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Why Why Why Why Why?

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Why is it that people seem to think that common sense is optional? Does anyone ever use their heads? We had a women last Friday back over a lady in a wheel chair here on base. (She eventually died:( ) She ran over her twice in fact. When the SP's got their, the driver had to nerve to say SHE had the right of way over the person in the wheel chair. I about fell out of my chair when I heard that from the desk sgt. Just kills me.

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I had a pilot write up Nav #2 as Inoperative when it was turned off. Brilliant!

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Normally, I don't believe in deliberately handicapping someone...but in that driver's case...I'll make an exception.



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people are dumb by nature... how do we even survive? :\

and who gave that woman a drivers license??? haa? KILL HIM!

Edited by Nesher

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Guest 531_Ghost

Common sense isn't so common any more. :blink:

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Seems to me that accountability is a big part of the problem. When people "know" they

won't "really" have to pay for any error in judgement, they get sloppy. They stop

paying attention to what they are doing or even thinking about the consequences of

their actions. Because society doesn't force them to. With enough money, a slick

lawyer can get you out of almost anything.


Everybody knows the story about the guy who spilled his own coffee on himself, sued,

and got a million bucks for it. Now you got actors and politicians doing really stupid

things, blaming it on alcohol (or some other drug ), checking into a treatment center,

and suddenly all is forgiven!


That's not how I remember it working as a kid.


We are definitely living in interesting times...

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people are dumb by nature... how do we even survive? :\

I guess becouse smart people were usualy leading the dumb people.

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Now you got actors and politicians doing really stupid

things, blaming it on alcohol (or some other drug ), checking into a treatment center,

and suddenly all is forgiven!


The sinister Mel Gibson defense.


They give drivers licenses to anyone, and they shouldn't. I hate such careless drivers, and I get the bad reputation because young people drive faster. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been sandwiched or sideswipped by people not paying attention to what they're doing.


Ok, I can understand accidentally hitting a person behind you in a wheelchair if they're below your field of vision looking back. But you stop, get out, call an ambulance and help her. Not keep going!


How can you run a person over twice?! and then claim she had the right of way?


I really hope she's facing serious charges. :mellow:

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When I was studying for my Library degree, one of my lectures stated that "There's no such thing as common sense." I have to agree with her. There are a tonne of dumb people where I live (you just have to see the way we drive here!) and what I would do with my common sense, and what they'd do with theirs are two very distinct things. But I know when I've done something, best thing is to man up and not be a little bitch about it by avoiding responsibility.

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I guess it's simply summed up: If common sense really was, it wouldn't be so uncommon, would it? :grin:

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This is why I want to arm my chair and have it armored. People today are more retarded than real mental challenged people.



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"There's no such thing as common sense."


and I thought the saying went like this: "Common Sense tells us that there's no such thing as common sense."

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and I thought the saying went like this: "Common Sense tells us that there's no such thing as common sense."



Reminds me of that great phrase by Robert DeNiro in the movie "Ronin": "When there is a doubt, there is no doubt." (Referring to CIA taught rules). Seriously, the only reason for "common" being attached to "sense" is that someone always finds a way to make things go the way they shouldn't and/or "usually" or "normally" don't. But I've also learned in my life that there is no such thing as normality, hence, there is very little, if any, common sense. There are, at most, common Senseis! :rofl:


Edit: I live in a country which I think perhaps even proudly fights for the title of country with most deaths on the roads of Europe every year. Many years we've succeeded in earning the title, but Greece is giving us fierce competition. Oh, and if you were wondering, no, I don't hope to ever contribute to the effort, although I'm also a driver, I walk alot so I respect pedestrians...


But this one thing amazes me. Women are most intolerable drivers towards pedestrians as a whole. When I walk around in the city, hardly any female driver stops for me to cross a road - and I make a point of only crossing where I'm allowed, which by law even gives me priority over vehicular traffic in my country. But mostly when a car stops, there's a man behind the wheel, and not a woman. I mean, I know I don't look like Leo DiCaprio, but that shouldn't mean that women shouldn't halt to let people cross the roads, right? And curiously, talking to other colleagues of mine, they complain about the same thing... It really doesn't help the female image as driver which kinda proves the disdain right...

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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No such thing as normality, thats for sure.

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In this great wussified society everything is "somone" else's fought and worse of all such behavior is encouraged.


"Your honor I brought those drugs and that hooker because society has been putting me down, so I didn't have a choice."


"Your honor I became a stripper and a hooker because I needed to play for my partying and clubbing...or err... I mean college tuition. This oppressive society has been exploiting me, so I didn't have a choice."


Everyone wants to blame someone else for the knowingly and blatantly screw ups that they willingly make.


This woman mowed down someone and tried to play victim! Hang the broad from the nearest tree.


People have common sense but no one holds them accountable or makes them use it. Remember; "It's somebody else's fought."

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My favorite excuse is where people blame their childhood. They weren't loved, their mommy was an alkie, etc. There comes a time as an adult where you have to be responsible for everything you do.

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There comes a time as an adult where you have to be responsible for everything you do.

Unfortunatly for some people that time never comes.


I live in a country which I think perhaps even proudly fights for the title of country with most deaths on the roads of Europe every year.

From which coutnry are you?

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Huh? :blink:


I was trying to say that "normal" people are more mentally challenged than the real people with the disability. Make sense now?

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:( i´m on wheel chair


What's your disability? Mine's Cerebral Palsy.



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My favorite excuse is where people blame their childhood. They weren't loved, their mommy was an alkie, etc. There comes a time as an adult where you have to be responsible for everything you do.


I'm guilty for using that line of thinking... Before I moved up here to the 6th floor, the clique in my old office are some one the grumpiest and bitchiest people I'd ever met. They'd come in and decide, "Hey, there's SayWhat?! (I've changed my name by deed poll :tongue:) I'm going to vent in his general direction about the most trivial crap." I generally let them do their thing and afterwards all I'd say was "You weren't hugged much as a child... were you?"


They'd usually walk off in a huff and bitch to someone else.


There comes a time as an adult where you have to be responsible for everything you do.

Unfortunately, these people are in their late 30s to mid 40s. I figure if they haven't learned that by now... what's the point? I just hope they don't breed and have stupid kids who follow in their footsteps and are just as dopey.


One question, do environmental laws also protect against people who pollute the gene pool?? :blink:

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I was trying to say that "normal" people are more mentally challenged than the real people with the disability. Make sense now?


Gotcha and while I am truely sorry to learn of the challenge life has given you; you seem to be bitter towards anyone you consider "normal". I assume you mean anyone without a disability. And then go so far as to say they are retarded? I know life delt you a hard hand my friend but but those words are a bit harsh.

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One question, do environmental laws also protect against people who pollute the gene pool?? :blink:


No, but that's what the Darwin Awards are for.

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Everybody knows the story about the guy who spilled his own coffee on himself, sued,

and got a million bucks for it.


Now, I'm pretty sure that was an episode of Seinfeld.

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