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The Official Sept/Oct Patch Thread

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Just my .02 but I don't think there will ever be a weapons pack that will be truly plug and play for everyone. In a highly moddable game there is just no way. Best plan is to take one of these packs and build your own custom pack from it, then always keep your personal pack and modded loadouts backed up. ;)


Well, that's what I have right now - a custom weps pack and install - it's just that it's all built around bunyap weps pack and the data and loadout files that came with it. So, like I said, it's a matter of either re-doing all bunyap's data.ini edits, or rebuilding my weps pack using the stock or MF as a starting point. Either way, it'll be a bit of work. However, after looking at it, I think I am better off starting with a MF pack.


Thanks for the suggestions guys.

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I've experienced the same effect, though much heavier, with WOE + new patch and the Greece terrain. The effect doesn't seem to affect the stock GermanyCE terrain much (very little, in fact). I also tested the Lybia-terrain, but there the sea looks OK.

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Well, that's what I have right now - a custom weps pack and install - it's just that it's all built around bunyap weps pack and the data and loadout files that came with it. So, like I said, it's a matter of either re-doing all bunyap's data.ini edits, or rebuilding my weps pack using the stock or MF as a starting point. Either way, it'll be a bit of work. However, after looking at it, I think I am better off starting with a MF pack.


Thanks for the suggestions guys.




What I did was copy my weapons folder over to the new install - I then, using the latest weps editor opened the old weapondata.ini and deleted the old stock weapons. Then merged it with the brand new weapondata.ini that I had extracted. This is one way anyway.


I have a custom install for weapons which takes the ones out I need for the environment out of the packs - also another issue with just putting in 4 million weapons is that searching and finding the one you want on the loadout screen can be pain. :no:

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BTW, that's what it looks like in Greece terrain:



It doesn't matter what water-detail settings I use, it's always the same.

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that's a tiliing isssue....I think


pull the 'sea1.tga' (or whatever it's called) from the terrain cat you've pointed it to, the 'waternormal.bmp', the 2 .fx files, and drop them in the Greece folder.


Also, check if the water and terrain effects are active


see if that makes a difference



kevin stein

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Thanks for the heads up on this. I have major RL work issues going on just now and then I am going abroad on holiday for two weeks on Saturday, so consider all my stuff on hold meantime.


When I get back, I will be getting around to updating my various installs to the new standard, and working on compatability of my released and WIP mods (mainly campaigns and terrains) but it is going to take a while, people.


Thanks to Wrench for the tip.


Cheers all,



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BTW, that's what it looks like in Greece terrain:



It doesn't matter what water-detail settings I use, it's always the same.


I noticed those problems as well when starting to import Falkland terrain. I had also the same problem when importing customized Germany and vietnamsea


I solved it in the following way (this was psoted elsewhere but I am reposting for visibility)


What I did was extracting both terrain and water.fx from the germanyCe.cat. I extracted also the germanCe data and found some new lines missing in the previous terrain datas




















[HeightOffset] <------------------------------------THOSE ENTRIES WERE MISSING in MALVINAS_data































































SO, by coping the missing underliend entries from the stock germany data, the water seems much better and looks good. I don't know it it helps, but maybe is a good insight


Also please note that in many terrains, even just released those lines are just not present, but the engine was doing good withput them. (cuba for example)


On a final note, plese notice that the [HeightOffset] entry was actually present in pre-patch GermanyCE , SP4 in this form;


[HeightOffset] <--------------from SP4 GermanyCE





as compared to this one, which is the one in Sept.Patch






Hope that this can help someone.


I have to say that with a few clicks the Falkland install update is really stable, beautiful and complete. Was much less painful than what I initally thought.

I used Falkland, relatively smaller install, to test the modding and updating procedure, and now I am ready to use the next three days OFF to move the main gigantic install into updated WOE.

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I have been testing out a WWII install of WOE with the new patch.

I dont have WOI (yet) and have heard that there are problems with prop planes in that sim but never any specifics as to what the problems were.


So of I went into the wild blue with my trusty P-47C to fly a CAP over London.


First thing I notice is how solid and stable, almost heavy the plane feels (noticed the same thing with the jets) in flight.

Leveling off at 10K I throttle back to let the rest of the flight catch up. After a few minutes I notice I am still alone. I hit F6 a couple of time to reveal that its just me and a single 109G off in the distance. Hmm...im supposed to be a flight of 4.


anyway I attack the 109 only to find that my JUG doesnt turn nearly as well as it did prepatch and that stall behavior is downright deadly. As I stare at the smoking hole in the ground that used to be me and my stalled out P-47, I muse that all is as it should be cuz a low level TnB is no place for a JUG anyway.


Then I ask myself, "where were all the other planes"


The answer is a killer. Apperently the AI will not take off. they just drive around the airfield till they run into something or just sit on the taxiway refusing to taxi onto the runway. I have tested this in different aircraft and on different terrains. Always the same. For AI flights I guess the flight lead will take off but not the rest of the flight. Thats why I only see singletons as opposition.


