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Hey Silverbolt, where can i get the helo?Awesome pic!


CHeck ur PM

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Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin F.1's of No.257 squadron, Royal Air Force.

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BAC Lightning over Germany in Winter...









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Glad to see my dear Lightning still in action...

I am still doing an F1 F2 f3...and upgrading templates as I accidently overwrote the fuselage psd and lost all panel line layers ages ago...hope to finish these asap...time permitting..

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Bobrock's Harrier GR.7: sexy, down to the last poly:














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Glad to see my dear Lightning still in action...

I am still doing an F1 F2 f3...and upgrading templates as I accidently overwrote the fuselage psd and lost all panel line layers ages ago...hope to finish these asap...time permitting..


Some earlier Marks would really be great in NATO Fighters. :ok:

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Been working on some new threads for you F-35 jocks out there...


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You take a mortal man.....



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Low Alt Penetration Load and Sea Control duties.



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Low Alt Penetration Load and Sea Control duties.


That is pretty sweet, I got some paraphernalia somewhere from when the Harpoons first went to Loring, it was a pretty big deal, I guess they had some huge air-droppable anti-shipping mines too.

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That is pretty sweet, I got some paraphernalia somewhere from when the Harpoons first went to Loring, it was a pretty big deal, I guess they had some huge air-droppable anti-shipping mines too.


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kevin stein

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Dave and Storm, you guys are getting me teary eyed. Beautiful work!

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kevin stein




Yep. Big sucker.


@ JUG,


I only repainted the Phase V and added various details and some ini work. The hard stuff had already been done. But thanks.

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Glad to see my dear Lightning still in action...

I am still doing an F1 F2 f3...and upgrading templates as I accidently overwrote the fuselage psd and lost all panel line layers ages ago...hope to finish these asap...time permitting..



F1, F2 and F3 fantastic cant wait

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I hit ECM, I released all chaff and it still went after me. Somehow missed by an inch :yahoo:


I thought I was a goner with Flogger-G on my tail but he turned back after a while. Must've run low on fuel.

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Good n8, SAM-8.




You are in the HARM's way...



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First kill from my combined SF2/SF2:E/SF2:V install.... By the way has anyone noticed that screenies save automatically as JPEGs in the 2nd gen sims? Unless its just mine lol


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Yes - i think there is an option in an ini file to set them to save as bmps again though. No point cos jpgs are a lot smaller in size


oh its in options.ini




Directory=C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\ScreenShots


Edited by MigBuster

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Sucks to be them. Warsaw Pact Central Heating Inc.


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