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Douglas F4D Skyray

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Hi Guys.


I ve just seen the wonderfull job about Alphasim on the Douglas F4D Skyray.


Very very good Job.


Is anybody ready to does the same for SFP1


Douglas F4D Skyray is important such as the other pre F4B U.S. Navy Fighters probably better than Grumman F-11 Tiger alredy realized.


An Italian SFP1 fan

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B*tchin. There's room in my hanger for a gaggle of "FORDs". It should be skinners dream / nightmare. alot of handsome Navy and Marine paint schemes for that bird. :ph34r: CL

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I saw one at the New England Air Museam yesterday,I think they are having an Open cockpit event in June If I can I'll get as mant pics of the skyray and any others as I can.

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For some reason I don't feel complete without a 195ty something fighter on my front lawn.




Thats a cool museum WK. If we win the lotto lets take that B-25H out for a hop. My request for essential skins are at http://www.cbrnp.com/profiles/quarter3/skyrays.htm sorry gruppe but the site wouldn't let me paste / attache the views. V/R CL

Edited by charlielima

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Why Julhelm do you tease me with such great work. Keep it up. (and I expect to see it in two weeks :haha: ).

Edited by suhsjake

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:shok: astounding!!! Great work Julhelm.


BTW I like your new avatar :D

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Ok Julhelm ... could you pls send us a list with planes you are not makin??? Good work hope to see your projects soon in the sky of WOI/WOE

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Sleep is overrated...


"Time enough for rest in the grave"


Great teaser, Jul!!!



kevin stein

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dont know which is better, the new avatar or the Skyray...let me go with a.) on that one...

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Big J strikes again! Damn, what else are you working one!?!?! :notworthy:

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Great Man!!!!!!!!!!Rock on!

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What with this and your great work on the Voodoo, you are my hero! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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Ohh Yah! The pit looks awesome too. Bravo Zulu Julhelm. :ph34r: CL



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Beautiful! I'm druling!

Edited by HrntFixr
Do NOT repost pics in reply's!

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Great work Julhelm. This is one of my favorites.

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Hey guys, how are things going with the Ford? If I can be of any help with the skins, please let me know!

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Great teaser stuff, Julhelm. Can't wait.

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