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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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Well I just got home from this 2.5 hour epic. WOW! It's a typical Michael Bay film, tons and TONS of explosions. I think 2 minutes was the most between explosions. B-1's, F-16's, F/A-18's, LCAC's, AH-1W's, UH-1N's, M1's, M2's, OH MY! Hell they even threw in some MLRS' with ATACM's.


Great movie, more action then the first, and the mom is pretty flippin funny, along with a couple of the Autobot's and one Decepticon in particular.


9/10, would pay full price to see it again, especially in IMAX......



P.S. No spoilers please......

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I won't see it till Saturday, when I plan on heading in right after lunch!

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Just saw it today and all I can say is....... damn that's a long movie. It was good all in all. Very action packed, but geez did it take a while to get to the end. I had to get up at one point to use the restroom in the middle of the movie because I had consumed too much soda too soon for this show.


The only gripe that I can put on this is the reuse of some scenes from the original movie. I thought that was kind of tacky. There were some other things that could've done without such as a scene of a particular agent's undergarments as he strips in front of the camera and the display of a decpticon's genatalia to name a few. Such scenes I found as a detraction to the quality that movie brought and was really un-necessary. If those scenes were cut out, I think it would have brought a more acceptable time length to the movie.


One thing to look forward to... lots of beauty shots of Megan Fox! Infact, there was an equal balance of action scenes and Megan Fox scenes.


Anyways, I will be seeing this again.... tomorrow.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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I'm going Friday, my son as been talking about going to see this for years.

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One thing to look forward to... lots of beauty shots of Megan Fox! Infact, there was an equal balance of action scenes and Megan Fox scenes.


:yikes: Allright. Your technical advise on special effects and artistic issues made me take the decision. Mainly concerned on special effects and artistic issues

Edited by macelena

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Taking my boys on Sunday to see it. I am going just to see Megan Fox.....

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It's been getting terrible reviews....maybe because the movie critics are thinking in terms of character and plot development, meaning or other crap they eat up in girly movies.


This sounds more like a pure man movie: drool over megan fox, explosions, drool over megal fox, repeat...

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This sounds more like a pure man movie: drool over megan fox, explosions, drool over megal fox, repeat...


Yep that's a pure guy movie to me, Autobots kicking ass and Mega(n) Fox.

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Well i just saw it today. Went with my jarhead cousin. Like all Micheal Bay movies it is basically high budget explosions. The acting was ok, but the story was kinda hard to swallow and some of the stuff was outright chessey. I like how in the end the Jordanians and Egyptians let us basically invade their countries and destroy their landmarks in a matter of minutes. The afterburner equipped reaper (they called them predators of course) were funny and the stylized railgun was cool.


If you want to see a bunch of explosions and product placement go ahead and see it. If you want to see a good story unfold then look elsewhere.

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f you want to see a bunch of explosions and product placement go ahead and see it. If you want to see a good story unfold then look elsewhere.


It's about giant transforming sentient robots. Pretty sure I'm not going to be seeing Shakespeare on the screen.



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It's about giant transforming sentient robots. Pretty sure I'm not going to be seeing Shakespeare on the screen.




Indeed. I can't wait to see Megan Fox... and the explosions too.


BTW, The "jet powered Reaper" is actually called the Avenger.

Edited by Vampyre

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Good to see that the Transformers movies are following the classic trilogy effect: First movie =good guys win, 2nd move =bad guys come back, 3rd movie =some sort of resolution, like overall victory for one side (à la Star Wars trilogy) or some sort of a truce, tie or standoff (à la Pirates of the caribbean).


If I can scrape up 20 bucks I'll go see it. It may not have motorcycle chase scenes and intricate, accurate aerial combat scenes, but explosions are acceptable as well. As is Megan Fox.

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Unless it shows up here, I'll have to wait a few months to see it. My wife was taking my son to see it yesterday or over the weekend. I'm sure I'll get the rundown from him.


Looking forward to the pure entertainment factor!

Edited by ST0RM

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What I got is..


USAF is the most power in this world<-----NOT ONLY earth.


We know they destroyed Transformers. :rofl:

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Pretty sure I'm not going to be seeing Shakespeare on the screen.




