35 files
Night Lights for Kamchatka Terrain 250m tileset update
By orsin
This mod should be used in conjunction with the "night lights for City" mod released by me.
Quick update to the entire Kamchatka 250m map to have night lights in cities.
Before you begin. Backup your files
Extract the ini files to Kamchatka terrain folder. Note this only works for Kamchatka terrain patched with Stary's 250m tileset PLUS the crash fix update released by me.
Night Lights for City
By orsin
The purpose of this mod is to enable some light decoration of city in SF2, which does not provide such feature out of box.
This mod does not add real light source due to poor graphical outcome. It works in similar fashion as the old Janes F-15E Strike Eagle by adding some always bright points to landscape.
Please note the mod itself does not automatically add lights to maps. You will need to follow the instruction inside the zip add lights using the Mue's Target Area Editor in link below. There is some step to add to the _TYPES.ini for each terrain before you can do that. Hence please follow the instruction below carefully.
Mue's Target Area Editor - as part of the tool box
I have included an effect file which could be called in _types.ini in terrain folder for anyone interested in experimenting night lights with real light source. This is currently disabled due to poor visual outcome.
realSKY Environment
By Menrva
realSKY Environment
January 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
by Menrva
>For Strike Fighters 2 games
This is my sky enhancement mod. It also combines the work of many other modders, in order to provide a realistic, better looking sky. Here below a quick summary of the changes:
-Tweaked sky colours, something in between Cellinsky's widesky and the stock SF2 colours.
-More realistic Night colours, sky and ambient are much darker.
-More atmospheric, reddish transition from Twilight to Night.
-New "dark blue" High Altitude colours (fly near space with a NF-104).
-Moon produces a yellowish light instead of the default purple.
-Sky is "wider" much like Cellinsky's widesky mod (background horizon clouds are bigger and more noticeable).
-Added beautiful cloud graphics made by Cellinsky and ShrikeHawk, tweaked for each weather type.
-Added a low number of stray clouds to Clear weather.
-Added noticeable clouds to Overcast weather and Inclement weather, "fixing" a known SF2 "bug".
-Combined various mods to produce a more interesting Rain Effect under Inclement weather.
-Added Stary's lens flare effects from the SARCASM 2 mod, in place of Cellinsky's widesky effects.
-Added Cloud Layer graphics by Stary, Fubar512 and Brain32.
-Reworked secondary atmospheric effects, such as contrails and wingtip vortexes.
In addition, the package includes alternative environment configuration files in the Alternative Weather folder; they enable different effects for the Inclement weather. You can choose between thunderstorm (default, adapt for most terrains), snowstorm (for cold, icy terrains) and sandstorm (for hot, desert terrains).
For those who wish not to change the effect globally, I highly suggest to try the included terrain-specific environment example provided for stock SF2 terrains; the default global effect is thunderstorm, while terrains with their own environment file either use sandstorm or snowstorm as appropriate. Use this as a basis to customize other terrains.
By setting the Effects to Unlimited, the game makes use of a DirectX 10 post processing effect; the stock game's post processing shader generates a pointless and horrible bloom effect which excessively blinds the player during twilight transitions.
By default, realSKY includes a reworked post processing shader (TWPOSTPROCESS.FX) which provides more contrast, more vignetting, minor color correction and a daytime-only bloom effect, so it's miles better than what the stock game offers. Alternative post processing tweaks are included in the Alternative Shaders folder; choose the one you wish to try (check the included screenshots for fast comparisons) and overwrite the default one in your mod's Flight folder.
If you don't care about the post processing effect, you may want to set the game's Effects to High in the Options menu.
>Credits (in no particular order):
-Cellinsky, for his fantastic widesky mod from which I borrowed some tweaks.
-Stary, for his Thunderstorm and Heavy Snowfall weather mods, and his SARCASM 2 beta mod from which I borrowed some effects.
-PanamaRed, for tweaks in regards to Clouds (especially the Broken weather ones).
-Fubar512 and Brain32, for their Cloud Layer Top bitmaps, which I have smoothed for a better looking effect.
-ShrikeHawk, for his CloudSkins mods, from which I took the spectacular cloud graphics.
-BearGryllis, for his Thunderstorm Pack With Enhanced Lightnings 2.0b package.
-Orsin, for his Improved Rain Effect and Heavy Rain 0.8 mods.
-luk1978, for his interesting WeatherEffect package.
