS).
    To use one of them just rename the file at your choice to ----> Ger_legs. 
    Installation instructions for Strike Fighters 2:
    First make a back-up or rename your "original cockpit folder". This is just in case you wish return with your former cockpit later. Then just drop or copy my folder "cockpit" in your Bf 109 aircraft folder of your choice.
    I slightly modded my MinPitchFront & my GunsightMilSize for a better cockpit and Gunsight views (see the screenshots).
    If you wish to use my MinPitchFront & GunsightMilSize edition ini, Open your Bf-109 cockpit data.ini and make these following editions:
    GunsightMilSize=125  <----------------- you must to add this valor.

    MinPitchFront=-57    <----------------- you must to add this valor.
    This is not mandatory. All cockpit files will work normally without this edition as well
    That's all.
    - Julio Junqueira skin textures (JPG & TGA files) for Me 109 cockpit.
    - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
    - Thanks to Kesselbrut for the excellent Me 109 cockpit model.
    - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
    These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


       (0 reviews)



  6. DC-3 Cockpits.7z

    DC-3 \ C-47 Cockpit for SF2
    Converted from FSX Freeware DC-3 model.from http://flyawaysimulation.com
    I remade quite a few bits as they were poor...some parts remapped and moved...there are some recoloured pit textures too...will upload when later after ive altered them to fit what Ive moved...
    2 versions included....
    pilot only..
    and with copilot.
    Drop selected cockpit folder into stock C-47A folder,after 1st deleting any cockpit installed....
    IF using as C-47A cockpit...
    Copy over details in suppled DC-3.ini to the C-47A ini and replace them with the lines supplied...
    then add supplied DC3_Cockpit.ini into C-47a folder.....
    If using Pilot only just copy cockpit folder in the C-47A folder supplied
    if using copilot LOD, replace the line in the cockpit.ini
    ModelName=DC3 cockpit.LOD   with...
    ModelName=DC3 CoP.LOD
    Then move the DC3 CoP.LOD into cockpit folder
    or,if converting to a DC-3.  (uses stock c47a.data.ini until new DC3 available)
    Rename C-47A Main Folder DC-3,and the C-47A.ini to DC-3.ini then replace some lines with these..
    AircraftFullName=DC-3 "Dakota"
    then add supplied DC3_Cockpit.ini into C-47a\DC-3 folder.....
    If using Pilot only just copy cockpit folder in the DC-3 folder supplied
    if using copilot LOD, replace the line in the cockpit.ini
    ModelName=DC3 cockpit.LOD   with...
    ModelName=DC3 CoP.LOD
    Then move the DC3 CoP.LOD into cockpit folder
    Thats it...
    Windows open and close with gears as no option to link them...
    Animated.....Pilot feet,Rudder pedals,Flap,brake and gear levers...
    When I get around to doing the DC-3 will update the cockpit.
    lights...some are always on...ie,oil,fuel lights....
    autoplilot,gears and cab doors lights work but not manually...nightlight does work as I based this cockpit.ini on  basically default entries.
    any problems feel free to pm me and will try to answer asap...
    hope you like it and enjoy flying it...I think it looks good in game....im very happy with it...
    Thanks to...below for assistance and guidance..after me pestering them lol....not done many pits so thanks gents.


       (3 reviews)



  7. La-5FN (Avia S-95 Cockpit)

    The La-5FN is the last of the La-5 modifications before improved La-7 and was one of the best prop planes. Designed to be contemporary to the universally feared German Bf-109, it maintains excellent energy retention, adequate speed, brutal acceleration, and an amazing turn rate. 
    Consider this pit as is, therefore consider it as beta. As issued, the cockpit position in the cockpit ini is for the Dev-A Team's La-5. If used on any other, the position will require some positioning adjustments.


