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      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.

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Fantastic work. Fabtastic detail good.gif I don't suppose there's a Toblerone compartment in that cockpit?!

Edited by Piecemeal

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It's raaaaining MiGs, Alleluuuuhiah it's raaaaaining MiGs





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Tornado ADV Thunderstrike F.3

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Work in progress skin...

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Sorrow about to fall .....




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Scooters + Camo = Sexy

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Ah...... Sabre time!

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Watch my six



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Playing with the DOF parameter (images untouched)...







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It's time to take off...




and fly...





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... Super Ludo! :clapping:

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Makin' trouble in a Hot Rod F-8C





Just found C5's gorgeous FJ-3M. Took it out for a test drive.


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Makin' trouble in a Hot Rod F-8C





Just found C5's gorgeous FJ-3M. Took it out for a test drive.



LOVE IT!!!!! :heat:

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Guest Raden

Post away.....this months theme....


Good Kill! or SHACK!


(The moment of or the last moment just before an A2A/A2G kill.)


Dave, previously I attempted to up-load some of my screen-shots. I click Start New Topic HERE at this Screen Shot Thread. But, seemed they were uploaded at the General Discussion (NOT precisely at the Screen Shots Thread. Hence, twice or three times a couple of members lodged 'protests' or, well, stated that whenever I had some new screenshots I just dumped them there (General Disc Thread). So, I subsequently, ASAP, DELETED them!


I really don't know how.


So, let me give it a try here by REPLYING, next, Attach my new ones. These ones I name them KAMIKAZE!


The story:


I had been doing a tweak over one of my MiG-17PFM (perhaps the other variants) with the Nam (Vietnam Skin), I changed the default 23mm Canon to 23mm GSH23. Next, I did a single Intercept MSN. Armed to teeth with eight small missiles, IRM turned to AHM (by me :grin:).


They were soon spent, dropping all the bandits, my Zee-Wolf USAF on Strike MSN over Formosa Strait. Escorts were the Aussie F-18s in blue skin. Some of them were smashed too.


Then, I saw one surviving Escort -- I thought -- and it carried four, long-range SAHMs (AIM-120B if I am not mistaken) and two IRMs.


I must destroy it. Yet, I had no more missiles! I next chased it on AB (after Burner) and doing some 1K Km/hour. Closer and closer, I pressed the space bar to shoot..... and NOTHING!


Oh; the 23mm GSH did not work! That happened too with all my men seven total.


Then I recall the Japs in the Pacific Theater in 1940s v the Allied Forces, Those Jap fighters did on purpose the KAMIKAZE. Slammed their planes on the USN.


So, I did the same, soo quick it happened I did not have the time ti take the screen shots just mili-second b4 I slammed on to the -- I thought -- remaining, single Escort survivor the F-18.


And BOOM! Both of us died.


Here are the screenies :bye:  





























RADEN -- MiG-17s and MiG-21s Fanatic






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hehe great story and superb shots raden!!! :drinks:

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A very Russian beast!













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Guest rscsjsuso5

China Air Force Refuel PLAAF J11A and H6U Taiwan Strait


Radar/RWR and Search is on just in case




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China Air Force Refuel PLAAF J11A and H6U Taiwan Strait


Radar/RWR and Search is on just in case




Beautiful,good.gif but isn't the speed somewhat on the high side (Flanker using AB....) ? Fastest Badger on earth ...


Hou doe,



Edited by Derk

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Badgers? Badgers?..... (fill in grin.gif )

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Just cool.


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Viper 12: shot down,

Viper 13:

just made it,

Viper 14:

same fate,

Viper 11: post-2160-12732479385027.jpg

safely home........


Murderous missions in Europe too in the '60 s...


Hou doe,


Derk bye.gif

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