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Nice Vulcan. was photosop used to spice it up?


Not for the screenshot,is basically Torno's Vucan skin with a full serial no's decal set icluding all the 5 Black Buck AC's,PS was used only to delete the standalone number

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Fuel anyone ??? :grin:


"Gimme fuel, gimme fire,

Gimme that which I desire



...from a famous Metallica song, fits just right, don't you think :grin::clapping::drinks:

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Tu-16's - No.8 Squadron, Parani Air Force, 1961



Edited by Spinners

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Tupolev Tu-16 'Badger-A' - Grupo 1 de Bombardeo, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1966

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Tupolev Tu-16 'Badger-A' - Grupo 1 de Bombardeo, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1966


Just revising the markings. Look out for an upload coming soon!

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Nice argentine bomber. now I can hunt the Royal Navy in my Faklands mod,esp HMS Hermes, circa '83.

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Hmmmm, been messing with some terrains & came across summat strange, maybe a good "what if"

post-841-077745100 1283635993.jpg

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so, what would you call that? BlenHarrier???



kevin stein


(looks like a WW2 terrain that somebody either forgot to remove the callouts for parked statics, or double listed parking slots in the airfield ini)

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post-5735-033969500 1283656872.jpg

post-5735-002726000 1283656878.jpg

post-5735-060655700 1283657232.jpg

Edited by EricJ

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6 Squadron Jaguar GR3A on a strike mission over Germany 1999.




RAF Merlin GR2 low & fast.

Edited by mikeymead
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Fuel anyone ??? :grin:



Now that pod looks fantastic on the old Banana Bomber...

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Fuel anyone ??? :grin:


Quit waving that banana :pleasantry: in my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shok:

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post-841-043148000 1283805842.jpg







You added the "skin camo pattern" from the other forum! Excellent. Still looking forward to all your "Phantom" series updates! The Turk Air Force, The RoKAF, The NAVY/MARINES, IIRAN, EAF, etc...clapping.gifSalute.gif













Fuel anyone ??? :grin:









Looking forward with your Phantom updates with Sundowner too.




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Thanks, they're still on going but things are a little slow at the moment.

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Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle' - Grupo 1 de Bombardeo, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1959

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In our continuing series of "Visiting Famous Sites Around the World", CombatAce Travel, inc, presents this ....



kevin stein

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In our continuing series of "Visiting Famous Sites Around the World", CombatAce Travel, inc, presents this ....



ticket please :grin:

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