My preliminary conclusions are:

Flight models seem improved if you like heavier feel and bigger turn radiaus. I think prepatch that the props were just a little too quick in the turns. (I never had any trouble dogfighting in a JUG before) Stall behavior still needs more study as accelerated stalls result is very quick loss of airspeed but my only test of that was in a JUG so it may not be so unreasonable.


The AI refusing to take off is the real deal breaker here.


Was this one of the known problems in WOI?? Are there others I should know about? Im gonna keep trying for now but it looks like the props are a no go in WOE as well.


Any Thoughts?

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Something I noticed last night after patching a clean install of WOV, I was flying the stock F-4E and noticed that the front slats on the wings kept moving in and out while I was on the runway but stopped once in air. I also noticed the Super Bug did the same thing. Those are the only ones I've flown after I have applied the patch.

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Installed green hell 2 after patching. Works good.

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I have been testing out a WWII install of WOE with the new patch.

I dont have WOI (yet) and have heard that there are problems with prop planes in that sim but never any specifics as to what the problems were.


So of I went into the wild blue with my trusty P-47C to fly a CAP over London.


First thing I notice is how solid and stable, almost heavy the plane feels (noticed the same thing with the jets) in flight.

Leveling off at 10K I throttle back to let the rest of the flight catch up. After a few minutes I notice I am still alone. I hit F6 a couple of time to reveal that its just me and a single 109G off in the distance. Hmm...im supposed to be a flight of 4.


anyway I attack the 109 only to find that my JUG doesnt turn nearly as well as it did prepatch and that stall behavior is downright deadly. As I stare at the smoking hole in the ground that used to be me and my stalled out P-47, I muse that all is as it should be cuz a low level TnB is no place for a JUG anyway.


Then I ask myself, "where were all the other planes"


The answer is a killer. Apperently the AI will not take off. they just drive around the airfield till they run into something or just sit on the taxiway refusing to taxi onto the runway. I have tested this in different aircraft and on different terrains. Always the same. For AI flights I guess the flight lead will take off but not the rest of the flight. Thats why I only see singletons as opposition.


My preliminary conclusions are:

Flight models seem improved if you like heavier feel and bigger turn radiaus. I think prepatch that the props were just a little too quick in the turns. (I never had any trouble dogfighting in a JUG before) Stall behavior still needs more study as accelerated stalls result is very quick loss of airspeed but my only test of that was in a JUG so it may not be so unreasonable.


The AI refusing to take off is the real deal breaker here.


Was this one of the known problems in WOI?? Are there others I should know about? Im gonna keep trying for now but it looks like the props are a no go in WOE as well.


Any Thoughts?


check this:



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Ok tried this. not all anomalies are solved with the method I suggested, but the majot problem seems gone.

For starter make sure that in the greece.ini you are pointing at the right desert .cat. In the greece I downloaded (1.1) there was a typo in pointing at a desert_ORI.cat



The coast profile should be redone,maybe working on the Sea1.tga/BMP and the waternromal.fx and waterdata setting. Also the water is TOO light blue to be realistic.

What is bizzare is that the coast look better getting closer, as you see in one of thr two pictures

BUT the main artifact anomaly is gone, leaving ground for more improvement.





Edited by Canadair

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Unfortunately, that fix dosen't work on all them, been testing it all morning. It does, however, work in Wolf's Mustangs. I haven't check all the others yet (109, 190, Oscar, etc). DAT aircraft are still in 'testing' stages.


We've discussed this at great lenght in one of the WoI threads (stickied somewhere around here). Basic consesus: don't patch you WW2 installs of WoE/WoV.



kevin stein

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I have WOV running with the new patch and like everyone else no weapons show. I dont understand how to use the weapon editor will someone please help me with this lol. Im a dumb ass LMAO

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I can´t understand this weapon editor.After activate compatibility mode, I open it .How I open tje weapon data? Clicking "open" or "import"? Because eveytime I do this , the program close itself.

It´s so easy in the explanation, but I was never able to do it working for me...

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Click Open - then browse to find Weapondata.ini which should be in your \Objects\weapons folder

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Click Open - then browse to find Weapondata.ini which should be in your \Objects\weapons folder

When I click Open, the program close itself.

And I have run compatibility mode.

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When I click Open, the program close itself.

And I have run compatibility mode.


you using XP or Vista?


and you set it to run in Win98/Windows ME compatibility mode ?

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Didnt someone say something about a new wep editor? Dunno i havent had a chance to try the new patch yet. Anyways maybe thats your problem?

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you using XP or Vista?


and you set it to run in Win98/Windows ME compatibility mode ?

Using XP.Already try in Win 95 and Win 98/ME modes.Doens´t work anyway.

I can´t understand.

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