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RAF Tornado F3 crashed, both aircrew killed

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Very sad news.


Didn't know that F3s would be operating so low though. Is that normal?

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allenjb42[/b]]Didn't know that F3s would be operating so low though. Is that normal



When I was in Scotland in 2006, on several occasions, I saw Tornados flying in the weeds. I think on both occasions where they were very low, the aircraft were F3s. Judging by the fact that I saw Tornados flying around 10,000 feet and less than 1000, I'd say its normal.

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With the cutting back of the F3 force something like this hits twice as hard.

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Very sad news indeed, and condolences to the families of both the crew. :salute: Some armourer has drawn the short straw this afternoon, and will have to make the seats safe before the bodies can be removed, I really don't envy him/her.


Air defence is not just about high level intercepts, crews must be competent at flying their jet down to 250ft AGL too, after all that's probably where the bad guys will be in any shooting war.


Here's a good example!



Edited by Planejunky

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With the cutting back of the F3 force something like this hits twice as hard.


My thoughts as well.



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Very sad!

The pic is a cracker!


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Air defence is not just about high level intercepts, crews must be competent at flying their jet down to 250ft AGL too


Ill never forget a few years back while my parents and I were driving on a road that overlooks a deep valley in North Wales I could hear a jet engine thundering around very close but could'nt see it anywhere. Coming to a part in the road that is pretty close to the edge of the cliff I was looking out of the window and could'nt believe my eyes when I seen a Tornado flying below me!. It must have only been around 80-100ft to the valley floor and there I was looking down on a Tornado screaming through the valley. Rather peculiar experience watching it from above I must say



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Ill never forget a few years back while my parents and I were driving on a road that overlooks a deep valley in North Wales I could hear a jet engine thundering around very close but could'nt see it anywhere. Coming to a part in the road that is pretty close to the edge of the cliff I was looking out of the window and could'nt believe my eyes when I seen a Tornado flying below me!. It must have only been around 80-100ft to the valley floor and there I was looking down on a Tornado screaming through the valley. Rather peculiar experience watching it from above I must say



There's some great pictures on Airliners.net that were taken in the LFA's, that link was just one of many! North Wales and Cumbria are two very good spots, but you need to be fit and good at hiking to get to a good vantage point! :biggrin:

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There's some great pictures on Airliners.net that were taken in the LFA's, that link was just one of many! North Wales and Cumbria are two very good spots, but you need to be fit and good at hiking to get to a good vantage point! :biggrin:


Yeah i know the Tornado GR.4's do alot of training in the lake district if you fancy a peak up there.


RIP To the crew and my condolences to the family. :salute:

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"Rest and be thankfull" is an absolute beautyspot in Scotland, a spectecular mountain pass on the way to Inverarray, and I've been there many times. Strange as it may sound, it is a beautiful place to end your life (even if it's far too early.......)

May the crew indeed rest and be thankfull .........



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RIP, prayers and thoughts to all families impacted by this tragedy ! :salute:

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When I was in Scotland in 2006, on several occasions, I saw Tornados flying in the weeds. I think on both occasions where they were very low, the aircraft were F3s. Judging by the fact that I saw Tornados flying around 10,000 feet and less than 1000, I'd say its normal.



I've seen Tornados just above tree top level many times (when I was a young lad they would come in over Loch Maree and fly over my grandparent's bungalow). Have also seen them flying below my friends who were para-gliding near Loch Ness. It's when you see the pilots look at you as you wave to them, that makes living up here very special.


RIP gentlemen. :salute:

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