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Silver lining...


Shoot for the moon

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Fullback Rising!


WOW! Where can I get that precious bird?! :yikes:

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Beautiful shots Spinners...

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Yet more trapping (been working on some OIF/OEF historical loadouts for an Exp2 specific install, just came back from flight trials)


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Myashischev M-12 'Fastfox' - PVO Strany, 1971[/size][/font]


was this the lead in to the Firefox? (mitchell gants version not mikoyans)

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A little bit of Viper fun



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early morning


Is that a Buccaneer pit? Sweet! Top notch!

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cause and effect



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F-101B(67) moonlighting after destroying 12 Badgers with 2 AIR-2 Genies:


Edited by streakeagle

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@ ravenclaw_007 - Best Buccaneer shot ever. Please stop using real photographs!

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Mirage IIICZ Squadron N°2 SAAF :




A little question for the SAAF specialists : did the Mirage IIICZ have specific loadout or is it the same than the French ones ?



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Blacksnakes.....who now fly A-10's.


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Buccaneer S2 , Paulo did an absoulte excellent job on all the decals and skins


just a few


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Sunset Strip


(Younger readers need not apply)

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The Buccaneer is awesome !!!


Mirage IIICZ Squadron N°2 silver :





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One of the F-111B Escorts, gets a double kill with the huge SM-1



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nearly finished, will use the Tu-128 pit for this bird. Works good so far, new U,UD,K,KD,R,RD versions on the way for our Blinder lovers ;)

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