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brits**ts courts rule again..W**kers

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OOOHHH IM SO F**IN ANGERY....to say the least..


Just been to court this morning...7 months ago my neice who is now 16,but was 15 at the time...was attacked and raped twice while at a school disco/party...she was beaten very badly..and a few weeks after the inncident she tried to take her own life with an overdose,she is still the most timid n terrified little girl i ever seen....yet this morning,the 4 boys who did this...3 admited it,1 admited being there and watching who are 2- 16 yr olds..a 13 and 14 yr old...what happend....TAG..they get put on a TAG,and have to be in there homes between 8pm and 7am..for 9 months...and that is it....yet a friend of my neice gets so angry in court he yells.."f***in wanker to the judge,and hope you have to go through same thing"..he gets held in custody for 2 hrs and fined £850....and 12 hrs community service.!!!!!!..


and the schools stance..." were very upset and disturbed that this happend on the school grounds"


you tell me...where the f*** is britain going with its justice...!!!


ill be on a killin spree soon .


PS...sorry for bad language


Edited by racindriver1

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Can understand why your upset - yep it seems that punishment defo doesnt fit the crime - and basically it looks like they can stick 2 fingers up and do it to another girl - a real sad case - surely an appeal must be going in?? Maybe you can take it to the press as well because if thats true its pretty poor.


Of course the issue is here - we cant do JS to minors aka kids like them but i would have expected them to be locked up under evaluation at least - IMO we all know they are old enough to take responsibility for that end of.


How good are tags anyway? - are they easy to remove?

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That's f***ing awful!


I've sorta been wondering about that too. Just going by what I hear on BBC World and from what I hear from my pommy buds, I hear you guys have a real problem with the PC police at the moment right when you need some leadership and effective decision making to stamp out these little wannabe gangsta punks and thugs who seem to be running rampant at the moment. I mean, even today I hear about a story of some tween Sh*theads trying to roast a pair of puppies alive!! PUPPIES!(read it here).


Personally, I hope the police get break off their leash and start breaking these little bastards' skulls!

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Britain is kaput, as we are. We get the same thing over here sometimes. I always looked at "parties" as something to avoid like a plague unless you are with good *long time* friends and stick with them. School disco/party? WretchFest Maximus. :no:

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It is a shame that things like this happen. there are many cases here in the U.S. with the same outcome I will say this if it were a member of my family that this happened to I would take justice into my own hands. If it were one of my family that caused this pain and suffering he would feel the same pain that he caused. Where are the values? what does this say about the parenting of todays kids were they can just watch something like this happen and not do something? I pray for your niece and her family. I know the boys that did this and were apart of this will get what is comming to them.

Edited by Viper6

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Let's see,


12hrs community service, that's fair...

£850 fine, that is not under the circumstances...


Now for the real culprits...


Electronic tag for 9 months ? That is not fair, unfortunately you have to think of the alternatives...

Prison ? If british prisons are even twice better as french ones, it will only make those little morons even more dangerous...

Fine ? How does that do justice to anyone ?

Putting their parents in prison (for default of education), and the idiots in foster care in the meantime, and maybe fining the school for not properly securing the children on school grounds ? While it may be a way to solve a larger problem it wouldn't represent justice in that particular case either.

Beating the idiots senseless ? While it may feel quite good and is rightly deserved, it wouldn't help your niece either, and probably wouldn't teach anything to the little punks.

I also guess the judge chose this lenient verdict because of the "young" age of the culprits, not taking into account the fact that if they are old enough to rape in such a way, they are old enough to face the consequences of their acts.


Oh, and the school's spokeperson needs a shovel experty applied on the cranium to get their ideas back in place... what ? The same events outside of the school ground would have been perfectly alright ? What disturbs them is that it happened on school grounds ? Idiots -_-


Justice is a difficult equilibrium to find, especially in cases where no verdict would really help the victim and redeem the culprits...

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Beating the idiots senseless ? While it may feel quite good and is rightly deserved, it wouldn't help your niece either, and probably wouldn't teach anything to the little punks.


Oh, I know violence isn't the answer... see my tag. :tongue:

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OOOHHH IM SO F**IN ANGERY....to say the least..


