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Lockon Manager 1.0 Released

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This utility allow to tweak Lockon better than Lockon original interface may do.

This utility allow to tweak parameters which are actually BUGGED (not saved) within lockon interface

it can also tweak parameters to lower values or greater values than the Lockon interface

It's very useful for Low-end PC and High-end PC.




Download below



Have fun !


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Didn't work. I installed and tried to run it but it couldn't find it's own executable from it's own icon in the folder it made in the Start list that it inserted itself into. I went into the folder found the exe and double clicked on it and it didn't even know that it was the executable to itself. Very strange.

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You lost me :)

Starting it up.. it just asks for the path to your Lock-on folder and executable. It worked for me ok.


Now just waiting for some feedback to see if this puppy helps any ;)

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Thanx for your time and effort.


First time I ran it, it worked just fine. Then I started Lomac, and all the textures were gone ! Then I exited Lomac, to restart Loman, only to get 'application error'.


Every time I start Loman I cant choose any options. I get a 'application error'.


Unistalled , removed reg entries , reinstalled , same problem. Looks like a good program too , would like to use it...







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1.5 version preview :)


Development is finished !

now i'am tracking last bugs !

now it will work also on 95/95/ME


beta tester will receive soon a beta version

if you want to be beta tester



here is -Addon MAKER Window-




Here is -Addon installation MANAGER window



best regards


Edited by Skypat

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Hows this thing working for people?? Is it helping anyone with their FPS? I would like to try it if it does.

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For what it's worth...


It didn't affect FPS on my particular system. That doesn't necessarily mean that it won't affect FPS on your system. The only way to know it to give it a try. I did encounter some bug problems as mentioned in the previous posts. Ultimately I removed it primarily because there wasn't any benefit with my system. Skypat does say that it is of greatest benefit for those with very high end or very low end systems. If your system doesn't fall into either of those catagories you may not benefit.


Athlon 2200 XP+, 1.83 ghz, 266 FSB

1024 mb DDR

Radeon 9800, 128 mb, 4 x AGP

Asus A7V333

Windows XP Home

IBM Deskstar 7200 rpm


No overclocking


Included system specs as a reference point for you. Hope that this is helpful in answering your question.



Edited by Cretin

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Hey super TY! :D

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For what it's worth...


It didn't affect FPS on my particular system. That doesn't necessarily mean that it won't affect FPS on your system. The only way to know it to give it a try. I did encounter some bug problems as mentioned in the previous posts. Ultimately I removed it primarily because there wasn't any benefit with my system. Skypat does say that it is of greatest benefit for those with very high end or very low end systems. If your system doesn't fall into either of those catagories you may not benefit.


Athlon 2200 XP+, 1.83 ghz, 266 FSB

1024 mb DDR

Radeon 9800, 128 mb, 4 x AGP

Asus A7V333

Windows XP Home

IBM Deskstar 7200 rpm


No overclocking


Included system specs as a reference point for you. Hope that this is helpful in answering your question.



it should improve FPS on all config

because you can tweaks over 20 settings in advanced mode which are not available with lockon interface

ie: tree density, object density,etc..Etc...

and you can use value lower or higher than lockon interface


1.5 is upcoming with addon MAKER and installation MANAGER


best regards


Edited by Skypat

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I download ver1.0final when I installed it, it locked up at the registering fonts message. Tried to install several times to same end. If theres any information I can give to help you along with this let me know. I would'nt mind being a beta tester if you need more.





Edited by ptmyers

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Can someone upload this LoMan program HERE at Biohaz? I can't get to Checksix from here in Iraq. I'd really really appreciate it.

Edited by Hawker1

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Hawker, I couldn't get it thru check six either, but was able to download it from www.9thawacs.com Hope this helps buddy, and be safe!

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Thanks much! Roger that, I will. :)


Darn, still won't work for me. It's trying to download from Checksix again.

That site is blocked here. Oh well, gonna have to wait another month until I get

back to the states.

Edited by Hawker1

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I'm looking into to seeing if we can get LoMan 1.52Final up in the File Download area. I will let you know as soon as I do.

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I have posted this on other forums but for some reason LOMAN seems to "reset" my graphics and renables the A-10 TVM for me. I have the but with the black screen TVM, but I discovered that if I go back into LOMAN and reapply the settings I get it back. I seem to lose it when I try to fly a campaign or a large mission or several missions in a row. Go out reapply and it's back.


Great program, thanks for your efforts.

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The new version is up in the files area...

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Thanks MadJeff, got it! I'll try it out after work today. I really appreciate it.

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