Not from Michael Bay anyways... :biggrin:


What I took away from it:


-Meagan Fox kicks arse!

-Isabelle whatshername (the blonde Aussie chick with no personality) plays crazy stalker woman a little too well for comfort.

-Michael Bay loves his panning, spinning shots. Don't sit near the screen or you'll get queasy!

-Michael Bay digs finding new and more innovative ways of getting Meagan Fox's boobs to jiggle...

(Count the number of slo-mo jiggly scenes! I swear it's like 15... I'm not complaining, but sooner or later he's gotta answer some difficult questions from his wife...)



I gotta go with Erwin a little too. I was a little disappointed that only the US and UK were represented in the NEST team. There were tonnes of nationalities in the comics and cartoon series. But it's not like it was a big part of the story. I gotta say two thing bugged me about the film. The MASSIVE amount of ancient ruins destroyed and the Blackbird with the stupid, stereotyped British accent.




Also, look for the drone that takes off and appears latter without it's pusher prop and the F-16s that head into combat without live ordinance... Yeah, I know, I'm a trainspotter. :no:



PS, did it disturb anyone else that evil blonde Decepticon chick's tongue appeared from her butt initially??? Freaked me out...

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Also, look for the drone that takes off and appears latter without it's pusher prop and the F-16s that head into combat without live ordinance... Yeah, I know, I'm a trainspotter. :no:


If you think that's bad, how about when they are in the Smithsonian, then go out the door and BOOM they are in AMARC.....

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Wow a movie about robots that transform, a fiction film and people are looking for technincal accuracy. OMG what a joke. Its entertainment, not a history lesson. Who gives a flying rats ass whose country was in it? It was a conspiracy, we wanted to shut everyone out just to once again to piss the world off. The US Govt made sure Michael Bay went out of his way to offend other nations. :blink::ok:

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Wow a movie about robots that transform, a fiction film and people are looking for technincal accuracy. OMG what a joke. Its entertainment, not a history lesson. Who gives a flying rats ass whose country was in it? It was a conspiracy, we wanted to shut everyone out just to once again to piss the world off. The US Govt made sure Michael Bay went out of his way to offend other nations. :blink::ok:



LOL well said.

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Indeed. I can't wait to see Megan Fox... and the explosions too.


BTW, The "jet powered Reaper" is actually called the Avenger.


I know what the avenger looks like. It's not an avenger. The avenger has an internal weapons bay and these had pylons. They defiantly made a 3d model of a predator or reaper and substituted a jet engine. The things looked like they had the read ends of global hawks albeit with afterburners. And the liberal use of Air Force stock footage with training ordinance was nice. Man those F-22's got to Giza pretty fast......


Anyways I did enjoy it, but I guess I just look for a bit more depth/seriousness in my action films. And I didn't mean to drag it down in to nitpicking technical stuff. But I enjoy laughing at such things.

Edited by zmatt

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I guess I just look for a bit more depth/seriousness in my action films.


Action film with depth and seriousness? I will forgive you and your blasphemy.


j/k :lol:

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Saw it last week - anything that has me on the edge of the seat is ace - and this really is a true Hollywood action blockbuster - massive effects, massive robots, massive robots standing on aircraft carriers - gorgeous girls in pop video poses - as for everything else - who cares!!! great film

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The Avenger as it appeared in the film is the way the early concepts of it appeared. The film remember was worked on mostly last year, with the finishing work this year. The real Avenger was only revealed in the last month or so, so how would they know what it looked like?

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The Avenger as it appeared in the film is the way the early concepts of it appeared. The film remember was worked on mostly last year, with the finishing work this year. The real Avenger was only revealed in the last month or so, so how would they know what it looked like?


Good point. They still called it a predator though. Even if it is an avenger that much still annoys me. The were also able to stick in swine flu and obama so they did have time to go back and change other things.

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ok lots of SFX,but the first movie was more better than this in my opinion!

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Saw it last night. While I definately liked the movie, I can never tell who is winning a fight until its over: parts seem to go flying left and right, heavy damage looks like its being done, then the Transformer I think is winning gets destroyed. But the action was obviously good, and at least Megatron and Starscream actually had speaking roles in this one!

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