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Massive Earthquake in Japan

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DAM..... Chills up my spine. Leaving in a coastal area myself this hits a little close to home if you know what i mean?



@ Siddog stay safe bro!! Keep checking in as you can.

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Yes, whole block walls collapsed, due to some kind of explosion, origin unknown, now they're showing this via NHK World... reports of Cs in the air surrounding the reactor


It's getting f**king worse

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I just don't know what to say... Let's hope they can avert another catastrophe.

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Heliborne relief soon on the way.


.....Guess who's goin? [ CLAP! ]







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Explosion seems to be a Hydrogenium Gas explosion. Same **** as in Chernobyl. But a big difference is that the japanese dont use graphit in their reactor, so it cant burn.


In emergency it would be good for the people there to drink red wine. Red wine washes the radioactive elements out of the human body.

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Apparently it was the gas they vented from the containment building that exploded. The actual containment building and reactor core are undamaged and radiation levels are dropping.

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The explosions on the BBC site as well - lets hope the leak gets contained.


Found these:









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Some people are nothing but purely trash. Damn I hate this world.


...Man, you got that right. #SMH


Terrible things may have happened in the past.


But one must exercise such virtues as forgiveness and longsuffering...


...Not to mention patience. :blink:


WHEN BLACK SEA 2 COMIN?! :clapping:








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The Japanese wartime regime tortured one of my relatives, a sailor in the Royal Navy , who was captured during the Fall of Singapore.

It's quite a personal thing for me, he should have still been around when I was growing up but he died quite young - long before I was born - because of the injuries inflicted on him in the POW camp.


But that was 70 years ago when their leaders were idiots and I don't feel like it has anything to do with what is happening now.


Japanese militarism, Fascism and Nazism are dead and buried. You can't blame people today for the sins of ( some of ) their ancestors - even if those sins were terrible.

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Some people are nothing but purely trash. Damn I hate this world.


These people, without a single exception are utter, utter scumbags. Let it go!! It was a long damn time ago and your two countries have since moved on.


That said, here's hoping it stays stable enough for the authorities to beable to effect a rescue. I think last I read, there were something like 10k missing. And then there are the reactors that are in some serious trouble, for example. This is truly awful! I've got old exchange student buddies who've been saying similar stuff Sid. It's harrowing stuff. You take care dude! Remember to keep food and water on you at all times!

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The part that boggles the mind is that many of those Wankers drive Toyotas, and watch TV or Listen to music on a SONY



Hm... I do not drive a Toyota, I really do not buy Japanese products if not necessary, when I see an older Japanese I do wonder if his father or grandpa maybe hit my father in the face and starved and tortured him almost to death at the Birma railroad, or struck my mother with a cane for not properly bowing for the jap emperor in the camps at Java... Furthermore when my Dad died in1968 at the age of only 65, they found out it had to do with what he had to endure during the war...........

BUT: it is absolutely saddening to see the devastation in Japan right now, I feel extremely sorry for all the people involved and I'm inclined to do everything I can to help them. The war is over, bombed to a nuclear end at Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, Pearl Harbour has been revenged, it's over and done with for me........

Right now it's humanity that is at stake and we should do everything we can to help the poor and innocent victims in Japan, we should unconditionally stand with them and I have a deep, deep respecty for the way they handle things..... I am thinking about them and if I had been a religious person I would have been praying for them .






Edited by Derk

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News said, that more then 10.000 people are missing. More then 1.000 dead people are found up today.

Japan has massive problems with producing electrical energy. Its a hard time for them.

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Some people are nothing but purely trash. Damn I hate this world.


Is that a forum especially dedicated to decerebrated premature babies, salvaged by rednecks from maternity hospital garbage cans, and who traded all of their blood for tainted whiskey !?!!

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