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The Person Below Me

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False. I actually like the PS3 as it's more capable and user friendly in relation to the XBox 360. The games on the XBox are just more to my liking.


The person below me has never been in MY kitchen.

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Guest ruhzyo

True. Chicken fat.


The person below me enjoys every FastCargo post.

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The person below me denies the difference between it's and its.



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Guest ruhzyo



The person below me agrees that it is a shame that FastCargo is a Moderator.

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Uh, FALSE. Are you trying to get banned?


The person below me has a Nintendo 64 still.

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I certainly do. GoldenEye all the way.


The person below me owns a mac.

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Guest ruhzyo

True, and it ownz.


The person below me realizes it's not the community.

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Nor true, nor false...cause I have no idea what that means.


The person below me knows the type of plane LCDR Joe "Hoser" Satrapa currently flies (hint: it's a fire-fighting bird)

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TRUE! An S-2 Firebomber....I think




The person below me has crashed more than landed in sims.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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True. Especially in IL-2 as bailing out is a hoot.


The person below me has eaten a ceaser salad in Boston during the winter.

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1: I never eat a salad, I am not a rabbit!

2: Never been to any part of the USA...



The person below me is a true fan of Kraftwerk!

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If you're talking about the techno-sound then I'd say I haven't had the pleasure of listening to it yet, have been wanting to sample some of that stuff though...






The person below me knows which ace had a mickey-mouse smoking a cigar and brandishing an axe as a nose-art on his plane...

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1: I never eat a salad, I am not a rabbit!

2: Never been to any part of the USA...



The person below me is a true fan of Kraftwerk!


Jas, Ig like Industry Manufakturingen...No seriously, i´m not


The person below me disguised once as the pinik panther

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False. But one Halloween I was disguised as the famous ZORRO!





The person below me will answer the statement that the person above me forgot to answer from the person above him.

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True, that's the germann WWII ace Adolf Galland


The person below me works in the aircraft industry

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False, but im hoping by the end of this year i will.


The person below me is a member of a special ops team

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false! unless you count special programming ops tram then its true lol :)


the person below me memorized all the replies in this thread!

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the person below me memorized all the replies in this thread!



The person below me wonders if you're that bored to committ all replies to memory. :biggrin:

Edited by Atreides

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True. You would have to be very bored for that.



The person below is wondering why this (boring?) thread hasn't been closed yet ?

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The person below is wondering why this (boring?) thread hasn't been closed yet ?



Make it ridiculously political like some of the (recent) military aircraft posts and the person below is sure it will be closed. :biggrin:

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True! our ceack team of mods is always ready to nix a thread that gets too political.


The person below me pictures the people on this forum as looking/acting similar to their avatars/signatures.

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False, i dont imagine you as a random arrow thingy haha.


The person below has had a bad week like me.

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True so bad I had to go do it twice to just make sure it was that bad...


The person below gets lost without their SatNav

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The Netherlands are so small, if I don't watch out I drive through it

with directions just on a beer coaster....


the person below me is an April fool.....

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True. i'm.


the person below me will shoot with a remington 870 the next person that will make him an april Fool....

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