Just been to court this morning...7 months ago my neice who is now 16,but was 15 at the time...was attacked and raped twice while at a school disco/party...she was beaten very badly..and a few weeks after the inncident she tried to take her own life with an overdose,she is still the most timid n terrified little girl i ever seen....yet this morning,the 4 boys who did this...3 admited it,1 admited being there and watching who are 2- 16 yr olds..a 13 and 14 yr old...what happend....TAG..they get put on a TAG,and have to be in there homes between 8pm and 7am..for 9 months...and that is it....yet a friend of my neice gets so angry in court he yells.."f***in wanker to the judge,and hope you have to go through same thing"..he gets held in custody for 2 hrs and fined £850....and 12 hrs community service.!!!!!!..


and the schools stance..." were very upset and disturbed that this happend on the school grounds"


you tell me...where the f*** is britain going with its justice...!!!


ill be on a killin spree soon .


PS...sorry for bad language



It's crap like this that makes my bloodpressure the way it is.I'm so sorry to hear about your niece.While I feel the boys will get theres in the end It seems so unfair that earthly justic failded to exact justice.I'll say a prayer for you and your niece.I have had someone I loved go thru a rape and it will be an uphill battle for her.there is light at the end of the tunnel but while everyone else will see it to her it will seem like the world is ending.patiece is the key.understang and lots of love from family and friends is key.Also at some point wether sooner or latter counseling will make a huge difference.I wish you and your family the best of luck on this journy of healing.I wish I was in that court the boys would have begged for jail time.

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How good are tags anyway? - are they easy to remove?


tags are useless...if they are out of the house between the hourse..it beeps,police track em,and take them home,the school also made no comment on these boys...so guess they turn up to school as normal...the family have appealed,but more waiting..the boys couldnt be named n shamed due to there age at the moment..sick thing is...we had to sit and listen to the intimate details of eveything that happend to her,the police evidence was 100%..yet the boys didnt have to appear in court itself due to the age and there "saftey"...so they sat in another room....they even got praised for addmiting to what they had done,and realising how wrong it was...do judges live in real world..!!..well think we know answer to that.


even the police are ripping there hair out as they said it was a kick in the face to them for there work..!.


goes to show uk system is screwed...2 weeks ago i was watching a news report about a woman who was car jacked and punched...the judge threw it out on the grounds that she was too good of a witness/victim that the jury would favour her and not give fair trial...


x v x

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This whole situation just makes me want to vomit. Ethics and morals have taken a backseat to corruption, NIMBY, selfishness, and a whole boatload of other 'me-first' crap.


I say show the people the proof that the suspects ARE the guilty party, and let the public at them!



Where's Paul Kersey when you need him?

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Long story short justice in the UK puts criminals "civil rights" ahead of justice and the rights of the victim. They all addmitted the attack so the very least that should be done is to put them 24/7 in a young offenders institution untill they reach 18.

In an ideal world, all of them being fully aware of what they were doing their age really should not be relevent to the length of sentance, smply keep them segregatted from the adult prison population unti they reach 18 and then throw them to the lions.


In another case a few years back, one of my mates was jumped outside a pub by 3 guys and he put 2 of them in hospital... he was at the time an active duty Marine... The incident was caught on camera and yet he having clearly deffended himself from the 3 neds was charged with assault, discharged and sentenced to two years.

So from this we can take that the appropriate responce when assaulted with a knife is to accept your going to be stabbed and posssibly killed, heaven forbid you break your attackers arm and escape uninjured!



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No the Judges dont often live in the real world - that seems to be a major flaw!! - although they are no doubt bound by ridiculous laws designed to appease PC tw@s - and im really not sure who invited them to have a say because they really get my back up - the way they sympathise with all crims and terrorists - to the point the victim comes worse off - thats not supposed to happen ever!!!


Makes you wonder if they would agree with their laws if they suffered a similar fate - of course not! they would be jumping up and down shouting kill kill kill - cos they are human.....

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The British justice system is fairly sound. The laws are there. The only problem is the judiciary. A frightening amount of them are either too f**king bored or too drunk to listen to the goings on of the 'commoners'. Either that or they're too busy dreaming about what kind of lingerie their mistress will be wearing tonight.

Over at my end of the Irish Sea the whole system is a TOTAL F**KING JOKE. And that applies to the whole system here - the law; the justice system AND the judiciary. To give you a perfect example, there was a girl I went to school with years ago was raped IN HER OWN HOUSE by a guy, who after being given a suspended sentence, travelled back from Dublin ON THE SAME TRAIN as her! Then, when the train stopped at their destination he spat on her on the platform.


