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Patch/add On's

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I think that the new add on f-18 should be in the form of a patch. It just would not make any sence to pay for some thing that's just a more complete version of what we already have.


I also hope screen buffering and tripple buffering gets added to the options menu. Using Wav files was a bad idea because the game does not use a sound engine like most games do. Thats why they had problems with it most likely. So adding some revised code might help a lot of the performace problems that we have when theres a lot of aircraft. This is becuase it's repeating code for diffrent sound files.


Also one more thing for a patch that would be nice is the code fix from what the russians did and the other teams did. It's very ambiguos becuase of the diffrences in the way russians program and the rest of the world. It's seems like there is a little but of miss communication because there is such a big gap in code that's causeing a memory leak.


Looking at some of the code my self there are to many catch statments that are a work around to preventing CTD's. And also the sound coding is using some cout statments that are ineffiecent for this type of advanced program engine.


So for a patch it would be best if the team could go back and fix up some of the code and make some conversions. I wish I could help :D

Edited by lexicon

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Don't hold your breath Lex, ED has already stated they are not giving away things for free anymore. Patches will be free, addons will be $$. I personally don't have a problem with that, it seems to be the way of things anymore.

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I will not hold my breath:) but I guess if the add on will make lock on better then what the hell it's only money right? But I would say if the game sells well then at the very least a few patches is needed for the base Lock on code. :wacko::wacko:

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I have no doubts they will get the bugs fixed, they have more than proven to me they are sincere about fixing things.


I don't have the final yet, but I've been following the problem threads pretty closely. What i've found is if you sift through all the posts, they pretty much boil down to a couple of bugs. Not bad in my book. Especially since I suffered throught the nightmare that was Falcon4 the first 8 months... ;)

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Just speaking for myself and I just got the game today I wouldn't mind paying for an F/A-18 add on, And I would love to see some two seaters flyable in the game IE. F-14 (please please please) Tornado, SU-34.


Just my .2$




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Yep I would gladly fork over some more bucks for a add-on as well. Especially for a Hornet (or a Tomcat wouldnt be bad).


I think alot of the guys over on the Ubi forum are being really hard on them about the bugs. I can understand that as much as its been hyped and put off so many times but I can't imagine the strains from management put on the developers to get the Sim out to market. Matt and crew must eat aspirin like tic-tacs.


I missed the Flanker experience but these guys seem like they are dedicated to getting things right.


As far as the patch, I just hope they work on helping out with the FPS issues alot of folks are experiencing, it kinda sucks to have all that eye-candy in there and not be able to use it.


I'm only on Mission 2 in the A-10 campaign and I dunno if its the clouds or what but my FPS is down to 15-20 whereas the 'quick flight' with the A-10 I can get 40+.

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If the F-14 and F-18, and perhaps a Harrier or Tornado was added, and they were involved in campaigns fully or had their own campaigns. I would gladly pay say another 20 bucks for a full functional and realist F-14 and F-18 addon. And another 20 for the UK addon.


What would be choice though would be a larger addon for about 30-40 more dollars. That would have the US Navy involved, and some Euro planes. Say a pack of 5-6 more planes with campaigns and all the other stuff.


I already believe that the game is worth another 10 or 20 considering that it will be fixed (hopefully by the time I get it... in about a week), and that it is the finest sim to ever come out.


Now think about how much MS SF Pro costs... isnt it like 80-100 bucks? (dont know, dont have it, but seen it). With LOMAC you get something of better quality, but I was a bit dissapointed with the plane selections, but adding the planes that I want (and seem to be some very popular ones) and charging a fair price seems more than reasonable to me.


So yes I will cast my vote again for paying for added planes. Hell I just dropped 50 on CoD and its basically Medal of Honor reincarnated (same Dev guys). Lomac is original and awesome, and worth every penny they want us to throw at it.





Little edit here: Hopefully ED can build a real fanbase with this sim and come out with a sequal in a few years. Possibly LOMAC II and have the newer planes in their like the Su-35 or 37, F-22, Rafale, etc, etc, etc. They've got real potential, and I dont care how long it takes. The demo was awesome, and I will be getting the game soon, and be playing my ass off. Money is not really an object when you get a good product, and proper support, atleast thats my view of it. Hell I could be spending my money on worse things. :D

Edited by snapple2993

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Snapple: I agree with you completely, I just hope that with some luck LOMAC will be able to revive a fairly small software niche.


