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KCT, is that a typhoon flying above the ship? Looks like one

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KCT, is that a typhoon flying above the ship? Looks like one


Yup, it's one. Been trying to make a 'localized' version of the Typhoon for fun.

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Yup, it's one. Been trying to make a 'localized' version of the Typhoon for fun.



Nice :good:

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I see a Supermarine Attacker on the cat, Hinch!!



kevin stein


You would be correct Sir....................... as kindly provided by the A-Team.

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Gloster Javelin F(AW)9 of 60 Sqn RAF, 1964.



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Gloster Javelin F(AW)9 of 60 Sqn RAF, 1964.


If it's a FAW 9, it appears to be missing its pylon extensions. Is it flying with belly tanks?

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If it's a FAW 9, it appears to be missing its pylon extensions. Is it flying with belly tanks?


Yes I know. Also missing it's twin pitot tubes on the wings. No belly tanks. Only two cannon not four.


It's also got the extended tailpipes of an FAWMk8 & 9 but the screwdriver tail insert from earlier marks.


To be honest I don't really care...I'm just glad it's on it's way.


Never had you down as an el rivetto counteh Hinch.... :blink:

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Just surprised that the features relevant to the particular mark aren't part and parcel.


Granted, I have a tendency to make faux battleships.

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"If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is 'poontang'."

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There was a -111 strike package inbound we flew top cover for. I guess they were successful........



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Just surprised that the features relevant to the particular mark aren't part and parcel.


Granted, I have a tendency to make faux battleships.


Well, to be completely honest, we all have our things that we may be particular (some would say anal) about.


I guarantee if someone puts out certain aircraft that I know a lot about, I'll probably be very critical of it (not in a bad way of course...I know the pains of modeling). Other aircraft, I couldn't care. Even within those certain aircraft, I'd let things go because I know the difference in simulation verses reality and that the effort to get that last 1% isn't worth the additional 99% of work.


The trick is conveying critques without making oneself obnoxious...or, how to be anal without becoming an ass.


This critique isn't aimed at anyone who's recently posted, just a general observation.



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I guarantee if someone puts out certain aircraft that I know a lot about, I'll probably be very critical of it




So, I guess that means that I should shelve my pulse-ion powered T-38 mod :biggrin:

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Thank you CA_Stary for the Germany Winter terrain!

Could not resist nailing the radar site on the way out.

Merry X-MAS everyone and thanks to another superb year of addons.



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Ok it's offical i have 2 new favorite aircraft, erikgen's F-101B seen here and Triplethr3at's OA-4M. both kick major A**!!!

Had a blast tonite vaporizing bomber formations in the F-101B with the Genie... :clapping: . this plane totally rocks as an interceptor,it was so good I decided to go up against some migs, flying it like a non slatted F-4 using the vertical plane and this jets awesome power to my advantage. first impression was no big supprise if I flew smart I could pull my nose on target and get plenty of shots, yes the migs would consistantly out turn me but I refused to take the bait, I would just roar back into the vertical invert invert over the top and come right back down on them or hit the throttle run out and leave him in mid turn wondering where I went. It was not as easy as it is in the F-4, I needed more space to bring the nose around but it was doable. The aircraft is awsome but there is one big problem, there is nothing to shoot enemy fighters with, :biggrin: the falcon missile is worthless. So I said the heck with reality lets do what the Air Force should have done in the first place, mount some sidewinder rails .... pulled up the data and added 2IR to the fuel tank attachment points. I then set out to kill some migs and kill I did. Armed with late model sidewinders this thing is a beast, no it is not a nimble dogfighter it is a powerhouse

that eats bomber formations with nukes and is capable of suprising their escort.

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My first screenshot from Strike Fighters 2 and my new monitor,


a nice 22" 16:9 Iiyama.


Two A-4F Skyhawks, an early (background) and a late one (foreground).

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I think something may be screwed up :biggrin:


I checked out my escort and noticed it was 8 KF-106s...

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Moments till someone starts singing MOVE IT!

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