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Herr Prop-Wasche


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If you have an nVidia graphics card, DO NOT install the 196.75 driver update! Some users of other games have reported that the new drivers have a glitch which disables the graphics card fan, causing some cards to overheat and die! nVidia has withdrawn the latest drivers from their website.


Here is their announcement:

196.75 GeForce alert!

We are aware that some customers have reported fan speed issues with the latest 196.75 WHQL drivers on NVIDIA.co.uk. Until we can verify the root cause for this issue, we recommend that customers stay with, or return to 196.21 WHQL drivers. The 196.75 drivers have been temporarily removed from our website.


I have an EVGA card, and they recommend going back to the 196.21 drivers which you can obtain from nVidia's website. To enable overclocking, also download the latest update to EVGA's Precision O/C utility (v1.9.1).

Edited by Herr Prop-Wasche

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It's been a long time since I last updated my graphics drivers. If it ain't broken, don't fix it. But I suppose if you have the latest model, you have to update it constantly to make it work with games.

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I am so happy to be a ATI Radeon user...

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I am so happy to be a ATI Radeon user...


Me too this time.

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I wonder if they'll be compensating people who had their cards fried by this driver?

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Thanks for the heads-up Herr Prop-Wasche. I'm running 196.21 so I'm good, and I just recently went to those after putting off my card driver updates for a year. I'm with Hasse Wind, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


I will say however that I'm very pleased with the 196.21 version, coupled with the nHancer software. Between the two I now have zero jaggies and ultra-smooth Track IR performance, (not that it was bad before mind you).




And I was wondering the same thing myself Siggi.



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I've always been an nVidia user, not because I am a fanboi, but because the cards always seemed to give the best bang for the buck (or pound, euro, etc). Lately, however, nVidia seems to have had some quality control problems, along with buggy drivers. Time to consider an ATI card for my next purchase...

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Well what-do-you-know finally proof that the term 'Newer' is not always 'Better' has presented itself on the scene. I thought it rather appearent when Rickitycrate lost all the color in his monitor, but not-to-worry a Driver rollback solved the problem. Now this . . . I've always said another Driver might 'Cure' your problem, but this one seems to 'Create' a few dntknw.gif



blink.gif There have been others. I had a problem with mine and had to rollback the drivers to solve the problem.

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Well what-do-you-know finally proof that the term 'Newer' is not always 'Better' has presented itself on the scene. I thought it rather appearent when Rickitycrate lost all the color in his monitor, but not-to-worry a Driver rollback solved the problem. Now this . . . I've always said another Driver might 'Cure' your problem, but this one seems to 'Create' a few dntknw.gif

That's right Uncleal. I all of a sudden had a number of problems. So I rolled back and mucked about deleting things along the way. I found OFF would not run, a fatal error of some type. So I reloaded OFF and then I got a message from Comcast of changing from McAfee to Norton so I had to make that change. Norton seems better and gives more tools. I deleted some more temp files and such. Anyway I've not flown for 2 weeks but everything should be "go" now and my laptop is running much better than it has for months.

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the latest ATI 10.2 drivers are also horrible (sh!!!T). Both graphics giants make mistakes.



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the latest ATI 10.2 drivers are also horrible (sh!!!T). Both graphics giants make mistakes.





I'm curious...what problems? New drivers with an older card, maybe? FWIW, I haven't experienced any problems with 10.2 Windows 7 64 bit drivers with a new 5770 card.


I agree that both companies make mistakes...I've used both nVidia and ATI, and neither one is foolproof.

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Thanks for that


Yeah, I swap between Nvidia and ATI (same as I do for Intel / AMD)


It doesn't pay to be a fanboi of one or the other (imho)


It's just a case of "OK..I want to upgrade...so lets go through all the options/advantages/disadvantages...and chose accordingly"


I happen to be Intel and Nvidia at the moment..but that could change next time around (especially if Nvidia are frying their own cards!!)

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I never get them when they first come out. Same thing as when I had my ATI and AMD stuff. If there are any bugs, I don't want to be the teast rat who finds out the hard way. I give them a few weeks first. Even though my card uses the Nvidia Chipset, I wait until eVGA has them posted. Usually by then, they are good.

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I'd like to personally thank all the beta testers out there who can't help themselves and must have it, and must have it now, whatever it may be. Never was so much owed to so many by so many ....

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Dear BirdDogICT,


I have an Asus 5970 card and they dont work with the 10.2 drivers. I have had the GSOD (grey screen of death) with the drivers.


For more information read the ATI/AMD forums.




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Dear BirdDogICT,


I have an Asus 5970 card and they dont work with the 10.2 drivers. I have had the GSOD (grey screen of death) with the drivers.


For more information read the ATI/AMD forums.




I had read about the GSOD when deciding to buy a new card...that's why I chose a 5770, seemed to have the fewest problems. Also pretty good bang for the buck.


ATI has had some problems lately, but on the whole I've been happy, at least until the cards burn up after a year. My 4870 is in for warranty repair/replacement now. I bought it to play BHaH and it now fails to POST after 13 months of use. Gets expensive paying $250-350 every year for a new graphics card. I always go overboard on case cooling, so you'd think they'd last a little longer.


Hope ATI gets your driver problem sorted out.

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Dear BirdDogICT,


Thanx for sharing ur ATI problems with me.


"Hope ATI gets your driver problem sorted out"


Enjoy the day.





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Had 'issues' with the GEFarce Nsidious card last year to the tune of $400 US. googled 'nvidia gefarce' when the trouble started (as in pixxillated screen, then blank) and had 1.2 million hits. was contacted by a law firm regarding a 'class action' lawsuit regarding systemic failure of the graphics card chips on a global, if not galactic scale. seems they had a bad chip run, or something-they overheated and the board failed....


I'll be shopping for a true gamer's system this summer..


capn rick

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nVidia has released 197.13 drivers if anyone is brave enough....blink.gif me...I'm gonna wait a wee bit...

Edited by steve58

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I updated and had to roll back. It led to a lot of trouble but my rig is good now. Laptop vers. 186.81. All I care about is running OFF and this will do until, if ever, I get a desktop gaming rig.

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