About This File
Korea (V3) visual update and enhancements pack.
This is new tileset, treemod, objects, targets enhancement mod for Wrench's Korea(v3) terrain.
Version 1.1 update:
Added missing graphics files for the village type objects, added three graphics to main folder (were in seasonal ones) just to be extra sure
Kevin's Korea V3 terrain was released with temporal f***ing ugly test set I made for KAW team back in early 2010, despite me having some other nicer fittable sets at my disposal. Yes I have been angry about that. Very very angry. But now I am ok, good doctors care for me here ;)
This work is done to fix that omission of mine and I tired hard to make Korea nice place to fly in.
What's this:
-new summer and winter tilesets
-new tile layout-following dedicated TOD objects, with densely placed and rather real-size objects
-new era-themed ground objects (barracks, fuel tanks, tents, HQ, fire houses, misc buildings etc) to replace the stock TW ones, be it in airbases or targetareas
-some older target objects have their textures tweaked or repainted under fair use license; that is mostly various "halle" objects by either Gepard or Gocad
(various runways are yet to be repainted)
-lots of targetareas have re-positioned targets to avoid i.e. barracks in the middle of tree cluster or factories sunken within tod buildings -but there is still LOTS of places to redo. You have been warned.
-lots of targetareas expanded with additional eyecandy civilian village-type objects (though these are still a bit of WIP and bit "generic asian" in appearance; also these are old, like 5 years old)
-the tiles are specfically tuned to work best with SARCASM 2 beta 2 update 1 lighting and sky
Installation (read carefully!):
-given the amount of objects this pack replaces you are advised to keep archived full current Korea terrain you use (it's called BACKING UP and it's really healthy, trust me)
-this pack assumes you do have working Korea (v3) terrain installed and tested in your installation -dedicated Korean War installation in of course preferable
-before installing content of this 7-zip archive, go to your Korea3 folder and delete EVERY SINGLE TOD file there (the files with .tod extension) -otherwise you might end with trees in wrong places of houses in the sea. Yes, really.
-you can delete the seasonal tiles folders (winter, spring, fall, late fall etc) as this pack has new unique seasons in their new folders with new naming (fade_summer and fade_winter; why "fade"? This months-long project I kept under such code name to confuse my better half or possible Insky-related hacker bot that keeps attacking my emails. Ohh wait, where's my tilfoil hat?)
-extract this archive to a place of your choice and move the Korea3 folder to your terrains one overwriting all files when asked. Overwriting IS vital of course.
-you shall test my Sarcasm 2 beta (2 update 1) with this pack, really. i have my own, ohh well "art style" for SF2 series these packs represent; you might not like this but well, you can't change me can you?
-in SF2 WW2 forum I released some new or updated effects, work well with this pack
-you're pretty much good to go at this point
CA Freeware license apply -not to be used in any payware project; But you are encouraged to repaint and tweak the tiles, objects and associated graphis, tods to fit your own tileset or terrain.
The author of the original decade old SFP1 Korea mod terrain as I tried to replicate it's general green-brownish tones.
Wrench and KAW team for Korea3 and everything-Korea related. Than you guys. KAW mod is not yet dead. Or I'd rather say quite alive and kicking.
Do335 for his work invested in putting the KAW team work and available assets back together. Much appreciated.
Luk1978 for sharing with us his interesting repaint of my Taiwan/Korea set that gave me few ideas about the general feel of the set, thank you. Be back to SF2 please as you quietly do interesting stuff IMO.
All the good and bad souls at Combat Ace and around :P
Happy flying
What's New in Version 1.1
- v 1.1 -added missing graphics files for the village type objects, added three graphics to main folder (were in seasonal ones) just to be extra sure