Another thing I'd like to see is the JP-233 or the MW-1 to the Tornado.


Having played a lot of the night and having had a lot of fun in most of the flyables (I never was that impressed by the Mig-29), I am really falling for this game.


One issue is bothering me though the Tico class has the mast of the two first units (both of wich had the twin arm Mk-26 launcher fore and aft) All subsequent units in the class carry a tripod mainmast to save weight, and the AEGIS in this game is totally ineffective, wich is pretty impressive considering the non-classified abilities of said system.


Well I think I have ranted and wailed enough here for one day, I will enjoy LOMAC a little more!




Edited by Danish_Squid

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Just a "dimb" question: Why so much ppl want the F/A-18. In my opinion it would be much better to get a F15-E or a Harrier ( this would be really funny). Do all the canadians want the F/A-18 because they are in their AF ?


Thx for answers !




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Can't speak for others but I the F-18 and/or F-14 for CarrierOps.

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We want US Carrier ops... its that simple... and the F-18 seems ready to go, so thats what we've picked... its the most logical and probable first add-on... no we dont need another Eagle, just like we didnt need 3 different versions of the Mig 29.


'course thats just my opinion.




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I love the game so far! I would like to see add-ons, a la Jane's, from US Navy Fighters to NATO Fighters to ATF to Fighters Anthology, for example. I agree with Snapple in that a logical progression would be carrier ops next, then what have you. I would be willing to pay for addons, it's only fair to the developers for their time and effort.


It's funny that you mentioned Falcon4, MadJeff! I still fly it, but it was indeed a nightmare for the first 6 to 8 months. Whenever I hear grumblings about bugs in LOMAC, I just laugh because if they had that same experience, maybe they would appreciate LOMAC and how hard Wags, Carl, and Co are working to make LOMAC enjoyable for all.

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I think what we will see is a good payware addon FA18C and then once the bugs are squashed and everyone is content with LockOn for the time being we will see ED start working on a sequal (hopefully) which would include some of the UK stuff like the Mirage, and maybe even the Harrier. Who really knows to be honest because that is way down the road. Of course nothing will ever happen if ED doesnt get our full support and the sales numbers for LockOn dont get where UbiSoft wants them.

Im not saying we shouldnt make ED aware of bugs and issues, but the constant flood of "this game sux" from those who are clueless really hurt in the scheme of things.

I would like to see LockOn take the same type of path that IL2 has with constant support and a sequal being released. Its all up to us though.

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I won't buy any addons until they've done something about the state of the current game.

I'm hoping they will optimize this bad boy to run on something besides a Cray.

Until then I wait and hope. :huh:

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Its just speculation, for the most part, I do recall someone on the DEV Team saying something about a possible F18 after release, but obiously the patches must come first.


If you havent looked at the screen shots, then check them out in the gallery here. You will notice that the detail on the F-18 is by far the most pristine of all the AI aircraft... hence the speculation that we will see it added... atleast thats why I'm hopin'.




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There was ongoing support for Flanker when support for other sims was LONG gone. We have seen the same kind of support for IL-2 and FB. These folks don't dump and run. You can count on them being there. That's why I buy their stuff. They have never let me down. They won't let us down this time either.


Right out of the box I feel that I got a lot more than $39.99 worth of sim (rather than pure arcade) and things are only going to get better. Hell, the Hog alone is worth $39.99! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a decent version of THAT baby! :-)

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Seriously you guys need to forget about 2 seat aircraft like tomcats tornado and Su-34. It's not going to happen for a long time if ever.


The initial patch is the number one priority.


Then MAYBE and addon. Then MAYBE an F/A-18. And it won't be free. These people gotta eat. They aren't making THAT much money.

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Seems that Janes USNF did a decent job of doing the F-14 (even though it was a survey sim). Perhaps if Ubi were to dive more into it I'm sure they could find some creative solutions.


Ya I know people want total realism, but some of us just want some different planes. I'll sacrifice some realism for naval aviation.


Perhaps have an option to fly in either seat, and have the ability to switch between the two. Might be a pain in the ass to learn, but I'm sure people would pick it up eventually.


The ultimate of course would be having two human pilots flying over MP in the same plane, talking over RW. Of course this is probably a dream that wouldnt be realized for a few years to come... if ever.


Thats all,


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Must be from Missouri. :-)

Edited by Cretin

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