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Wings Over Israel [Official Thread]

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This game rocks, this whole series is outstanding work, thanks TK and team. I love the aircraft and the pits, no problems runnig it as of yet.

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Damn you all! I'm stuck at work for the next 7 hours, I don't wanna hear how good it is until then!! :biggrin: You buggers did the same thing when COD4 was released!!! :threaten:


ps. I'm guessing the shadow problems won't be an issue on a dual core, 2 gig RAM machine...

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Damn you all! I'm stuck at work for the next 7 hours, I don't wanna hear how good it is until then!! :biggrin: You buggers did the same thing when COD4 was released!!! :threaten:


ps. I'm guessing the shadow problems won't be an issue on a dual core, 2 gig RAM machine...



PSSSSSSTTTTT hey dude..... IT ROCKS!!!!!!! :biggrin:

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Well my machine is a 2Mb ram and a P4 3.5 ghz (not sure if its dual core but it shows up as 2 processors in device manager)


I have had a FPS issue, but the shadows don't seem to cause the problem, in fact I'm not sure what is, the FPS is worse when I have my wingmen in sight

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Well my machine is a 2Mb ram and a P4 3.5 ghz (not sure if its dual core but it shows up as 2 processors in device manager)


I have had a FPS issue, but the shadows don't seem to cause the problem, in fact I'm not sure what is, the FPS is worse when I have my wingmen in sight


P4 3.5 should have hyperthreading, so its not true dual-core but may give a little performance bump under some circumstances.


What are your other graphics settings, besides shadows? What level of anitaliasing, if any, are you running?

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Textures are on unlimited and all else on high, so far I havent pinned down any single setting to affect it, anti aliasing has gone through the full range and no effect.

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Textures are on unlimited and all else on high, so far I havent pinned down any single setting to affect it, anti aliasing has gone through the full range and no effect.


Try setting textures to high, and dropping AA to 2x or so. Try it with shadows on and off. Use Alt-D to bring up the frame rate and see what kind of change it makes.

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yo...... :blink:



this **** iz ***** CRAZY :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Edited by HrntFixr
AT3, that type of language is not wanted nor tolerated here. AE1(AW)

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yo...... :blink:



this **** iz ***** CRAZY :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


I can tolerate "ass" but the F word in big letters is a little extreme don't you think Petty Officer? :warning2:

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Track Listing:


MainScreen.wav - 'The Road to Jerusalem' from 'Cast A Giant Shadow'


SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'Israeli Air Force 50th Anniversary Theme'


HangarRadio1.wav- 'The Raid' from 'Raid On Entebbe'


DebriefSuccess.wav - 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold' by Naomi Shemer. This version is from 'Schindler's List' and performed by The Ramat Gan Chamber Choir, Tel Aviv, Israel


DebriefFail.wav - 'Im In Alu - If The Doors Are Locked' by Ofra Haza


DebriefKilled.wav - 'Chom Yuli-Ogust - July August Heat' by Shlomo Artzi


OptionsScreen.wav - 'Janes IAF Theme'


I've included a document with translations of the songs in the debrief screens, as well as some biographical details of the artists/composers which can serve as a starting point if you want to get into this in more detail.


As a resource for the campaign gurus I've also included .wavs of the national anthems for Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Maybe someone can use these and release some Arab/Israeli campaigns?


Finally, I've included two bonus tracks that you can rename to use as music for any of the screens:


1) Shir Hapalmach is an instrumental of the song of the Palmach - the forerunner of the IDF

2) Another version of 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold,' performed this time by the Dor L?Dor Singers and it is probably a bit closer to Naomi Shemer's vision of how the song should be performed.




All of the above music tracks are free downloads from various record company websites in various formats and have been converted to the correct format for use in game by me.


There are therefore no file sharing issues in respect of this music pack.







All this is fine but....


WHAT??? no 'Hava Nageela' ??!!!

Edited by Tomcat_ace

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Will there be a retail version or boxed version of the game at some pt.?

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I can tolerate "ass" but the F word in big letters is a little extreme don't you think Petty Officer? :warning2:



.....understand, i do. :yes:



to the Great Moderator, I apologize. :good:


However Comma-----remain, the sentiment does. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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Will there be a retail version or boxed version of the game at some pt.?


I am thinking TK isn't going to. Easier to make a download than spend the money on boxed versions.

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Well my machine is a 2Mb ram and a P4 3.5 ghz (not sure if its dual core but it shows up as 2 processors in device manager



Dang dude, my old 486 Packard Hell box (Anyone remember them?) had more ram then that :biggrin:


I get paid in a few minutes so I shall order my WOI then :)

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Dang dude, my old 486 Packard Hell box (Anyone remember them?)




I was a Manager of their Tech Support after I got out of the USAF.


Took a powder just before the CEO, Beny Alagem, bailed.










Man, maybe people will stop bitching about turning off the engines now...


Not I!


At least until I can figure out how to utilize this information. If it is just entrails from FE, I will be upset. :sorry:

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Add the entry:


ENGINE_TOGGLE=(Whatever key you want to shut off the engines)


to your .ini file in the Controls directory. Save and you're done. And yes, it works.



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Performance note...for nVidia users.


I played with some different profile settings tonight, and found one that stood out as an easy performance tweak. If you happen to have "Threaded Optimization" set to ON by default, or turned ON in a custom WOI profile, you will probably see a nice FPS improvement if you set it to AUTO. This goes for the other games in the series as well, since none of them are multithreaded anyway.

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Don, where would a dumba$$ like me find that switch? In the nVidia control panel? I think I've been in there once.... :blush:



kevin stein

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Don, where would a dumba$$ like me find that switch? In the nVidia control panel? I think I've been in there once.... :blush:



kevin stein



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I'm using a 3rd party tweaker called Nhancer, it gives the option for multithreading and it does improve things.

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A few things;


1> Either or, depending on personal preference, CB.


2> I looked for Mutlithreaded Optimization in my 169.12 drivers CP, but only found Threaded Optimization, which I switched to Auto.


3> Oh, my, flippin' heck! The engine doo-dad works!!! I'm going to try the weapons tomorrow, and have the vaunted ICT I have dreamed about for years!


That, for the non-TAC initiated, is an Integrated Combat Turn. Wartime generation? Land, taxi into the ICT area, get fuel, weapons, and even a pilot, if required.

Fire it up, and get in the air again inside XX minutes. Very cool stuff!


Did you see a refuel= in there anywhere?

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1> Either or, depending on personal preference, CB.


So you are saying you can choose either, but there is no function in the setup to do so, do I need to choose the function in an ini somwhere?

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