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The Official Sept/Oct Patch Thread

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What's up with Green Hell? That is an absolute must for me...

Yeah, for me too. But the 2nd version is just strange on my patched game.

Here's what I got:






And little farms or such are just white boxes.

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You have to reinstall your mod after patching it solves all probs .. the same with german tree mod..


Try to load the F-15D active and look at the "waveing" of the plane.. the same with other birds like EF-2000 is waveing from left to the right?! why?!

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strange I had the same effect at the beginning than I reinstalled the tree mod and it works fine... only one time I messed up my germanyce so I deleted all terrain files in it and recreated the terrain from the bone!

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Don't forget that it's WoV, not WoE (I wait for NF3 to play it), and the mod is Green Hell 2 (with Brain's tiles).

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Nearly all of my 3rd party planes have twitchy leading edge flaps/slats. Cant figure it out, but it's just a cosmetic thing, so I try not to look outside ;)

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I'm not seeing that...and I developed the ACTIVE in WOI on hard flight mode. The only 'waving' I see is at high alpha in a stall condition...which doesn't surprise me.



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I was talking about this effect on the runway, you can see this best on the EF-2000 It`s not a bad thing only a wired effect on the ground

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Hey, did anyone else notice that if you hit zero airspeed you no longer just flip and flop out of control? I was flying my Tomcat back home when I figured, hey, they modeled departures and spins now, I wonder if I can do a hammer-head stall. Brought the Big Cat to 90* vertical and idled the engines at about 10000 feet. Ecce! (Behold!) The Cat hit zero and then negative airspeed and started a tail-slide. The nose then started to fall, went to 90* towards the earth and gained speed. I pulled out at 3000 feet. I don't know if this started with just WoI in general, but after the Sept patch this is the first time I noticed it. Anyone else do this yet?

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While I am over joyed that WOV is still being patched, I have to agree with Doghouse. There are very few of us that put up with the complexities of Multiplayer on HyperLobby, and we are very dedicated to WOV. I can't recall anyone asking for better graphics, skins, insignia or anything that may take a hit on Frame rates. This is an older sim that runs, oops, ran great on older crates like mine. Instead of killing our frame rates how about correcting a few of the old MAJOR problems like Multiplayer on HyperLobby!!!! Doghouse and I should be getting credit for tech support on this issue:)) It has single handedly killed WOV on MP. While I am well aware that WOV was not designed with MP as it's primary goal, MP air combat is where the longevity is!!!! Has anyone noticed how many players are on IL2 at any given time in HL??????? I'm sorry TK, but when I hear you don't support MP the aviation Gods become very sad:) You have a great sim in your WOV/WOE/WOI series, but don't sell it short by restricting MP.




what he said---->


P.S. quote Dave: "TK said he wont make MP better. ",,,He wont, or he CANT?

Edited by gwar

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Anyone know why carrier based planes are exploding on the Cuba terrain in WOE? It works fine in my pre-patch install but after the patch the number 1 and 2 aircraft explode and 3 and 4 start in the air and do not retract there landing gear. I've read and double checked the posts in the KB on carriers and everything looks ok but i must be missing something.


No problem with the Vietnam and Bering Straits Terrains, tested my aircraft and carriers on the DBS terrain also and they work ok, so i think i have it narrowed down to something in the cuba terrain itself or my campaign files, this problem happens in the Tainted Cigar and a modified version of the campaign i made. Both work fine pre-patch


I also added the HeightOffset data mentioned earlier in this thread and it had no effect on the problem. I've been working on this for hours now and i'm just about ready to just remove the carriers from the campaigns altogether and base the Navy aircraft out of key West but i don't want to do that unless i have to.


I really have tried to cure this issue myself with the KB and a Search of the forums before i asked for help, but i have had no luck. Anyone else having this problem? Can someone direct me to the right info to fix this?


I can post any files you guys want to look at but i didn't want to make this a long post by adding things that might not matter.



Edited by WarlordATF

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Just tried this and:


1. A lot of water "shimmering".


2. Some of the bridges are out of line and height.


Anybody else get this with the new patch.

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Well here we go again, SP2 all over again. For you guys wanting to play Wings Over Vietnam in multiplay, forget this latest patch. Here is what you'll get.

_no airports to land at, so what good is being able to shut off your engines gonna do you?

_what happened to the VMFA-531 Grey Ghost squadron? They are gone.

_frame rates take a terrible hit, it's gawd awful now.

_graphics are worse now then before.

_I'm sure there's more but I'm not investigating any further.


So it's back to the Doghouse Patch again, only this time I'm not doing it. It's someone else's turn and I'm passing the tourch to them. My fix it to return to 8.30.06 till this is sorted out.

I'm sure you beta testers are not happy with me, but I've NEVER seen you in multiplay doing any testing in the first place, so really, who should be the one who's not happy!


Finally got time to post a screenshot:



I agree the runway is missing.

I disagree about the problems with FPS as I understand what was changed and why and am still able to get similar FPS by toning down some settings (all of this started with First Eagles with new terrain features, more ground objects, etc.).

As the screenshot shows, I also disagree about VMFA-531 being gone. It was available to me whether I chose an F-4E or an F-4B.

As to the accuracy of the decals for the time frame... I will leave that to ghost to critique, I am just asserting that it does exist even if it changed in a way that is not liked.

Edited by streakeagle

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what he said---->


P.S. quote Dave: "TK said he wont make MP better. ",,,He wont, or he CANT?