-ArmedLightning, for his Special FX v2.2 mod for the GTR 2 game, from which I borrowed a lens flare effect.
-baffmeister, for the idea of recreating sandstorm weather effects.
-tiopilotos, for suggesting improvements on other subjects.
-Eagle114th, for his Improved Wingtip Vortex mod which I have reworked.
-JosefK, guuruu and Coupi, for their interest and support.
I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, where available, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.
This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
Improved rain effect V1.2 for SF1/2
By orsin
Improved Rain Effect by China Insky Team
For SF1 series, put in your Effects Folder;
For SF2 series, put in your Effects subfolder in your mod folder.
Creator: HoneyFox, Orsin
Beta Tester: HoneyFox, Orsin, F-16CJ, XIAOHANI
Update History
V1.0 Initial Release
V1.1 Much improved resource utilization
V1.2 Resolve the effect disappear issue with SF2 series
Heavy Rain
By orsin
This is a re-re-mod of
Stary's rainstorm weather
BearGryllis' TPWEL : Thunderstorm Pack With Enhanced Lightnings 2.0b
Hats off for their contribution to the community.
It is an extraction of a much larger overall mod that has gone for years internal of our team. It is considered stable enough and deserve for a release up to date. The goal of this mod is to create an improved rain scene for SF2 titles.
We have changed the 2 earlier mods on below field.
1. straight rainfall with speed, no longer slashed
2. removed the abnormal light surrounding aircraft on the ground when take off
3. reduced much on particle consumption to have a bit more consistency on presence. Less chance to have rain stopped when explosion happened on ground.
4. When speed pick up, the rain is less visible to represent reality.
Drop everything in "Effects" folder.
Alternative Overcast Layer for the SF2 Series
By steelflanker
Alternative Overcast Layer for the SF2 Series
I have been playing around with various textures for a while now & I am quite pleased with the results.
So I thought I would share them.:-)
Hope you enjoy
This package contains top & bottom replacement textures for the overcast cloud layer & a modified ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI.
Place all the bitmap & ini files in to your :
Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 \Flight folder.
If you are already using a modified ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI
Don’t install this version!!!
Instead edit the ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI already in your mods/ Flight folder & make sure it reads as follows:
TileCount=21 <-------------------------------------------
NearTileCount=5 <-------------------------------------------
TileSize=8000.0 <-------------------------------------------
Thanks, Credet & acknowledgements.
All the files included in this mod are NOT my work & remain the property of their original creators or owners!
Original bottom layer texture: A Flanker 2.5 overcast effect mod by the Pretzelworks.
Original top layer textures: The official UBI Soft Lock On Demo & Overcast Cloud MOD 3.1 by BoboCop.
Buildings night mod
By hi ho silver
Hi to all this is the night buildings mod for germany
I have made a slight update to the moon has this is used to light up the windows at night.The flight folder has the changes to the environmentsystem delete the [night] and [moon] and replace with the new ones..many thanks to Rend and all others for the great
terrain work....Hi Ho Silver
By Stary
SARCASM sky/clouds mod version 1.5
what's new?
-new experimental sky lightning (HighAlt sky pushed down from 5 to 3.5 kilometers, try 2 km if you want things go odd!)
-modified, more fluffy clouds (finally!)
-smaller clouds texture (no need for 2048 ones really), and now only one
-small changes to clouds distribution pattern for scattered and broken
unpack to your Flight folder, overwrite when asked
(previous installment of SARCASM mod not required)
have fun
SF2:I IsraelME Movements Ini Tweek
By Wrench
SF2:I IsraelME Movements Ini Tweek
= For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED)
*Designed for use in the standard/stand alone SF2:I Mods folder (suggested usage). But will work in all versions of SF2 with the IsrealME terrain.*
**This mod =WILL= work in 1stGen WoI, but End Users will have to 'save as..' back to ANSI formatting. The ini herein is in Unicode**
This pak contains a major expansion of the movements ini for the stock IsrealME terrain.
16 new routes have been added, mostly truck routes within Isreal itself (giving the Red Side something to do), but a few in the Sinai, and an additional shipping route or 2.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
Good Hunting
Kevin Stein
Airstrikes on land targets in SF2NA
By SupGen
This will allow you to attack Airfields, Fuel Tanks, Evil Comm Buildings, and many other land targets in game assigned Strike missions. The Mod uses JSGME to allow an easy, (almost) one click change between land and naval targetting. JSGME also ensures that if you don't like the Mod, you can easily restore your install to it's original condition. I've only tested this in single missions; I don't think you'll fufill the Campaign Victory Conditions with this installed (you'll never even see the Kiev, much less sink it). To anyone who already knows the trick cheers, you don't need this, anyone else, thank snapper 21 for the original idea.
