About This File
Yak-38M Beta Version
by: Krizis
This model represents the "improved" variant of the Yak-38 Forger, the Yak-38M.
Work on the '38M began in 1982, with an eye towards minimizing, if not eliminating, the deficiencies of its predecessor.
By the time of its introduction in June of 1985, the improvements included a more potent power plant, the Soyuz-Tumansky R-28-300, as well as more powerful lift engines (2 x Rybinsk RD-38 turbo-jets). A steerable nose wheel, an increased load-carrying capacity on all wing hard points, and enlarged intakes rounded out the list.
All the improvements resulted in a marked improvement in the aircraft's reliability and overall performance, and some of the earlier models were rebuilt to the updated standards of the 'M.
Simply drag the two supplied folders, "Sounds" and "Objects", into your User Name/Saved Games/Thirdwire/SF2x folder.
This model will not by available in any in-game missions or campaigns until late June of 1985, and will be unavailable after July of 1991.
The loadout provided is as correct as I could make, given the limitations of the series, and the availabilty of some models (namely multiple ejector racks and missile guidence pods)
The flight dynamics model is based on the Thirdwire flight model, with a few tweaks to reflect the up-rated capabilities of the M-model, as well as tweaks in thrust placement, thrust values, and flap values to allow for a smooth transition from vertical to horizontal flight, even under hard mode. Despite this, I recommend using a full HOTAS in conjunction with rudder pedals, or at least a HOTAS with a "twist" rudder axis.
1) There is no wing-fold, nor canopy animation for this model, as Krizis never sent me a completed LOD file with animation IDs defined for those features. Hopefully, he will see this release and come back to finish the model.
2) The Cockpit, which was provided by Stary, presently lacks a working gunsight. This may be resolved sometime in September of 2014, as which point I'll release a revised model.
3) The model is set up by default for SF2NA, which considers strike missions to be anti-ship missions. Otherwise, electing an "anti-ship" mission in SF2NA, may result in a game crash. The loadout.ini file that is provided with this release is configured for easy editing, so that you can enable conventional strike and anti-ship missions in the other SF2 titles.
4) The AI in this series will not use the VTOL capabilities of any aircraft model, so this aircraft is equipped with a virtual tail-hook to allow it to land on the 1143-series aviation cruisers (Kiev, et all). CA-member Snailman has a fixed data ini for the Kiev in our uploads section, that simulates a VTOL "launch".
Krizis: 3D model and grey texture-set.
Stary: Cockpit
Fubar512: ini work and sound effects.
Lindr: Kh-23 ASM model.
The Trooper: Red7001 pilot model
This model is freeware, and may not be redistributed for profit without the express consent of its owner, Krizis