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Right on dave, well said. I think this community is "Boss!" as we say in liverpool, it means very good haha. The amount of people who have helped me overcome issues in the game is amazing. Just wanna say thanks to all you SF/WOX guru's out there. You do an excelent job at helping others. Dave i know sometimes i get things wrong when it comes to forum posts and we may get a little stressy and i just want to apologize for being a bit err how can i put it, rude when it comes to replying to your comments. But i know your just trying to make this forum as good as it can be, and you are doing an amazing job at it. THANKS DAVE!

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Well I think you all suck.the reason I hang put here is just that you all suck less than everyone else I know.Oh that and you don't seem to mind how much I suck. :wink:

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20-25 years ago, who would have thought SAC Warriors and Russian weapons designers (is that what lindr does?) would be able to communicate with and work on mutual supportive projects together for each others enjoyment?


Amazing really if you think about it.

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When I turn 21(legal age right?) ima buy all of the members a beer n mail it to ya! :good:


Or I can get a virtual one now...whichever you prefer...


Haha, here in Spain is legal since 16. :alcoholic: That´s why statistics say that we live 5 years longer

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Dave, how're you gonna keep the troops in line when you've gone and grown a big mangina all of a sudden?? Our enemies, the trolls, will see it as a weakness. A weakness I tells you!



I think Whiteknight deserves a round for that nugget of truth! lol :tongue::good:

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Right on, Dave!


The sims themselves are great enough. What makes them world class is the community here that dives in and produces some awesome mods and additions that stand as complete sims in their own right.


Were it not for this community, I'd have probably put the original WOX series up on the shelf long ago, and actually some work done.............




although I may never touch caramel again........



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I wrote this before Dave locked the other thread so I apologize...




Before this thread gets locked I want to say something from a physically disabled simmer point of view. I love all combat sims from light like crimson skies to Falcon AF. When I’m buying a sim I look for the regular things every simmer looks for IE FM, Weapon behavior, DM and etc. But the most important thing I look for is in-game preferences like torque on/off etc.


The reason for that is my disability. I have one useable arm/hand and can’t use a full HOTAS (love to have one but it’ll be useless) and can’t use my feet very well for rudder pedal system (again would love to have one…). So customizing the preferences is a must for me. I try to balance out the realism/gameplay. I turn on realistic fm, dm and etc but if a “normal” fm (like in WOx sims) feels right for me then I use it. When I buy a prop sim, I turn off torque mainly because my disability.


Now IMHO TW sims are VERY disabled friendly. I love the FMs especially from the Mirage Factory and LOOOVE their wep packs. If I could give TK an award I would. I’m glad I heard about TW.


Stigrl doesn’t understand that the now-gone sim companies tried to make people happy but because of that the companies became broke and cut off the relationship w/the fans.


IMHO that’s my 2 cents worth…damn that thread was locked.


Dave thank you for inviting me to the original C5 site (and introducing beautiful asian women to me) and here at CA. I’ll get a paid membership soon once I get my shooting mount. Got 266 saved so far WOOT!

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Champagne! Champagne for eve1ry one! I'm winking darling :biggrin:

If I complain at times for the lack of fire control computations, that is not to say that these sims and the CA forums continue to bring me a lot of fun and I love you all, and gosh my ovaries are really hot today.

:ghey: :drinks:

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Haha, here in Spain is legal since 16. :alcoholic: That´s why statistics say that we live 5 years longer

Same in France.

But whatever the law says, in the region I was born, french flanders -just like our brethern of Belgium- beer is just like our own blood.

Wait until 21?! Insane! :biggrin:

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I am still pretty new here but I have to say this is one of the most friendly and mature communities I have come across. I have seen more drama queen wanker pits than I ever wanted and am glad to find this place so civilized.

I hate drama queens (like that guy the other thread was about). I have seen more good small communities torn apart and die because of them.

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I wrote this before Dave locked the other thread so I apologize...





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I am not perfect by any means.

Maybe, but your new avatar is Perfect by all means.


Group Slug

to the moon Alice

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I am still pretty new here but I have to say this is one of the most friendly and mature communities I have come across. I have seen more drama queen wanker pits than I ever wanted and am glad to find this place so civilized.

I hate drama queens (like that guy the other thread was about). I have seen more good small communities torn apart and die because of them.


Well thankfully we've all been there, and done that with drama. Me and Dave used to moderate for the Ubi Soft Lock On boards..... and I'm glad they dropped me, because it was Drama City and you can only deal with so much before you realize you need something new. And after that experience, we don't want to see it return, but thankfully the people coming in are mature enough already, so it makes our lives easier. I've over the course here had like... one person that got on my nerves, but then again the rules that MadJeff outlined for us has kept us in chains too.

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see I wasn't lieing when I said I sucked.


The thing is, anyone would make a better singer than Joey Fatone. :biggrin:

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I say we still blame WarlordATF. :lol:

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I blame the eels, who were tempted by the laser cats, who were with WarlordATF at the time that stiglr started.

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I am still pretty new here but I have to say this is one of the most friendly and mature communities I have come across. I have seen more drama queen wanker pits than I ever wanted and am glad to find this place so civilized.

I hate drama queens (like that guy the other thread was about). I have seen more good small communities torn apart and die because of them.


The thing is, we want you to come here and want to come back! :yes: What's the point of opening forums if you're going to shut down dissent, or pretty much any opiniton that's not compliant with your own. Those people may as well just go and talk at themselves in a mirror. Here, we fans of a stack of stuff but specialise in in the TW games. Everyone who contributes seems to have a lot of fun getting their hands dirty in the guts of these sims, 99% of the community is supportive of each other and encouraging newer members getting into and enjoying this series. We (the community) have a pretty low tolerance of those who come with holier than thou attitudes seeking adulation, and rightly so I believe.


We have a good thing going here. Just about every other forum has pockets of helping members in a sea of twat types, but here the opposite holds true. And, yeah, we (the mods and members) get pissy from time to time, but I rarely ever see threads where someone has treated another with a complete lack of respect (I could prolly only count it on one hand personally). And given how we all come from incredibly diverse backgrounds, idelologies, religions, levels of awesomeness, etc, that's a pretty mean accomplishment! Personally, I'll tip my hat to and buy every single one of you for the contibutions you've all made to this series, no matter how small the contribution.


ps, Despite what I said about the rounds, don't come calling for the beer! I figure with 20 000+ members and a beer costing somewhere around the AUD $7 mark, I'd be spending AUD $140 000ish on you guys. I mean, I like you all, but not $140k worth. :no::biggrin:

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