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He shouldn't give up the day job (ladyboy ?) :biggrin:

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My brain is still rebooting after the BSOD that the video induced. I have no words.

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If I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night screaming I'm blaming you. And why? And why video it? And who thought to inflict it on the internet? And why do I keep asking questions?

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...wow. :shok:


.....NEGATIVE. :nono:

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That silly fool's more than likely got more money than sense :crazy: ie; a rich Daddy. Either that or his friends have taken the p**s out of him by swearing to him one night in the bar that he's got serious talent :biggrin:

My missus thought it was the best online laugh she's seen in a while

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That guy reminds me of the xfactor rejects.


Some of them truly believe they are excellent.

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Because on American Idol, the judges would have had him stop 5 seconds into the song, and then tell him how much he sucks, and then kick him off the stage, branded as epic loser for life.

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... s**t *faints* :ban: :ban: :ban: :ban: :help: :help: :tomato2: :bad:






I got bored and put on too many smilies

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as i´ve seen that vid, i had to thing about another song...


China girl... :biggrin:

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i will never hear that song tha smae way......and now i'm off to cry

Edited by Caveman

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Before getting inside to read the post I thought to myself,"am I on the right forum?" :biggrin:

Maybe some Trojan horse did a fine job on my laptop. :rofl:

:stars: :stars: :doh: :doh:

I'm still banging my head against the wall trying to clear it.:rofl:

Edited by Mannie

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Yeesh! where do you guys find this stuff?

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Maybe this should be classified as a disease - perhaps we could call it Dong's Syndrome?

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ill give him what he deserves...A slap round the face, and a appointment at the hospital to get his ball's lowered :P haha. I dont get it, why do that to himself, i mean, he must know that he is going to get the P**s taken out of him

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