It makes you wonder sometimes if solutions like these are the answer:


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[quote name='dwcace' date='Feb 5 2009, 03:41 PM' post='243268!



Where's Paul Kersey when you need him?


thats the kind of thinking i like...!!!!....


but thank you all and that was very sweet of ya whiteknight.


xx v xx

Edited by racindriver1

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I just consulted my Code of Criminal law. In Spain (theorically less punishing) as you told it and what i guess,

they would get from 16 to 20 years in jail and loose the balls, charged for rape (with several enardening circunstances)

and injuries.

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OOOHHH IM SO F**IN ANGERY....to say the least..


Just been to court this morning...7 months ago my neice who is now 16,but was 15 at the time...was attacked and raped twice while at a school disco/party...she was beaten very badly..and a few weeks after the inncident she tried to take her own life with an overdose,she is still the most timid n terrified little girl i ever seen....yet this morning,the 4 boys who did this...3 admited it,1 admited being there and watching who are 2- 16 yr olds..a 13 and 14 yr old...what happend....TAG..they get put on a TAG,and have to be in there homes between 8pm and 7am..for 9 months...and that is it....yet a friend of my neice gets so angry in court he yells.."f***in wanker to the judge,and hope you have to go through same thing"..he gets held in custody for 2 hrs and fined £850....and 12 hrs community service.!!!!!!..


and the schools stance..." were very upset and disturbed that this happend on the school grounds"


you tell me...where the f*** is britain going with its justice...!!!


ill be on a killin spree soon .


PS...sorry for bad language


Even here in Italy we're plenty of this horrible strories.

Know to public at least 4 of these facts in the last month.

And the """law""" instead of protect the victims seems to protect criminal....


For me the the right way to fight those bastards is...... well....NAPALM

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Every day when I enter classes of law at 7 in the morning I ask my self what am I doing studying the law at all. It seems so much more comfortable to lie in bed with woman and dog.

I stayed in bed today.

I think I did the right thing instead of keeling over in front of tomes written by self-righteous old farts who have the least inkling of how to deal with human beings.

Justice, dear racindriver1, is a another grandiose dream sold by humanity and all its evils. After all what we be if we had nothing to look forward to.

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[quote name='dwcace' date='Feb 5 2009, 03:41 PM' post='243268!



Where's Paul Kersey when you need him?



thats the kind of thinking i like...!!!!....


but thank you all and that was very sweet of ya whiteknight.


xx v xx


NP RD. I'm pretty apathetic about most things but you never hurt a woman or child in front of me and expect to keep your parts in order.

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This is very sad.


I guess we get accused of a "cowboy mentality" here in the states but I'm not apologizing for it. We recently had an incident here where some punks pulled a gun on a shop owner. The shop owner was also armed and shot both of them in self-defense. He was cleared as having justification for using deadly force. End of story. Yes, I feel for the families of the victims but what do you expect when you threaten someone with a gun. You can't fix stupid.

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Sorry to hear that Racin.

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I guess we get accused of a "cowboy mentality" here in the states


Here is my Punk-Buster:



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Here is my Punk-Buster:


I have some old CCI Lawman loads for that ACP. They sport hollow point cavities big enough to allow them to double for a shot glass :good:

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Sorry to hear, it's things like this that make me wonder why I still live in this country.

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I guess i've been sorta lucky in the places i've lived throughout my life. For the most parts it's been some really crappy areas. Like the last place, North Las Vegas, better known as Northtown. Straight barrio, ghetto, hood, whatever. Pure S**thole without a doubt.


With only two saving graces.



The legendarily brutal Police who seemingly live to beat the crap out of pests like those described above. "Rights of the criminal" usually means the right to an a**kicking if they think you warrant it. Get really annoying and they'll probaly kill you. In the Las Vegas area a cop hasn't been found guilty of a killing in over 100 years.



The fact that you can pretty much get away with anything if you are a relatively straight citizen and are defending youself against crime is the other grace. "If you find him there, leave him there" is the attitude towards house burglars. No one really cares if you kill a punk on your property or in self-defense while out in public. A Wild West view still predominates here and "justice" tends to be pretty harsh.


Rapists for example, are smart to keep their mouth shut while in the Tank because they will get stomped by other inmates. Last April i spent a week locked up on a battery charge(I walked, they bought my story) and was thankful that it was a "righteous" crime i committed. If i was a Rapo or Shorteyes i would have had to be in solitary for my own protection. The guards won't exactly be in a hurry to find out who dealt with you.

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