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  8. Yak-9P "Frank" Cockpit

    This is YaK-9P Cockpit. I hope that you will like the mod.
    Cheers, Starfighter2


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  9. Spitfire 9e Cockpit

    Spitfire IX (E Type) Cockpit, and for other late Merlin-powered variants.
    I hope that you will like this mod.
    Cheers, Starfighter2


       (4 reviews)



  10. S-199 Cockpit

    Avia S-99/ S-199 Cockpit, may be used with later Bf-109 models as well - G...etc
    I hope that you will like the mod,
    Cheers, Starfighter2


       (2 reviews)



  11. WW2 German Flight Crew

    This pack contains flight crew figures designed to fit Veltro's WIP FW189, but they can be used for most any other German WW2 aircraft. There are two different pilot figures - a fighter pilot and a bomber pilot. There are also two gunner figures that - with some repositioning - 3D model guys can fit into aircraft they are working on.


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  12. Grumman F7F Tigercat cockpits pack

    GRUMMAN F7F-1 and F7F-3N "Tigercat" cockpits pack
    For Strike Fighters 2, preferably all-merged and up to date
    by Stary and KJakker, version 1.1
    March and August 2015
    Update 1.1:
    -fixes for engine gauges supplied by KJakker, thank you
    -removal of temporary mesh helpers in 3N variant
    What's this:
    This is pack of two dedicated and quite accurate cockpits for the Grumman Tigercat twin engine heavy fighter/point strike fighter aircraft; F7F-1 and F7F-3(N) radar equipped variants respectively.
    Best for late WW2, 1946 and specifically Korea installs. Made for and tested with Geo's excellent Tigercat.
    Please read the readme for more informations about known bugs and other balooney. Seriously read it.


       (8 reviews)



  13. Modified Stary WW2 Italian Generic Cockpit

    Modified Stary G-55 Cockpit v1.0
    For your WW2 SF2 install,
    1) You need:
    - Just a little mod for the WW2 Fiat G-55 created by Veltro2k and
    well updated by Wrench:
    (a) http://combatace.com/topic/85711-sf2-ww2-mto-fiat-g-55-by-
    - My job was to use and modify the beautiful Stary G-55 cockpit named:
    (b) http://combatace.com/files/file/12014-ww2-generic-stand-in-cockpits-pack/
    2) My modifications:
    - San Gorgio Tipo C reticule
    - Modified FG-55.ini file
    - Modified EARLY_WW2_COCKPIT_2.ini
    - Modified FG-55_Data.ini
    3) You have to do:
    - Install the Wrench mod (a)
    - Put into the 'FG-55' folder the Stary cockpit mod (b)
    - Put into the 'FG-55' my modified files and overwrite
    4) All Crédits to:
    Many thanks Veltro2k, Wrench and Stary for your mods,
    and mue for his LODviewer Tool.
    Good flight!


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  14. SAAB A-21A cockpit

    This is cockpit for Swedish SAAB A-21A-3, ground attacker variant of J-21.
    Created for TSF mod flyers with help from JonathanRL. Thank you mate.
    Small disclaimer is required at this point: as this was to be part of the TSF expansion I was asked to be on hold with releasing those and other TSF-relevant cockpits -but as now Expansion is not going too well and YEYEYE made public his great 21 pack few months ago (been away!!! Sorry didn't noticed that!!!) I decided to release these I got green light for.
    To install unpack to your A21A-3 folder, overwrite when asked. I recommend backing up any files or cockpits you are going to replace just in case.
    JRL & Team for TSF mod
    YEYEYE for fabulous SAAB J-21
    Good folks at Combat Ace
    Have fun


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  15. SAAB J-21A-3 cockpit

    This is cockpit for Swedish SAAB J-21A-3 fighter plane.
    Created for TSF mod flyers with help from JonathanRL. Thank you.
    To install unpack to your J-21A folder, overwrite when asked. Best would be to backup any files or cockpits you are going to replace, eh?
    JRL & Team for TSF mod
    YEYEYE for fabulous SAAB J-21
    CA friends
    TW&TK nah, those among us who still make SF2 series what it is
    Have fun