By Stary
SARCASM: Slightly Artistic Representation (of) Clouds And Sky Mod
-slightly updated clouds graphics
-rainbow flares like in "Theatre of War: Korea" or "Far Cry 3" :D
-optional default sky colours, most noticeable during dawn/dusk transitions -so you can choose your version
-some additional tweaks here and there (I think)
Solomons and Phillipines visual update -missing HM files
By Stary
Those were omitted from the release, add some height mesh displacement to "J" tiles making jungle areas less flat
India-Pakistan Terrain Water Bmp Fixit Pak
By Wrench
India-Pakistan Water Bmp Fix Pak 7/18/2012
- For SF2, Any and All, But Designed for Full-5 Merged w/SF2NA -
A very small fix that removes a "modder induced problem" (hangs head in shame), with the _water.bmp for the India-Pakistan Terrain.
I had totally forgotten that the Game Engine classes India as an "Enemy" nation, therefore it uses the 'other color' for it's carrier zones. I'd orignally used the 'standard green', as seen on various others; that's the 'Friendly Nation' (Blue Side) color. That pale-ish green is used for those classed an 'Red Side".
This is now corrected. A Blue Side green zone was added in case anyone make Pakistani Navy ships, so the DD/FF/whatever groups have someplace to steam around.
Sorry for the inconvience!
As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!)
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
SARCASM: Slightly Artistic Representation (of) Clouds And Sky Mod v 1.3
By Stary
SARCASM: Slightly Artistic Representation (of) Clouds And Sky Mod
by Stary
version 1.3
April 8th 2012
This tiny mod is my modification of stock post-June11 environmentsystem.ini, that I created in spare time for own enjoyment. Incorporated are several tweaks and graphics files I created to slightly change the looks and feel of the SF2 series environment.
New in version 1.3:
-brand new high resolution clouds graphics based on my own photography works
-new fog colour for broken skies, more bluish than stock gray
-optional unchanged gray skies for broken included in it's folder -so you can choose your version
-midday sky colours back to more realistic bluish, but different than stock
-again, new clouds graphics
I forgot some additional tweaks introduced during tests
To install, unpack the package to your Flight folder, overwrite when asked
By Kodiak
18 Water maps for enabling ships on your seas!
How to Install.
Copy the BMP file for the terrain you want into the terrain map.
e.g. DBS_Water.bmp into the DBS folder.
Make sure that in the DBS.INI the line "WaterMap=DBS_Water.bmp"
is there under the [Terrain] section!
Also under the [Terrain] section make sure you have:
If all that is done, and that's all to it, then you should be able to take off
in your F-14 from the carrier on the sea on that map.
(I hope this is clear)
My best regards, Kodiak.
TPWEL : Thunderstorm Pack With Enhanced Lightnings
By BearGryllis
TPWEL : Thunderstorm Pack With Enhanced Lightnings 2.0b
Hi Folks,
I made an re-package of experimental thunderstorm pack with enhanced,realistic lightning effects.
Thanks to original author Stary.
Read the original readme.
Best Regards.
Water Normalmap for SF2:NA
By BearGryllis
Hi Folks
I made an waternormalmap for SF2: North Atlantic.This mod mates water more wawy, dynamic and realictic.
Extract all files in the archive to your NA mod folder.
BearGryllis:Creating the normalmap.
This mod freeware only!!!
You can modify, edit and release it...
Best Regards...
IcelandNA Shimmer Fix
By steelflanker
IcelandNA Shimmer Fix
For me the terrain noise effects on the North Atlantic terrain is a little too strong, causing the ground to shimmer.
I’ve toned down the original that gets rid of the shimmer & reduces the overall coarse look of the terrain.
If you are having the same problem give it a try.
Place in your StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic saved games folder.
SARCASM: Slightly Artistic Representation (of) Clouds And Sky Mod v 1.2
By Stary
This tiny mod is my modification of stock post-June11 environmentsystem.ini, that I created in spare time for own enjoyment. Incorporated are several tweaks and graphics files I created to slightly change the looks and feel of the SF2 series environment.
