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Why do I every Sunday, I sit there and watch my Detroit Lions lose.....then swear them off, then go back and watch them the next week! I guess I like torturing myself! :slow(en): :fuk: :crazy:

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No man it is just Us Men !!! We love Sports, and The beer oh oh yeah man

That is a Man's Life

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I feel your pain, I'm a Redskin fan and before the season everyone was talking about us getting to the NFC Champoionship game and maybe even the Super Bowl. 30 million for Adam Archuleta??? We've pissed all of our future draft pics away on Free Agents ( They're not free and they've been released by other teams for whatever reasons) and Gibbs blows the Checkbook on them and now we're 5-10. And as a result, were screwed in the draft for the next couple of seasons. Snyder (the owner) acts like he gives a s**t but in reality he still owns the most PROFITABLE franchise in the NFL with a 5-10 team. That's all he cares about.


I think Sean Payton of the Saints is the best coach in football right now.


Sorry to rant, pissed off too,


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Hey Dave, it's the same for me and the Cleveland Browns. Oh the agony of 4-11.. I had such high hopes for this season.

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I feel your pain too.I have been living and mostly dieing with my beloved Seahawks since they entered the league.I have really only had 2 seasons(84 and last season) that i could feel "good" about and those still ended in defeat.unless your a NY Yankee fan(yuck) your pretty much crying more than chearing. :fans:

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I'll share in the pain as well... frackin Dolts! Will someone bring them a Defensive Coach for Xmas?

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I feel yr pain USAFMTL...so much so I gave up on the Lions years ago...but my version of it now is watching Michigan lose to Ohio State...:(

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Well I can say so Far The Eagles are doin Great, But We all had doubts when McNabb went out but so far Garcia has been doin a Great job GO EAGLES!!


OH Ya I can now where my Eagles jacket with Pride!! :ok:

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Well I can say so Far The Eagles are doin Great, But We all had doubts when McNabb went out but so far Garcia has been doin a Great job GO EAGLES!!


OH Ya I can now where my Eagles jacket with Pride!! :ok:



I can relate to what you are saying,but not this year!

Bear down Chicago Bears!!!

Griese's kid did a pretty good job.

Maybe we now have a 1-2 punch

But,They are notorius for post season- Gasp,Choke,Puke.

I have my fingers crossed. :dntknw:

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Same reason I struggle like you with the Packers. OLD SKOOL NFL - :clapping: and in my case - in memory of my Hero - Vince Lombardi.

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Well, the cricket is going great - from our side anyway


Australia 4

England 0


One more test (game) to go.


If you don't know much about cricket, this is a 5 Test(Game) series.


Each game goes for 3 to 5 days, honest.


And we won the 4th test on day 3.


:clapping: Go, Aussie, Go !!


Sorry to any pommies. Better luck next time :no:

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Now you know it’s a tradition for my England Cricket team to loss to the Aussie’s! LOL.

We still got Rugby and as long as Wilkinson’s right foot can hold out, maybe England can give the Wallabies a good spanking in the 2007 Rugby World Cup.



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I love the sound of the Barmy Army chanting. Sounds awesome.


Looking forward to 2007.


C'mon Aussie! Cheers.

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LOL, Yeah! Anytime the Cowboys lose it's a good day.

Edited by Splash2

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I love the sound of the Barmy Army chanting. Sounds awesome.


Looking forward to 2007.


C'mon Aussie! Cheers.


Yeah... got myself into a bit of trouble after the second test with the barmy army singing the "2 Nil, 2 Nil..." (you know, to the old lang sine theme) song with a couple of mates at the exeter in the city. Just a note for anyone dumb enough to try this, DO NOT FORGET that they invented the post game scrap! They've got a head start on the rest of the world in that dept! Admittedly Pistons and Mavericks fans probably lead the league in post game punchups these days! :aggressive:


It turned out for the best though, by the time we migrated down to Worldsend in the west end of the city the pale was flowing and the love was back but by the end of this week, I expect to be singing "5 nil, 5 nil..." :clapping:

Edited by SayWhat?!

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Hi What,


The 2nd test was a ripper!


I was was able to watch our answer in the 2nd innings.


Actually I was surprised England declared at 500something, especially cause we got over 600 in Brisbane.


Our early win hasn't spoilt the last 2 games.


5 nil, 5 nil...!

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I feel your pain man, as I'm a Carolina Panthers fan (I live in NC) and hate when they lose to an extent where I start cursing. Luckily my parents do the same thing.



I notice we have some monty python fans in here. Thank god there are some people who know a funny show when they see one!


"This parrot is no more! It has Ceased to be!"

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Albatross !





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Guest 531_Ghost

Pffffft the "pain" of watching your team lose? HA! Try being a Raiders fan! Or, a Dodgers fan! Yeah been watching the Raiders plummet to nothingness since 1988 but a fan far longer! Been a Dodgers fan as far back as 1965.

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Well, this prolly won't go over well in here, but what the heya.


I've been a fan of a team where I grew up, and they were born in the same year I was. 1960.


I've probably been to their stadium a dozen times, but not their newest one.


There were a LOT of lean years, until that magical one in 1986. As the only one of their fans at a SuperBowl party,

the 44-10 loss was extra humiliating.


It took over a decade to reach that point again, and a world-wise 37 year old, I figured they had it going on! Though

less humiliating, they lost again.


Then, a year after the millenium began, something magical happened. The starting QB got hit, and almost bled out on

the field of play, but did recover. A rookie in his 2nd year took over, and the rest, as they say, is history.


Most have probably guessed that I am talking about the dynasty that is the New England Patriots. 1st they shoot down

the Jets on Sunday;




And march all the way to Southern Florida for a rematch of the SuperBowl of 20 years ago, and get REVENGE on the





Yes, I am quite mad, but can already die happy, if insane. Da Bears being butchered would just be icing on an already

mighty delicious cake...



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You got it bad? Try growing up a "Dallas Cowboy" fan, and then have Jerry Jones show up.


The only good thing Jerry Jones ever did for the team was bring Jimmy Johnson to run the team the first few years after the sell.


After Jerry started meddling with the team, and Jimmy Johnson left .....


Lets just say that it aint been good thing, and leave it at that.


I havent even looked at football in more than 4 years.


Maybe one day Jerry will sell the team, and I can start watching again.

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But now the Lions lost the 1st draft pick :slow(en):

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"And march all the way to Southern Florida for a rematch of the SuperBowl of 20 years ago, and get REVENGE on the



The Bears ain't going to get that far... :no:

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