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The Person Below Me

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If I met you in real life that could well be true lol



The person below me has held a Koala Bear



My little bro counts? he believes to be so


The person below me feels sorry about the girl at topic "OMG!"

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...true. Getting ragged on by juiceheads on the interweb, yeah, new personal low. lol :tongue:


Person below me though honestly believes they'd pull off the fishnets/bikini look for real... :yes:

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False. But the latex rubber gimp thing? Maybe... :mamba:


The person below me thinks the 'Wallmart Fiasco' refers to the last time they got the shopping wrong for the missus.

Edited by allenjb42

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False. That would have been the "[shopping] Mall Wart Fiasco". :rofl:


The person below me forgot more than once to extend the landing gear of a Perfectly Good Airplane during landing... and therefore has more than one unforced belly-landing on his record!

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False. I have never forgotten to put down my landing gear...I'm paranoid that I will forget so I check it at least 3 times before I land. I have, however, intentionally had to land an aircraft that did NOT have good gear indications...but that's a story for another day.


The person below me broke their 'Wii' by playing with it too much.

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False I'm afraid.


I don't have a "wii". I have, however played with my friends "wii" quite vigorously but haven't broken it.




The person below me has read far too much into that statement.

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False I'm afraid.


I don't have a "wii". I have, however played with my friends "wii" quite vigourously but haven't broken it.




The person below me has read far too much into that statement.



False, I did not read too much into that statement... untill you mentioned about reading too much into it.


The person below has not yet seen Quantum of Solace.

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True. But my girl friend doesn't want to see it and I need to study for my review board.


The person below me has pulled a Tom Cruise in the F-14.

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True. But my girl friend doesn't want to see it and I need to study for my review board.


The person below me has pulled a Tom Cruise in the F-14.


FAlSE - But I have pulled a Pee Wee Herman on a transatlantic commercial flight



The person below me has at least on one occasion requested an israeli skin for any SFP1 mod release :haha:

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Er, that would be me :blush: , so True!


The person below me is reading this on a computer at work.

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TRUE! HAHA! :good: And it feels good 'cause it's a friday! :yahoo: And fridays are always crazy at my office.



The person below me has had some sort of motif related to aviation on his/her brithday cake once... or more than once!

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false....not that i would have minded.....



the person below me has never had McDonalds "chickin nuggets" before

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False. That's all I ate during my first year of college :biggrin:


The person below me loves tarantulas.



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False - I prefer Black Widows


The person below me loves Fried Egg sandwiches :)

Edited by MigBuster

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i have an allergy for eggs


the person below me burned his backyard crashing a jet engined airmodel

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False, i don't have any models.


The person below me wants to be above me. :biggrin:

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Sooooo false !



The person below me couldn't be bothered to walk their dog this morning...and it pooped indoors.

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Sooooo false !



The person below me couldn't be bothered to walk their dog this morning...and it pooped indoors.



True. I have no dog


The person below me rathers the film Dambusters(remake) to Halo

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False. The person above you though would rather have the Dambusters remake than the Halo movie. I would like to have both, please. Though tbh I've neither played Halo (well, the demo of the first PC game perhaps) nor have I ever seen the Dambusters movie...





The person below me wouldn't mind doing the nuke-riding act (as in the movie "Dr. Strangelove") for real if he/she'd be immortal, just for the thrill of it.

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True, although I would prefer riding an ALCM, as this is as close to flying fast jets for real that my big irish butt will ever get



The person below me is both frightened and fascinated by the bright lights/explosion in the sky over Canada last night

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False....diddn't even know bout them


the person below me has worn a pair of panties on there head

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False. I've only worn hats on my silly head.


The person below me once sneezed so hard that

Newton's Third Law of Motion was actually


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I cant remember the 3rd Law of Motion. :biggrin:


The person below me eats paste for dinner!

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False, I ate it for breakfast, just to shut up!


The person below me is writing islamic pop music for Michael Jackson.

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False, i'm writing rock/pop music for my own band.


the person below me drinks a lot of tea.

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