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Soon At CA, by leopardo

A JSF had un natural relations with a Hog.


For some reason it is attractive...

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Soon At CA, by leopardo


:fans: !GO SKORPION GO! :fans:

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Get some !


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Get some !


I'm guessing ex's, family members, members of opposing debating teams never survived arguments with you, did they Syr? :tongue:



Looking forward to that Skorpion Silverbolt, Leopardo! :good:

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Defenders of the North inbound

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431st FIS Commanding Officers Aircraft 1963.........




Semper Fi!


331KillerBee :wink:

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I did not know that the 431st flew 102's.


I was one of the "last of the Red Devils" when the 431 TES was decommissioned in 1992.


Gotta get me that skin, great job!



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I did not know that the 431st flew 102's.


I was one of the "last of the Red Devils" when the 431 TES was decommissioned in 1992.


Gotta get me that skin, great job!




That's Cool! I'll be sure You get it. They had the 102's from 1960 to 1964. They were Based at Zaragosa AB, Spain. After the 102's, They Transistioned to the F-4C and became the 431st Tactical Fighter Squadron under TAC.

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Finally a screenshot I am a bit content with.

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Soon At CA, by leopardo


OMG Don't tell me that's that crazy little polish fighter thingy? :shok:


Wait, it IS that crazy little polish fighter thingy!!! Schweet!!!

Edited by Dave

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Wow! Su-27KUB, New Skorpion variant, I'm getting excited! Looking good fellas! :good:

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These lads are always willing to dish out second helpings whether the recipients want it or not :yes:



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These lads are always willing to dish out second helpings whether the recipients want it or not :yes:



Looks like Wild Weasel food to me.

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Damn! Missed!




Then I rolled around and went in for guns. Got that ZU-23-2 before he even had a chance to shoot back!

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Skorpion, Takeoff, and two shots of the Saeqeh being used as target drones.





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I know Spinners is gonna make one soon ( more than likely anyway :lol: ) so i thought id try beat him to it

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Speaking of the Skorpion...heres the other version







Is that the Micro-Sr71-lookalike variant? :swoon:

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IAF 14 Sqdn trades in their Jaguars for the Skorpion.


EDIT:- Man I wish I could find my photoshop to make this one look semi-decent.

Edited by Atreides

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