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SF2:E - Sea Harrier FA2 shot

Edited by svetlinnh

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Formosa install almost complete. F-100A Rehab's.




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Dave, you ARE going to release this mod, yes???


The Huns look damn good!



kevin stein

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Formosa install almost complete. F-100A Rehab's.




Another excellent quality! Salute.gifclapping.gifyikes.gif

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Dave, you ARE going to release this mod, yes???


The Huns look damn good!




They would have to be totally reworked for SF2, as this uses all the LOD's from SF1 to get them to work. Also since the mapping is different on the SF2 F-100's all the skins would have to be redone.

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Bristol Vincentious P-4A - US Coast Guard, 1972


That's just wrong!





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Nice! are you planning to release?


I'm too embarrassed to release it! Seriously, it's got problems (I've got problems).

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An "old" SF1 aircraft upgraded to SF2 standard :


Mirage F-1C EC 01/012 Cambrésis Cambrai 1978





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They would have to be totally reworked for SF2, as this uses all the LOD's from SF1 to get them to work. Also since the mapping is different on the SF2 F-100's all the skins would have to be redone.


I can do that Dave. I have .psd's from my original skins, plus Ant has hooked me up with SF2 templates.

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If you want to. This was just for my personal stuff.

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Patrolling the Straits






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Any chance of a submerged sub, we can found and kill with the Neptune? BTW, nice pics!!

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I had a thought about that the other day, would a surface ship with no visual model be suitable to stand in for a Sub?

Just find it on radar and pretend your looking at a sonar screen, then drop your torpedo/depth charch.



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I had a thought about that the other day, would a surface ship with no visual model be suitable to stand in for a Sub?

Just find it on radar and pretend your looking at a sonar screen, then drop your torpedo/depth charch.




there is one periscobe model @ *****'s site and some submerged subs also.

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Bristol Vincentious P-4A - US Coast Guard, 1972


hmm instead of carriers it can launch the cruise missles at the drug runners cigerette boats in the 80's!

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Vickers Vengeance B.2 - No.617 'Dambusters' Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1965

Edited by Spinners

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