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Do you fly for your own nation?

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After a while playing FE i was astonished to realize, that i nearly always choose the german birds, seldom the british and never the french. But only in WW1 scenarios. In WW2 scenarios or WOE, WOE, WOV i'm not nationfixed. Astonishingly my son acts similar. No problem to fly the Me-109, Spitfire or Mustang, but in FE always the german Fokkers or Albatros.

Now i'm curious wheter you are in WW1 nationfixed too. Does the british gamers prefer the british planes, the french gamers the french birds and the germans, like me, choose the german planes?

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Well, i got SFP1, and i got every spanish aircraft avaible since f-86f (just replaced my own tunning for wrench´s mod) but i

fly them depending on the terrain. In Germany, my Starfigher gets German; in Vietnam, my Phantom gets Yankee.


EDIT:Anyway, i remember a sim called Royal Flying Corps, and german planes were better (but Dr.I, don´t ask me why)

Edited by macelena

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Its strange, but now that you mention it, I fly mostly for Germany up until the cold war era. WWI Fokker and Albatros fighters,WWII Bf-109s and Fw190s have always been my choices going all the way back to Air Warrior on AOL. Once we get past the second world war i tend to fly mostly American aircraft, but even some of those are based on German designs, i guess there is something about German craftmanship that appeals to me.

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I always fly USA in WOE and WOV. Strangely I almost never fly USAS in FE. I usually fly the British Camel or the French SPAD VII.

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I'm quite alliance-fixed in WW1-WW2: I tend to fly for French or allied forces, and rarely for germans in WW1 -but I would love flying for Austria-Hungary for instance-, never in WW2 (whereas Fins or other allies are ok).

I tend not to be too much nation-fixed in Cold war and post CW things, even if I still prefer Western and friendly countries.

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Yep. I prolly spend 90% of my time flying for U.S. Air Force.

For me, flying for the "other guys" means flying a Phantom or Tomcat for the U.S. Navy.

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US in anything from Korea on up.


Otherwise, I'll bounce between Britain and Germany for Europe - they have the aircraft that I prefer (either for reputation/looks or performance). Spitfires, Mosquitoes and 109s are some of my favorites. Always the Allies in the Pacific, mostly Hellcats and Corsairs.

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Funny, but being an american, and a patriotic one at that, I fly mainly Axis in WWII. I love the Ki-84 and N1K2 in IL-2, and I own the skies when im in the 109. During the Kursk camp. in IL2 I racked up 57 kills without loss flying the F4 version of the 109. Post WWII, i love american power and technology, BUT, i love to win as the underdog, so I tend to fly ALOT of Red air. The Mig-21 gets such a bad rap I love to use it to kill phantoms with. And with LOMAC, I dont fly anything but Migs and Su's.

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I fly all planes i like.

But i prefer Birds that were (or are) in German Service....

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I have a strange liking for German birds.

Perhaps the reason is that my interest in aviation (in general) began after reading MvR's book "The Red Fighter Pilot" when I was very young (about 7-8 years old). After that I read alot about aviation, especially WW1 era, but I always liked the German bright coloured Albatrosses and Fokkers. And when I first played Dynamix's Red Baron game I instinctively flew for German Air Service, almost exclusively.


Being Estonian, I don't have a change to fly for my own country in games. I guess I would fly for my own nation if I was French, British or Russian.

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I'm flying only sometimes as polish.

I'm often choosing nationality which produced bird which I fly at that moment.

But if there will be a campaing, or map where Poland take part in conflict I will fly as polish.


Edited by az12121

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Im surprised i didnt hear from any israelis. The majority of my missions are flown under the Israeli flag. However i will fly just about anything. German Polish Russian Argentinian. As long as the plane looks cool i dont realy care. I tend to pick an aircraft to match the terrain. Britts in Europe Israelis in dessert, and so on

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I caught myself wondering the same thing on the first day I bought FE. I just didn't feel comfortable flying a German plane against British planes, weird gut feeling. I got over it pretty sharpish as it is after all only a game, but having said that I do prefer to fly as British in WW1 and WW2 at least two thirds of the time. In later eras I choose almost at random.