A little of both, funding is the big issue.

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Another feature, is a really nasty shock buffet at Mach .97-.99 at low altitude. It's really noticable in the WoI Mirage, a nasty, high frequency vibration.

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Read the "WoI patch" thingy thread...already been discussed. (with my screenies of said bridges in Korea)


it's an internal terrain heightmap problem -- they'll probly need a complete overhaul.


water shimmering is a tga issue, and is being looked at



kevin stein

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What do you mean by 'shimmering'. Are you describing an effect similar to what one might experience if they dial up too high an anisotropic filtering level, without anti-aliasing to smooth it out?

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Streaking (bands of lighter and darker blue) and flashing, flickering water textures.


Sounds more like a clip-distance issue.

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This latest patch is a great step forward in TK's Wings series, in single player mode anyway. But this isn't our problem with it, the problem is with Multiplay. I did a clean install, then installed the Sept 08 patch and there are NO airports anywhere to be found in Multiplay. Next I tried swapping in the 8.30.06 Vietnam.cat file and still no airports. There's nothing wrong with my computer guys, so stop trying to pass it off with that. And I'm not the only one who's seeing this. There are some of us who like to play in multiplay mode because, no matter how good you make the AI, it'll never be as good as another person piloting that plane. We play multiplay not only for entertainment, but because we want to really get good at air combat maneuvering. That's something that'll never happen flying against AI. Sure, you can get good, but you can only go so far. After you master AI, there will come a time too when you want to progress to the next level. So for those of us playing in multiplayer, this patch was a terrible step backwards. Creature (those of you asking who he is why not come online sometime and meet him the rest of the gang, they are great people to be around) and I flew all over Vietnam last night, there wasn't one airport to be found, nowhere, not in the North, nor in the South. Just patches of grass where the airports were supposed to be. My god, put a fense around it and pasture the livestock! Now tell me how happy any of you would be if that happened to you in single player mode? I wonder how folks would react if things were turned around and we multiplay types tried telling you your computers were all messed up and to go out and buy a new one? And before any of you suggest we are way off base, how about joining us in multiplay so you'll learn what we are talking about. Until you do that your arguments have no merit. You guys have no idea how much sweat and tears and passion we pour into this, not counting all the free technical support we offer to those having problems, and it really hurts when the only thing someone can offer is calling us multiplay folks a bunch of buttheads. Why, because we see a problem nobody else sees, or are refusing to see? How many of you have purchased the game out of your own pockets and sent it off to some stranger in a foreign land somewhere, not expecting to be reimbursed for your efforts? The multiplay gang support this sim and TK in all sorts of ways, and get no thanks from anyone. TK's response is to tell us to kiss off, yet we STILL support him. I don't think asking for a little consideration is asking to much. Creature, Spungie, Streakeagle, Catbutt, Sixgun, supercharger and I have been here from the beginning, we've weathered poor patches in the past, we'll get through this one too even if we have to fix it ourselves.

For multiplay, this patch is an abomination and we have s**tcanned it and gone back to 8.30.06. Oh yes, I know, TK has no intention of fixing anything multiplay. We have no say in any of this. But we do! We as consumers have a tremendous say. From a business standpoint, this lack of multiplayability will forever keep TK's sims in the minor leagues. And don't anyone tell me this isn't effecting his bottom line either. This isn't rocket science guys. Sure we have 12,000 people in CA enjoying this sim. But if MP worked that figure would be a hundred fold bigger. Just imagine the mods we'd have with a base like that. Fix multiplay and TK's going to rule the roost for a very long time and make a nice chunk of change in the process. TK has the best sim going right now as far as I'm concerned, but he's left the barn door open and he better close it before the cows get out. What I mean is, he's left the way open for someone else to grab this concept with a workable multiplay function and take his thunder. If that happens then EVERYTHING everyone has done around here is a waste. I don't want to see that happen anymore than any of you. But the demand is there waiting for someone to grab it. But be warned, if someone else comes out with a sim similar to this one that actually works, we multiplay rats will jump ship and we won't be the only ones to do it. Please don't single us MP folks out for being upset because we are every bit as much a part of this as any of the SP people. Yes, each of us ALSO plays this in single player mode. We are on your side guys, we want to see this succeed just as much (if not more) than anyone. The bottom line here is this patch really messed up multiplay and this isn't going to do any of us any good in the long run.

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Well, tell us how you really feel...lol. Nice punctuation and use of paragraphs, BTW.

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Doghouse has some good points, but even streakeagle can attest that TK wont budge on MP. So what can we do? Seriously what can we do? I am not a MP person, but I would like to have an option of a good MP game. You can not argue any of Doghouses points as he is right on. But if anyone is opposing then MP guys, well you are wrong. They have a good complaint.

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Hey, I don't want to let this degenerate into SP versus MP, but I have to chime in in defense of us multiplayers.


I have had the sim (SFP1) since it came out. For all it's "lightness" it has been the best dogfighting sim I've played since Janes FA.


It has never made sense to me why the MP functions were not improved.


You have not lived until you have encountered Doghouse in a MiG-17 over the Desert, and if you have done so, you probably got shot for your trouble.


You know it's a good fight when running out of fuel ends it.


Nothing will make you sweat more than trying to get a strike in while a human pilot or group thereof tries to stop you...or calling for help (for real) over teamspeak to your real wingman or TarCap.


I have had some great times and made some great friends since 2002. It saddens me that more people will not experience this.

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As I said sixgun how do we get TK to address this?

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