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Laid off from work

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Just found out today. Not a good way to start the new year i guess. Will have more playing time with Thirdwire sims and othergames though, till something comes up. Luckily it was my seconday job, not the primary but it still hurts.

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Sorry to hear that. This is a tough job market; one of my buddies who got his Masters in Business Administration last year still hasn't found work! Hopefully you'll find a new secondary.

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Sorry to hear you got laid off!!!!


I have 2 and a half years left to serve in the Royal Navy Submarine Service, that will have been 22 years service done, my intention is to spend the next 22 years in the US Navy, as an F4 Pilot in Vietnam except I wont be dragging my ass out of bed until dinner time every day and I will fly whenever I want whilst throwing pizza boxes and empty beer cans out of the cockpit!!!:salute:

Edited by GunnySonics

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Fellas, very sorry to hear you all have lost your jobs or without one. Hope things look up soon for you all.

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This is sad news to hear indeed. Stay strong guys and I truely hope for the best outcome possible for you all.

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Thanks for the support. At least I can survive on my primary position but finances are down to only essentials. Sad thing is my pc which contains my sf mods still does not work and i may have to take to the shop. God know what they will charge me. Just finsihed repairing my car for a hefty sum too. So hoepfully nothing bad happens duirng winter. i'll just keep checking in a nd hopefully the summer will get business going again.

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Sorry to hear that...it's the same the World over...the Rich get richer..and the rest of us pay for them to do so

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Just found out today. Not a good way to start the new year i guess. Will have more playing time with Thirdwire sims and othergames though, till something comes up. Luckily it was my seconday job, not the primary but it still hurts.

Don't worry, something else will come up, it always does. After 35 years in the construction racket a layoff to me is a normal part of the job, since buildings are only so big. So don't take a layoff as a personal attack or the end of your career. It's just a chance to start another building!

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I hear and feel you Bro.. :mda:


Its been over 2 years outa work for me already :crazy:

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We'll I just got a double hwammy. I just got laid off from my primary a few hours ago due to workforce reduction. What a way to start the new year. Now I've got nothing but UI to live off of.

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That sucks, sorry to hear that, what a bad way to starty the new year and month.

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Damn dude, total bummer. Hope you get your stuff sorted quickly!




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Being laid off is becoming a national pastime here in Ireland. Just as well the clowns in charge here are doing their final week in parliament before the general election. Let's hope there's more than a few of them will get laid off.

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Yeah, I am new to this as I never lost my full-time job before. part or temp yes. So this is a edcuation for sure.

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I wish you the best of luck in finding another job soon... Sorry to hear it.

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Hi, guys. just thought I keep you posted on the job front. Got a call from my former employer on my secondary saying they needed overnight help which was what I was doing before. So looks like I may start this coming week, but part-time only. But hey, a job's a job. i hope I can get full-time soon. Got a job fair tomorrow and 2 this comign week so i hope it goes well.

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Hi, guys. just thought I keep you posted on the job front. Got a call from my former employer on my secondary saying they needed overnight help which was what I was doing before. So looks like I may start this coming week, but part-time only. But hey, a job's a job. i hope I can get full-time soon. Got a job fair tomorrow and 2 this comign week so i hope it goes well.


Best of luck m8...at least there seems to be a little chink of light at the end of the tunnel :grin:

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I might one one of the few people around who are praying to GET laid off.


Take a hell of a long paid vacation and then go back to work. At my job, we have one lady that got laid off when her position was outsourced and had a ball for about 11 months until she got a bit bored and came back to another department!


I'd do the same thing as there are maybe 6-7 positions i could do.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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"Best of luck m8...at least there seems to be a little chink of light at the end of the tunnel"


Yep, every little bit matters

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Guest Pfunk

Texas will be laying off more than 100K teachers in the next few months. I've made it through the first round of pink slips. I may not make it through the second.

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