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Yeah man it will be released when it is ready, cant wait to see it done.

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In the warmth of the great north

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Now is not a good moment to remember you left the oven on...


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Typical German recce mission loadout.., enroute to the target, taking a break from touch and gos, and waiting to takeoff.





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Sure you can.... just NOT here!!!



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Back home, beaten but alive



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thanks aleks


and since I am making a point of the IronMaiden theme


The Nomad



Edited by Canadair

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thanks aleks


and since I am making a point of the IronMaiden theme


The Nomad




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I haven't posted here in ages so I'll spam you just a bit now :)


Thunderjets over Korea



Calm afternoon



Cannons are never obsolete






Returning home



Well yeah I like my Korea install :)

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@Brian32 - Holy Schnike, what terrain is that??? It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!

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Good morning, Vietnam...



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Playing Prometeus



I think TK boosted napalm a bit (after my questions??): cars explode at greater range. and I took out a warehouse with one tin can yesterday.

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Playing Prometeus



I think TK boosted napalm a bit (after my questions??): cars explode at greater range. and I took out a warehouse with one tin can yesterday.


Really? Try dropping some on the damnevilfueltanks in airbases -still a tank 5 meters from explosions (both from BLU and fueltank) doesn't blaze, dunno about the trucks


OT: an idea -maybe we'd better model napalm as cluster bombs..?

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Try dropping some on the damnevilfueltanks in airbases

Try direct or very close hits :biggrin: Comm building into ashes, oil tanks ablaze. The "spalsh" doesnt work though, true. :blink:

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Take off from the West coast

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