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last pic before release


wow i'm loving it :biggrin: when it's released? no rush :no:

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last pic before release

Very well done, Veltro!

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Beautiful! It will almost be a shame to shoot down a flight of these with a Genie.

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Very well done, sir... :grandpa: Now I can pull over something different than Tu-16 / 22's. :cool:

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Great work :good::good::good: Cant wait to go Bear hunting

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personally, wont be shooting at this one; rather, it will be awesome using it in the anti-shipping role and personally I cant wait to use it in the Bering Straits terrain to bring some nightmares to life


those of you lining up to shoot at this beauty are lacking in imagination...

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Finally the wait is over.

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You're really improving in terms of texturing. What resolution are you working in?

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You're really improving in terms of texturing. What resolution are you working in?


1024 X 1024

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What kind of ECM will it have? It's not going to cook the noses off my F-4Ss an F-4Ns is it? Should I bring a gun or 2? I'd like to launch the alert alpha for a Bear Intercept. I'm not quite sure I would want to hug, squeeze, pet and name it and treat as friendly.

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Something wicked this way comes...


Great work!



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I hope I am not disrespecting your very fine work by my "Air-2a" magnet comment, but it is true.


Ever since I read about, and heartily laughed about, this missile, while in training for the USAF, I envisioned a gaggle of Bears, and how it would turn out.


More strikingly, even if it COULD work out.


I am gonna rummage through backups to find this rascal in Bunyaps pack and re-install it in anticipation.


The one-oh-wonder and Delta Dart are next on the nostalgia install list.


Many thanks for allowing this to come to fruition soon, after over 25 years hoping to some day visualize the scenerio...



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She's looking great there my man. Thanks you sir for this impending gift!

:clapping::ok::good: :yes:

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Christmas is coming really early this year.

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Wow, thanks for the alpha release. On my first flight one of the bears succeeded in dodging 3 AIM-7Es before I got it with a sidewinder. Then I made the mistake of closing to engage the second with my gunpod. My Phantom did not survive the encounter with the bear's gunners. Many thanks!

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Veltro hasn't released his bear yet. Looking forward to it.

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Ah, I see. I was confused over which bear was which. Well, many thanks to all who create mods.

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Wow, thanks for the alpha release. On my first flight one of the bears succeeded in dodging 3 AIM-7Es before I got it with a sidewinder. Then I made the mistake of closing to engage the second with my gunpod. My Phantom did not survive the encounter with the bear's gunners. Many thanks!


Yea, I'm looking forward to Veltro's kite too. :yes:

and yea - M Bear have quite strong ECM - regarding AIM-7.

Veltro have different modell - without probe and some other differences - so, we will have 2 different targets then.

Edited by starfighter2

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one last hurdle to jump... for some reason having dificulty with the guns....sincronizing the muzzle position

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We 463's disassembled the AIR-2A in tech school, an easy weapon system to work and maintain. With an explosive yield nearing 2 kilotons (2000 tons of TNT, or 4,000,000 pounds) it could kill a Tu-95 if detonated a mile off from overpressure (if I remember correctly). The delivery crew (such as F-106) could at least expect a 1 rem dose during the escape manouver (!).


More info here-




Yours, Mike

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I'm a little disturbed about a word used to describe the other Bear,,," PAYWARE" :glare: If you want to make a payware model, fine, But,,,, I dont want to release this model and have any parts ,INI,data ....ect....to improve something thats going to be used as payware....Again all models i release are Freeware to be distributed for Free no charge what so ever , and I absolute do not authorize any use to be part of or enhance a payware Item :nono: if I get wind of such a thing happening my contribution days will be over in a flash

Edited by Veltro2k

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This is really looking good veltro, nice job. Did you skin this one yourself, or did some one step up to give you a hand?

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