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  16. Repaint Wolf Fw 190 Cockpit v1.0

    Alternative visual Wolf357 Fw 190 Cockpit
    v1.0 (02.23.2014)
    Only repainting cockpit tiles job for the Fw 190 lover:!
    Put the cockpit folder into the your Fw 190 folder and overwrite (Back up before),
    Included, alternative REVI Gunsight.
    Best regards
    Tested into mt SF2 WW2 install with the Fw 190A-1 mod by Wrench:
    Credit: Wolf cockpit


       (3 reviews)



  17. Spitfire cockpit (late Griffon powered, F Mk 45 based)

    Late, Griffon-powered Spitfire cockpit (F Mk45 based)
    for SF2, preferably with AI planes packs DLC installed
    fully merged installation preferred
    Made in and tested with >>MAY 2013<< installation, should work ok with older or newer ones though.


       (11 reviews)



  18. Lavochkin La-9 / La-11 cockpit

    This is cockpit for La-9 / La-11 soviet fighter planes
    read the included readme.txt
    and thanks to SFP1Ace for some valuable informations


       (4 reviews)



  19. WW2 "generic, stand-in" cockpits pack

    This pack contains 8 "generic" World War 2 era cockpits for use in WW2 installs.
    Tested in Series2 ONLY, no idea about Gen1 compatibility!!! You have been warned!!!
    "Generic" means these cockpits are somewhat similar to various real life ones, and are meant as replacement ones for aircrafts that by default have no custom, specific cockpits of their own. Rivet counters and/or WW2 experts please note that thesse cockpits do NOT represent any specific real-life models/variants, so if you seek for ultimate realism in modelling this pack is NOT for you.
    These cockpits are as follows, with the planes I use them as a guide:
    EARLY_WW2_COCKPIT_1 -for MartletII, Martlet III
    EARLY_WW2_COCKPIT_2 -for Macchi202 and other, italian gauges
    EARLY_WW2_COCKPIT_3 -british fighters
    EARLY_WW2_COCKPIT_4 -FiatG50, open cockpit with italian gauges
    MID_WW2_COCKPIT2 -generic, light fighter
    MID_WW2_COCKPIT3 -P-39D, maaaybe some soviet fighter..?
    Late_WW2_COCKPIT1 -P-47D, heavy ground attack aircraft, single engine bombers
    LATE_WW2_COCKPIT2 -like above but with bubble canopy, for late models of Jug, other heavy fighters


       (4 reviews)



  20. Kesselbruts Spitfire Pits

    Spitfire Pits for use in SF2:Israel Suez Crisis Expansion.
    To install just drop into your Spitfire9e and your Spitfire9C and let it overwrite any files. That is it you are all set. Uploaded with permission from Kesselbrut. Enjoy.


       (2 reviews)



  21. O-1E and Cessna180 Cockpit mod.

    Simple mod that removes the un-needed canopy frame and makes use of the models internal framework on the O-1E and Cessna180
    included in the SF2V Air and Ground war expansion pack.
    It's not highly detailed but it seems to work ok and looks less messy than what we had.
    Simples! For the O-1E just drop the O-1E Cockpit.ini and Data.ini into the main O-1E folder and hey presto!
    For the Cessna180. Delete the cockpit folder, copy and paste the O-1E cockpit folder into the Cessna folder. Then drop the Cessna180 Cockpit.ini and Data.ini into the main Cessna180 folder and you should be set.
    Thanks to Wrench and Wolf for the original cockpit. All I've done is some ini editing!


       (1 review)



  22. A-1H (J) Skyraider pit, based on SF2V F-8C one

    A-1H/J Skyraider cockpit
    (based on SF2V F-8C)
    for Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam
    This is modification and repaint of Thirdwire F-8C Crusader cockpit to better represent A-1H/J cockpit.
    I decided to use Crusader's as a base, after heavy editing it's sort of similar to original :)


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