New, light blue sky colour for midday
New, more purple, cinematic sky colours for sunrise/sunset
Slightly modified fog colours
Reduced sky glow for sunrise/sunset
New, slighly bigger sun with new sun graphics
New sun flare
New clouds sizes and graphics for all weather types
Now clear weather has some small fluffy clouds too
New, bigger lens flares with new graphics
Slightly bigger Moon
New stars graphics
New, stronger base winds and gusts for more dramatic smoke columns etc.
Other tiny changes
Baltika's Iceland new trees texture
By Stary
This is simple re-texture of trees found in Baltika's fabulous full-scale Iceland terrain.
New texture is 4x higher resolution and better matches the underlying forestal tiles, thus looks better.
(old trees texture used, also by me, is some hundred years old and fugly!)
To install simply unzip to your Iceland terrain folder, overwrite file.
Ground Effects Collection
By steelflanker
Ground Effects Collection
Just a few sample noise textures from the hordes I have collected & been experimenting with.
They replace the stock noisenormal.bmp that create an impressive feeling of substance, texture & speed at low level.
Enhancing already detailed terrains & giving new life to older low rez tiles. :-)
Select a NOISENORMAL.bmp from on of the numbered folders & place it in the specific terrain folder that you intend to use it for.
E.G.: \Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains\Desert
Terrain texture needs to be set to High or Unlimited to see the effects!!!!
Best results are when that sun is at a lower angle, at noon the ground effect is not as visible!!!!
Some noise textures work better than others on some terrains! You'll have to experiment with what works best with your particular tile set.
As a guide this is what I use but you may find others more suitable.
Grass or foliage: NOISENORMAL - 7
All texturs have been tested in SF2 fully mereged. (BuildDate=Aug 2011)
I have noticed no adverse effects on my system & game settings!
Some users could experience slight haze or shimmering depending on there system, game & graphics card settings.
My FPS seems unaffected but some users could experience a slight FPS drop.
These textures have been made’ free to use’ & have been collected from a variety of locations on the net.
All credit goes to their original creators & only minor changes have been done by me.
SARCASM: Slightly Artistic Representation (of) Clouds And Sky Mod
By Stary
This tiny mod is my modification of stock post-June11 environmentsystem.ini, that I created in spare time for own enjoyment. Incorporated are several tweaks and graphics files I created to slightly change the looks and feel of the SF2 series environment.
Changes include:
New, light blue sky colour for midday
New, more purple, "cinematic" sky colours for sunrise/sunset
Slightly modified fog colours
Reduced sky glow for sunrise/sunset
New, slighly bigger sun with new sun graphics
New sun flare
New clouds sizes and graphics for all weather types
Now clear weather has some small fluffy clouds too
New, bigger lens flares with new graphics
Slightly bigger Moon
New stars graphics
New, stronger base winds and gusts for more dramatic smoke columns etc.
Other tiny changes
Please note: as of Expansion Pack 2, clouds height seems to be locked at specific untweakable altitude (=> ~10000 feet).
I, aswell as others, tried various settings, even negative cloud base height values to no luck.
CloudScape v3: Two Skies
By ShrikeHawk
Cloudscape v3 09/22/2010 by ShrikeHawk
Here's two cloud mods for the price of one. You get a cloud mod for Wings over Israel2 and Wings over Vietnam2. Each uses two cloud images: cloud1.tga and cloud2.tga. These images are different in both, but are interchangeable between the two mods. With just a simple file renaming you can try out any of the clouds in CloudSkins 1,2,or 3 in these mods. Experiment, play with it, and see what kind of skies you can build.
The WOI2 mod is a variation of the new Widesky. The WoV2 mod is a variation of the default environmentsystem.ini.
Thanks to Cellinski and Insky Group for the original WideSky mod and the updated version for Thirdwire's 2nd Gen Sims.
Thanks to Stick for trying it out and for the support.
Thanks to TK for a fabulous sim and the wisdom to make it so moddable.
CloudSkins3: Clouds For Days
By ShrikeHawk
CloudSkins3: Clouds For Days by ShrikeHawk 09/08/2010
Here's a huge collection of cloud images. I've used all of these off and on for most of 2010. Many are closely related having only a slightly different paintjob from another. Others are very different, using a completely different alpha channel (dictates the shape of the cloud.)
You can use these in any cloud setting you like in any way you like. They will work in any version of SF1 or SF2 or any version of First Eagles.
This is NOT a complete mod. It is images only. Use these clouds only if you are minimally comfortable with modding.
See you in the clouds!
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