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N Korea issues warning to Seoul

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First comment: it's the usual agressive rethoric of that regime. Just have a look there http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.html

I don't think there is much to fear, they are just barking as usual.


Second comment: it may be also related to this : http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/wor...-jong-woong.htm

Obvioulsy, Kim Jong Il health issues are more serious than thought before. In such totalitarian, with one-ruler, it is not safe to choose a successor, unless you want to be overthrowned (killed, coup, whatever) by the said successor. But, if you are close to death... So, they are busy in Pyongyang, as the Invincible Feldmarshall might die, and they are just saying to Seoul: mind your own business.


In no way, by the way, is the DPRK able to start a war, let alone win it.

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Economic geniousness.

1. Start war.

2. Lose war.

3. Surrender unconditionally

4. Conquering nation rebuilds economy.

Perhaps I've watched to many Peter Sellers movies. but this has worked for some countries.

:ph34r: CL

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NK must be out of rice again.

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Please don't bother us while we have a power struggle.

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"Perhaps I've watched to many Peter Sellers movies. but this has worked for some countries."


I can hear a faint roar in the background......




(a couple of great flicks!)



to be serious for a moment - the NK rhetorical style has always been way over the top. One cannot take anything they say too seriously.


but having been an unintended target of them once, I don't dismiss those nut-cases completely. A very, very dangerous regime. They are starving to death and freezing without power. That country will implode one of these years.

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A very, very dangerous regime. They are starving to death and freezing without power. That country will implode one of these years.

Very dangerous indeed, but I don't think that it will implode soon, sadly.

That State is by far more closed, sort of a Blackhole in the world (no net, no mobile phones, let alone phones at all for the people, no satellite TV...). I'm affraid the only way for most people there to learn what's really going on outside is rumors.

So, a ground to top evolution/coup/whatever, is very unlikely, all the more considering the total network of surveillance and repression those people are living under.

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Very dangerous indeed, but I don't think that it will implode soon, sadly.

That State is by far more closed, sort of a Blackhole in the world (no net, no mobile phones, let alone phones at all for the people, no satellite TV...). I'm affraid the only way for most people there to learn what's really going on outside is rumors.

So, a ground to top evolution/coup/whatever, is very unlikely, all the more considering the total network of surveillance and repression those people are living under.


I agree. No time soon. But they will implode simply because they are quite literally all starving to death.

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"but having been an unintended target of them once, I don't dismiss those nut-cases completely."

Definatly my least favorite country to deal with.

1985 Dawn Patrol in international waters a bit too close to NK in an SH-3H armed with a Cannon AE1.

pilot: Hey Chuck you see it?

aft: Affirm. Soviet T-58 Minesweeper.

pilot: Cool.

aft: Negatrons Lt they're not flying the soviet ensiegn.

pilot: Whats that mean?

aft: You tell me.

pilot: ???


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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"but having been an unintended target of them once, I don't dismiss those nut-cases completely."

Definatly my least favorite country to deal with.

1985 Dawn Patrol in international waters a bit too close to NK in an SH-3H armed with a Cannon AE1.

pilot: Hey Chuck you see it?

aft: Affirm. Soviet T-58 Minesweeper.

pilot: Cool.

aft: Negatrons Lt they're not flying the soviet ensiegn.

pilot: Whats that mean?

aft: You tell me.

pilot: ???


:ph34r: CL


"an SH-3H armed with a Cannon AE1"




I know that feeling.....


long story on mine - but a rather humorous ending since I actually didn't know the Migs were after us. One of the guys from the Flag Staff came down to our ready room as we were getting out of our flight gear - "How did you guys get away from the Migs?" - "What Migs?" (things went downhill from there rather fast!)

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Yeah I once said to Michael Jordan: Yeah kid, just come here I'll kick your @ss 1vs1 so bad you will retire again. He never showed up in Croatia after that :D

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Im not too worried about the north dropping bombs on us. Right now at Seoul American High, i got semester exams and protestors throwing Molotov cocktails near gate 17.

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Jeez, what are they protesting now?




the sunrise?


since when do college students (anywhere) actually need a real issue to protest?



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Well, aperently the Korean Gov decided to take over some land and redevelope it. The store owners went back into their stores so the police went out to get them out. They started throwing molotovs at the Korean gate guards and caught their own building on fire too. I think 6 people died.

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So, they killed themselves out of stupidity? Are they protesting the gov't or that the gov't has allowed such stupidity??

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Looks like this one needs a bump:




N Korea threatens military action


North Korea says it has abandoned the truce that ended the Korean war, amid rising tension in the region....



Bulls**t, i hope.


I don´t know much about how would it be, but do you think that world economic ties would help

preventing third parties (China, Russia) enter a war beside NK, wich is a pain in the ass of their allies?

Or could we have a WWI alike scenario? (Putin outmanliness, economic needs,add some madness) I don´t

think that the US is f***ed enough to be unable to stand up for it, so NK shall stand down. I hope.


Btw, the slow motion of my internet means that CyberSpace Command warriors started the war already, or

did I forget pay the bill ? :biggrin:

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Bulls**t, i hope.


I don´t know much about how would it be, but do you think that world economic ties would help

preventing third parties (China, Russia) enter a war beside NK, wich is a pain in the ass of their allies?

Or could we have a WWI alike scenario? (Putin outmanliness, economic needs,add some madness) I don´t

think that the US is f***ed enough to be unable to stand up for it, so NK shall stand down. I hope.


Btw, the slow motion of my internet means that CyberSpace Command warriors started the war already, or

did I forget pay the bill ? :biggrin:

The DRNK periodically needs a check. No check, they stir up trouble, threaten war, threaten this, threaten that. All they want is a check. Be nice to just say NO. Let them stew in their own pot. If pushed to desperation, which they are on the brink of constantly, they may wave the flag, blow the trumpet and march south. However, the source for the checks has its own problems and they may just have to get on the trail.

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This sh*t wasn't supposed to happen with Chairman Mao-bama in command. The world was supposed to love and respect us and dictators were supposed to run teary-eyed to us and beg for forgiveness. Wonder what went wrong?

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Hell the nuke they popped was a fizzle not a full on blast only dished out about 2 kilotons... Best plan invade and get the job done and dusted take out the leadership give the people access to the outside world e.g. Net access etc and then give them free elections and let them decide on what to do...


About time it was finished...

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This sh*t wasn't supposed to happen with Chairman Mao-bama in command. The world was supposed to love and respect us and dictators were supposed to run teary-eyed to us and beg for forgiveness. Wonder what went wrong?


Could it be the rest of the world really just doesn't give a damn whose name is on the door?

Besides, so far all that's changed is the talk, the actions haven't. At least, none that matter.

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