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Iran's latest....

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Silly because they're updating a old plane??

why they add another vertical stab??

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You have GOT to be kidding me.


Bad enough they've seriously increased the weight of the whole tail assembly.


But painting it in Blue Angel colors...down to the script font even...


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess.



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I knew that they'd reverse-engineered the F-5 but that they're touting it as to be the equivalent of the F-18... That's just :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: !!!

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I really think they want some F/A-18s or they just want to intimidate us. I think Iran is just being retarded.

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To play the devil's advocate, a/c wise I think it's a start, not a good one but for a country with several restriction's to high end tech it's still something, won't stand a chance to a F-18 and other modern a/c but maybe we're seeing the growth of an industry that one day might well churn out formidable aircraft....or not, so what ? It just mean's more target's for AMRAAM's, AIM-9X's, R-60's and R-70's. :biggrin:

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Isn't Ahmenejad in America today? When were these taken? I bet the Blue Angles will love this! Here is my definition or Iranian Aviation:



Iranian Aviation- 1. Reverse Engineering the Northrop F-5, giving the Grumman F-14A Tomcat AL-31 Lyuka engines and ability to fire HAWK SAMs, Modifying the AGM-78 Standard ARM to be used as an AA or AG missile on the McDonnel Douglas F-4 Phantom II, reverse engineering the Bell AH-1T Cobra and Bell 206 Jet Ranger helicopters, giving the Northrop F-5 twin vertical stabilizers and calling it the Saeque, making a "stealthy" plane used for light attack and training and calling it the Shafaq.

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That was pointless,

New Aircraft = F-15C's Target Practice

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I don't mind the USA out sourcing it's target drones :)

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I would not criticize Iran's design without knowing what it is actually capable of doing.

Every design choice has a cost and a benefit, perhaps the costs in weight and complexity are offset by performance and/or stability enhancements?


The F/A-18 is the bloated, heavy, underpowered navalized multi-role evolution of the F-17 lightweight fighter.

The F-17 evolved directly from the F-5.

Why don't you ask why Northrop added the 2nd tail?

Yet when they made the single engined F-5G aka F-20 (the alternative to the twin-engined F-17 design), they stuck with the single tail.


When the US wanted to experiment with forward swept wings, they canabalized many parts from other existing aircraft to keep costs down.

The X-29 had the nose of an F-5.

Iran should be applauded for maximizing the use of its available resources to do something few countries can do: design and build supersonic fighters.

While they have copied the F-5's basic technology, what country hasn't copied another's technology at one point or another?

Russia and the US certainly got a lot of technology from Germany.

Russia also got quite a bit of technology from Britain and the US.

China has warped the MiG-19 and MiG-21 into various arrangements to suit their needs and along the way developed the ability to completely design and build their own.

The US was even influenced to some degree by the MiG-25 and MiG-21 which drove the design requirments for the F-15 and F-16.

The F-15 even looks very similar to the MiG-25, both of which owe some of their layout heritage to the A-5 Vigilante.


Iran is doing what it should be doing: learning how to build planes step-by-step instead of trying to build an F-22 killer with so little experience in aircraft design and manufacturing.

With an adequate budget, 10-20 years from now, they might have very competitive new designs of their own.

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That is however if the US hasn't invaded or used the "Lets use Tactical Nukes! Uhhh ok! YAY!" plan.

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Streakeagle's right about their aviation industry.


But copying the blue angels colors and script is really pathetic (and pathetically obvious) For a president who's anti-american he's sure striving to copy us.


He was at Columbia this afternoon, saw a bit of a video of it, typical ahmedwhatever.

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Go Figure from a country where the president says that sept 11th and the Holocaust didnt happen and that believes that Israel should be wiped off the planet!!!! My suggestion is two to the chest and one in the head on him, OOORAHHHHHHHHHHH

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Damn it jarhead now i have to agree with a freaking Marine......oh well no loss there lol

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I knew that they'd reverse-engineered the F-5 but that they're touting it as to be the equivalent of the F-18... That's just :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: !!!


Well... it does/will have an indigenous PGM capability, glass cockpit, FBW and locally developed Avionics systems and uses composites in it's construction extensively... just going by the information I've been given. But bear in mind that a good portion of this project was to establish if they could produce a modern(ish) aircraft of indigeonus(ish) design using modern design and construction methods and in that respect, the Sa'eqeh and Azarakhsh projects have succeeded. I'm keen to see the results from the IAMI Shafaq program:


Especially if this model is eventually produced...


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What do you guys make of this...? I know at least one of you is going to think this is sacreligious :yes:




To be honest... although I've heard of IRIAF F-16 rumors before, something's a little dodgy here and I can't put my finger on it...

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are those by Trumpeter or Hasegawa?

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Even funnier, after the Sha´s coup d´etat (spell??) the Iranian F-16 order was aborted, but the planes were already built and ready to fly..SOO...they were sold to Venezuela, Iran´s current best friend in the americas


Best regards


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Actually saw a painting of the proposed IIAF version on/in the Lockheed magazine Code One, I think there's even a shot at (is it?) F-16.net, you the Viper site over in Europe.


Strangely, I actually like the look of the modded f-5. It's cool in an 'interesting' way.



kevin stein

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It's ever so slightly larger too... like if the F-5 let itself go a bit and grew some love handles.

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i was reading about Azarakash(http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=azarakhshfighterrf8.jpg )the F-5 with High wing profile and bigger rudder.

its really looks one Tunned up F-5,it is Powered by two Tumansky RD-33 turbofans(ow can 2 giant enines int the Little F-5 O.o)and usese a N-019M Topaz radar.

well i found it here


the Next Iranian upcoming project looks Great, but honestely if Iran want war, it isnt sufficient.

Edited by Silverbolt

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