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I almost always fly american planes, sometimes I fly soviet or israeli planes, but rarely.

But I have never flown for my country´s airforce (MAF).

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WOV: US only ( I've deliberately not enabled flyable Migs ).


WOE: mostly RAF, then Soviet.


WOE(WWII): just about everything depends on my mood.


SFG: Anything goes, even mercenary.


WOI: IDF only.


FE: Anything goes.

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I fly for whatever side is available in every sim I've ever had. I've flown as Japan, Germany, US, Russia, UK, France, Australia, Canada, India, Israel, Pakistan, China, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine...I can't even list them all.


I don't care who I'm flying for as long as it's accurate. I don't want to fly a Russian F-15 or an American Su-27, but I'll fly Finnish F/A-18s against Greek Mirage 2000s or French F-8Ns with no trouble.


Frankly, I can't comprehend how people can have a problem with flying for "the other side"...because it's not real! At no point ever in any sim have I been unaware of the fact that it's all fake, so all I think about is "shooting down the guy/AI trying to shoot me down." I never think "I have to kill that Chinaman" or "I'm about to shoot down a US Marine"...because I'm not.

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In FE my favourite Allied birds are the Pup, DH2, SE5a and Nieuport 17.


My favourite Central birds are the Fokker EIII, the Albatros series, the Fokker DrI and the Halb DII and DIII.


These are the aircraft I fly the most but i like to dabble with all types.


I find myself spending an equal amount of time flying for the opposing sides.

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Wel, my country just sent nurses to WWI...i can't play a Nurse AFAIK.


but 99,9% of times i play FE with germans(the best planes of WWI)


Anyway....yes i fly much my Nation in WWII at IL-2 with P-47s and P-40 with post war camo...


and in TW games ,yes i fly too much with Brazil specially when it's AEW or IFR Missions.

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I almost always fly for the IAF. (thats Israel.)

Real or fictional, it don' meter much to me.

I will never fly an Arab A/C.

Every once in a while I will like to fly for the USAF, USN, US Marine Core.

Sometimes for some other countries. NATO side or Brazil.

Although I have FE I don't play it since it is e relevant for me.

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Every once in a while I will like to fly for the USAF, USN, US Marine Core.


Every once in a while??? HOW DARE YOU :tongue: Only kidding.

Do I fly for my own nation? Most of the time the answer is no.


The Great War - Either side is good for me

Spanish Civil war - Either side works

The Second World War - Luftwaffe mainly

The Korean Conflict - USAF

USSR vs. NATO - NATO mostly

The Arab-Israeli Wars - Always IDF/AF

Taiwan vs. China - Mostly Taiwan

Indo-Pakistan Wars - Either side is good




Edited by MrCraig41

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I started flying for my nation when I modded an F-14D and an F-5E to fly for the FAM (mexican air force)

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I fly for any one and any flight sim after all it's only a game to be enjoyed and have fun, and FE is one of the best.

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The Arab-Israeli Wars - Arab side


Same here, but not as a rule. I find going toe to toe with the IDF/AF (The REAL IAF are the Indians! :tongue:) provides a good challange since the bastards are hard spot, especially with that Romulan-like camo of theirs! :good:


In general, I don't so much fly for a nation but for the aircraft I feel like flying at the time, but I do find myself flying in RAAF, IAF, RNZAF, JASDF, FAB, USN, RAF (I dare you to pry me out of the Vulcan! It won't end well for you! :smile:) and VVS colours a lot of the time as well as a few nations I've added. I also do like to fly for the Empire of Paran to put those flithy Dhimari villians in their place for spreading slanderous and vile lies about the beautiful, peace loving Parani people! Warmongers! :tongue:

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Hmmm.... ok, I am American.....but do I fly USA? Occasionally, but I'm really kind of neutral in sims except IL-2.

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