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O.J. Simpson found guilty

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I remember back in 95 when he was found not guilty, I was literally speechless, just staring at the tv. Now he was found guilty on all 12 counts and may spend the rest of his life in jail.


Karma does exist, rot in jail you m#$& f$%@.

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Armed Robbery?? guess American Football stars dont get paid that much then

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Armed Robbery?? guess American Football stars dont get paid that much then



Hahaha, not only that. It's also how you spend it!


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that other guy looks like something out of GTA-San Andreas

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Good, I hope he does too.

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Johnny Cochran wasn't around to save his ass this time!

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Johnny Cochran wasn't around to save his ass this time!


Ah yes, the Chewbacca Defense.

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Ah yes, the Chewbacca Defense.


If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit.

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Ah yes, the Chewbacca Defense.

Sorry guys, I'm a little slow on the uptake today. Please explain?

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My wife put it best when we just saw it on the news. 'What goes around comes around'

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He got away with murder in CA, because of the p!ss poor job done by the State! Thank god Nevada got it right!

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That book he had written was awful, I had been prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt previously but that really showed a complete and total disregard towards the families and human decency, it tipped the balance against him I think. What a total tard, may he think long and hard of what he really did do!

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I loved the comment on SNL this weekend.

"OJ was found guilty of murder. I'm sorry, he was found guilty of theft, assault, but really murder."

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I loved the comment on SNL this weekend.

"OJ was found guilty of murder. I'm sorry, he was found guilty of theft, assault, but really murder."

Hopefully his new cellmate, "Bubba" will have an unhealthy and voracious appetite. A quick visual there just gives me a real warm fuzzy on behalf of his victims.

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That book he had written was awful, I had been prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt previously but that really showed a complete and total disregard towards the families and human decency, it tipped the balance against him I think. What a total tard, may he think long and hard of what he really did do!


He was not the first murder in U.S. history to get off and then write a book about it, but by god I hope he is the last.

Edited by ironroad

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I'm glad that he finally got convicted of something, I always believed that even if he didn't actually commit the murders then he had it done. The book was a slap in the face to the victims familys and i'm glad they ended up getting the profits from it. Now we just have to wait and see how long he gets, Life would be too short IMHO.

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17 to 33. Eligible for parole in 9. When he's 70. Since the crime is considered a violent felony, he gets no "good time" to help reduce his sentence. Additionally, it's doubtful he'll get parole the first or second time he tries.

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Justice has been done.

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I'm glad that he finally got convicted of something, I always believed that even if he didn't actually commit the murders then he had it done. The book was a slap in the face to the victims familys and i'm glad they ended up getting the profits from it. Now we just have to wait and see how long he gets, Life would be too short IMHO.


Yeah his "book" writing reminded me another case back from the 50s, when the murderers of that young Emmet Till were let off the hook (due to race) and then wrote about the murder.


Although he is supposedly not being punished for the case in 1995, the man should have known better than break the law twice. Karma...

Edited by ironroad

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