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More Effective Camos

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Even low vis grey comes in handy at low altitude. Lets see some screen shots of effective use of camo in a variety of terrains using any aircraft.

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Here is a non good use of camo.....the black and whites of the SU-27 make is stand out like a sore thumb.

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This one color scheme seems to fit the German terrain well......

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Makes me wonder.....in this scheme, does it seem the dark brown takes away from its effectiveness?

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well it's not over Germany....




comming soon to a desert near you! :yes:

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A little sand worn Blackhawk....

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GR-3 having some fun...






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Hey Sundowner, this is a thread about airplanes, OK?


Try posting some pictures with airplanes in them next time...Sheesh!

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How dare you!


Looking at a texture in a game against the background of a texture in a game, you can't really get a true effect of camoflauge(spelling?). It's amazing how a pattern of completely different colors can blend in. Perfect example: my cat. Bright orange on slightly darker orange, sitting in the middle of my backyard( green grass) was absolutely invisible until I was about 3 feet from her. It's not so much that the camo really hides something, its that your eye passes over it without noticing if you don't know something is there. Same with a regular soldier's camo, works great if you don't know where they are, but once you do, it doesn't blend in at all.


Except those suits snipers use. You could step on them and not know it.

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That German RF-4C camo is by far the most effective one so far. Impressive

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Variation on Italian WW2 scheme-m3.jpg

Desert Marine F-4-414.jpg

Thud Blendingthud.jpg

Marines in weather-


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These are nice! Especially the mirage skin.

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yes, WW2 italy on a modern jet. I'm painting a few american planes in WW2 colors, slowly, think of an F-4 or tomkitty in the light blue used in 1942. Or for that matter, a P-51 or P-47 in SEA or Euro camo!


Is that desert marine skin or RF-4E euro camo uploaded anywhere?

Edited by eraser_tr

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U-2A. Space is the biggest place to hide. Enviro sky colour temp darkened to (I guess) represent 80k feet.


I wish TK would do a simple sky colour variation with altitude. If you ever climb above TK's overcast clouds, the white slowly turns to blue, so we know altitude sky colour variation is possible with this game engine.



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That mirage skin is sweet! As well as the F-4's!

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This is has nothing to do with what you guys are producing but I have a low-viz european camo for the Flanker here:



Also, if you look here, there are actually 2 Flankers...





By the way, I love that Italian Mirage!

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With natural haze in the atmosphere making things look gray it's no wonder that low-vis gray is the most popular paint scheme now no matter which plane/helo it is. Also blends in if you're parked on the tarmac. Only from above at short range is it really visible.

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This is has nothing to do with what you guys are producing but I have a low-viz european camo for the Flanker here:



Also, if you look here, there are actually 2 Flankers...



By the way, I love that Italian Mirage!


What is up with Aussie marks!!! :rofl:

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Dhimari Sabres in 2 different skins over the desert.




:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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U-2A. Space is the biggest place to hide. Enviro sky colour temp darkened to (I guess) represent 80k feet.


I wish TK would do a simple sky colour variation with altitude. If you ever climb above TK's overcast clouds, the white slowly turns to blue, so we know altitude sky colour variation is possible with this game engine.




Historical note here: U-2's were flight tested to within 2000 feet of each other at altitude and remained invisible with the black color scheme above 70K. Since the vast majority of fighters can only make transient trips to the Dragon Lady's altitude, she remains in the shadows there. SAM's are another story. Light refraction changes with air density and there is little air density at 70K.


Sky only really changes apparent hue at altitude looking straight up.

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This is has nothing to do with what you guys are producing but I have a low-viz european camo for the Flanker here:



Also, if you look here, there are actually 2 Flankers...



By the way, I love that Italian Mirage!

Damn nice flanker skin! But you should probably get red of the white nose cone and tail, Other wise I can barely see it!

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Found some surprising camo that I didn't expect would work as well - a little French Navy action:









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